After the two soldiers had finished their work, they found the stall of "Lin Banxian".

Following the direction pointed by Ye Yu, the patrol soldiers soon found the stall of "Lin Banxian".

Then, the leader ordered: "Catch him!"

Then, two soldiers immediately stepped forward and held down "Lin Banxian".

Faced with this sudden situation, "Lin Banxian" was stunned and forgot to resist for a moment.

Then, "Lin Banxian" realized that something was wrong and shouted: "Why did you catch me? Let me go!"

"Lin Banxian" had just arrived and didn't know what he had done wrong, but he was caught for no reason.

"Hmph! Still trying to be tough! Spreading rumors and misleading people! Which one of them is wronged against you!"

As if he was not satisfied with what he said, the leader spitted on "Lin Banxian"'s face.

This action made "Lin Banxian" feel extremely humiliated and angry. He struggled desperately, shouting excitedly: "Ahhh!!! Let me go!"

So disgusting!

This person actually spit saliva on his face, and there was a mouthful of old phlegm in it.

He has mysophobia!

At this time, "Lin Banxian" had only one idea, that is, to quickly wash off the filth on his face.

So, "Lin Banxian" began to struggle desperately, trying to break free from the restraints of the two guards.

However, he was just an ordinary person with no power, how could he break free from the restraints of two martial artists?

In the end, he tried his best in vain, and could only be detained by a group of soldiers and thrown into the prison car.

Because a humanoid ATM was caught, the leader was in a good mood: "Boy, spreading such treasonous words is a capital crime, enjoy your last moments!"

Capital crime!

These two words hit him hard on the head like thunder.

He was going to be executed on the first day of coming to the alien world!

Why is his fate so miserable!

Could it be that he had cheated on too many girls in his previous life, and he was punished by God in this life!

Oh my God!

Fate doesn't play like this!

He didn't commit any great crimes that are intolerable to heaven!

Collapse! At this time, "Lin Banxian" collapsed extremely.

He prayed to God in his heart, is there anyone who can save him! He doesn't want to die!

However, there was no response!

In despair, he remembered that he still had a system!

Then, "Lin Banxian" kept reciting the word "system" in his heart, vowing to wake up the system.

After much waiting, a "sizzling" sound of electricity rang in his mind.

"Lin Banxian" was ecstatic. This was the voice of the system. The system heard his request for advice.

"Lin Banxian" excitedly muttered: "System, is that you?"

"Host, didn't I say not to bother me before the novice mission is completed!"

An impatient electric voice rang.

"System, if you don't save me, I'm going to die!"

Then, "Lin Banxian" tearfully told the system about his tragic experience, including the fact that Ye Yu ran away from the bill, no matter how big or small.

Hearing "Lin Banxian's" words, the system not only did not comfort him, but directly scolded him: "Waste! "

The system was both annoyed and speechless. This "Lin Banxian" was simply the worst host he had ever led. He was more likely to cause trouble than to accomplish anything.

If it had not been blocked by an unknown force when it entered the Tianxuan Continent, causing it to suffer heavy damage, how could it have been forced to bind "Lin Banxian", a useless host.

Now, its source is almost gone, and it can only be used once at most before it falls into a deep sleep.

Unless "Lin Banxian" can complete the novice task and replenish some of his energy, it will be completely paralyzed.

At this moment, the system regretted why it entered the Tianxuan Continent and why it bound "Lin Banxian", a useless person.

Now, the two of them are already on the same boat, and even if it wants to unbind, it is too late.

It can only use the last bit of source to send "Lin Banxian" to a safe place.

Then, the system solemnly explained: "Host, I will transfer you to a safe place now, and you will rely on yourself from now on. Remember, if you want to survive in this world, you have no other way but to rely on me. "

Until the end, the system gave "Lin Banxian" a bowl of chicken soup, reminding him in disguise not to forget to do the novice tasks.

At this time, "Lin Banxian" also burst into tears and nodded repeatedly: "System, I know!"

Then, a white light appeared, and "Lin Banxian" in the prison car disappeared in the crowd.

field of vision.

"Where are the people?"

A group of soldiers looked at the empty prisoner car, looking confused, as if they couldn't believe that a living person had disappeared before their eyes.


At the same time, "Lin Banxian" was successfully teleported to the outskirts of Ziyan City by the system.

It's not that he didn't want to send "Lin Banxian" farther away, it's just that the remaining source of "Lin Banxian" is pitiful, and a good cook can't cook without rice!

"Finally safe!" Looking at the unfamiliar scene in front of him, "Lin Banxian" breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh? Is it really safe?"

A familiar voice sounded from behind.

"Lin Banxian" was frightened and thought that the group of soldiers had caught up with him, and he wanted to stand up and run away in a panic.

However, when he wanted to stand up, he found that his body could not move.

Then, Ye Yu came to "Lin Banxian" in an instant and looked at him with a smile on his face.

"It's you? A runaway!"

How could "Lin Banxian" forget this familiar face? After all, it was this runaway who caused him to fail to complete the novice mission.

The promised one million spirit stones, but not even a shadow was seen.

A runaway?

What a modern word, it seems that he is undoubtedly a fellow villager.

Ye Yu never said anything, but just raised the corners of his mouth and kept looking at him quietly.

Ye Yu's smile was too creepy, which made "Lin Banxian" scared from the bottom of his heart.

"What do you want to do?" "Lin Banxian" asked with a look of horror.

"What? What do you think? Hehehe..."

The familiar villain's laughter made "Lin Banxian" shudder.

Then, "Lin Banxian" shouted: "System, save me!"

"Lin Banxian" would have been fine if he didn't shout, but once he shouted, Ye Yu's hidden murderous intent was completely out of control.

"I'll send you to see your brother in the Human Emperor Banner!"

Then, with one palm, "Lin Banxian" was shattered.

Suddenly, a white light emerged from the place where "Lin Banxian" died, and its target was Ye Yu.

Because it could feel that there was a special power in Ye Yu that was always attracting it, it wanted to bind Ye Yu, and then completely take that power for itself.

Ye Yu wanted to stop it, but the power of the system was too special, and it directly broke through his heavy defenses and flew towards his mind.


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