The blood shackles are against the harmony of nature.

Ye Yu sighed: "Bloodline shackles are against the harmony of nature."

Ye Yu's meaning is very clear. He is giving Lian a chance to reform.

If Lian still has a trace of conscience in her heart, thinking that Tuan Tuan is her daughter, and can stop in time, then he will naturally not attack Lian.

But, if Lian is stubborn again and again, then he can only suppress her by force.

However, Lian did not understand Ye Yu's implication and sneered: "So what?"

Lian's eyes were firm, and she spoke again: "In order to break through the realm of Emperor Wu, all sacrifices are worth it."

Perhaps, she was a little soft-hearted just now.

However, breaking through the Martial Emperor and becoming the strongest in the world has always been her long-cherished wish, even if it means sacrificing her daughter.

During the ten years of traveling around the Tianxuan Continent, her state of mind has completely changed.

She has seen too many injustices, and she once tried to change all of this, but her power was too weak.

In the end, Lian understood that only by having a strong power can one be qualified to speak out.

She wants to become the supreme empress, and she will change this unfair world!

"You use your own daughter's life to achieve yourself. Your behavior is not worthy of being a mother!"

"Moreover, the time has not come. This world does not allow creatures to become Martial Emperors. Everything you do is in vain."

However, Lian did not believe Ye Yu's words and sneered, "You want to deceive me, impossible!"

Ye Yu shook his head: "Believe it or not."

He has made it very clear that the time has not come, and this world cannot cultivate into a Martial Emperor, but it's a pity that Lian did not believe it.

Now, the laws of Tianxuan Continent are damaged and insufficient to support the cultivation of living beings to the realm of Martial Emperor.

Only when the will of the plane awakens, the laws are reshaped, and the heaven and earth are complete, can the living beings of this continent hope to enter the realm of Martial Emperor.

Otherwise, no matter how much effort is made, it will be in vain in the end.


Unfortunately, Lian is not in this category...

However, Lian's brain circuit is not on the same channel as Ye Yu, and she asked back: "Are you stalling for time?"

Hearing Lian's words, Ye Yu was silent for a while.

However, in Lian's view, Ye Yu's silence was because she was exposed by her thoughts and was speechless.

Moreover, Lian felt that she had wasted too much time in the verbal dispute with Ye Yu, and it would not be long before Gandhi and the other two would be back.

If she waited until Gandhi and the other three came back and then joined forces with Ye Yu to deal with her, then things would become more difficult.

Ye Yu alone gave her a headache, and if three martial saints were added to her to help her, her chances of winning would be much smaller.

Thinking of this, Lian was completely sure that Ye Yu was stalling for time. He was playing a trick on her, and she almost fell into his trap.

"Die! Old fox!"

At this moment, Lian's heart was full of anger at being played by Ye Yu. A trace of cruelty flashed in her eyes, and the spiritual power around her began to riot. An ice-blue long sword appeared in her hand, and at the same time, a cold air overflowed from her body.

This cold air was centered on Lian. Wherever it went, the temperature in the air dropped sharply, and even the surrounding space seemed to be frozen.

This hall has been temporarily blocked by Lian, like an independent space isolated from the world. Even if Lian and Ye Yu's battle was fierce, people outside could not detect any abnormality.

Lian shouted softly, and the ice-blue long sword in her hand made a buzzing sound under the injection of spiritual power.

The sword trembled slightly, and the surrounding cold air gradually condensed. Countless pieces of ice about ten feet high began to appear around Lian.

Under Lian's control, these pieces of ice began to pile up together and continued to condense, and finally turned into a five-foot-high sword, slashing towards Ye Yu.

However, Ye Yu just raised his hand, and the sword condensed by countless pieces of ice shattered instantly.

Lian's eyes flashed with astonishment, and she wanted to attack again.

However, Ye Yu did not give her another chance.

Suddenly, a powerful and suffocating pressure gushed out from Ye Yu like a tidal wave, instantly pressing Lian to the ground.

Lian wanted to struggle, but she found that she could not move at all.

Lian's face was full of disbelief. She didn't believe that everything that happened at this moment was true.

She didn't believe that she was easily defeated by Ye Yu, and

Moreover, she had no power to fight back.

At this moment, she was suppressed by Ye Yu and could not move. Only her mouth could make a sound.

"Are you the Martial Emperor?" Lian said nervously.

Now, she could only think of the Martial Emperor, because only the Martial Emperor could easily suppress her.

However, Ye Yu shook his head and denied: "I am not!"

But Lian did not believe it and roared: "You are the Martial Emperor, you are the Martial Emperor. I didn't expect that I would lose to a Martial Emperor today. I didn't lose unfairly."

Lian's eyes were full of unwillingness.

Then, she thought of something and roared: "You lied to me. I can break through the realm of Martial Emperor. I know that you are afraid that I will break through the Martial Emperor and affect your status, so you came here to stop me."

At this moment, Lian was completely crazy. She thought of everything in the worst direction and speculated about Ye Yu with the greatest malice.

"I don't need to do this. Emperor Wu is nothing in my eyes!"

After saying that, he didn't give Lian another chance to speak.

After a while, Gandhi and the other two came back. Their robes were stained with large patches of blood, and it was obvious that they had encountered a fierce battle.

Gan Shi and Gan Kun each held a bloody man in their hands. From their faces, it could be seen that they were Lin Xiu and Zi Hao.

During the battle with Zi Hao and Lin Xiu, they clearly felt that the two did not seem to be conscious. The various actions they made were not driven by their own intentions, as if they were controlled by others.

Moreover, at the last moment of the battle, Gandhi and the other two clearly felt that Lin Xiu and Zi Hao wanted to self-destruct, but the three had the experience of a hundred years ago, so how could they allow the tragedy to happen again.

So, under the cover of Gan Shi and Gan Kun, Gandhi took decisive action before the two self-destructed and destroyed their Dantian.

Without the blessing of spiritual power, Zi Hao and Lin Xiu naturally had no ability to self-destruct.

Although the destruction of the Dantian means that all the cultivation has been lost, being able to save one's life is the best result.

After finishing everything, Gandhi and the other two rushed back to the Elders' Hall.

Because the safety of the Saint is the most important.

Although the Saint is protected by Ye Yu, the "Martial Emperor", they must see that the Saint is safe and sound before they can rest assured.

However, when they returned to the Elders' Hall again, they saw Lian lying on the ground...

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