The situation lasted for ten days.

In ten days, the ancient battlefield had been turned upside down by everyone, but they couldn't find even a hair. Such a gap also made the entire ancient battlefield fall into a sea of ​​complaints.

At this moment, countless people had a thought at the same time, that is, the way of heaven was playing tricks on them!


Boom boom...

With this loud noise, the entire ancient battlefield seemed to be shaken. The dull sound was like an invisible shock wave, which quickly spread to every corner.

This sudden change made everyone present feel a little uneasy in their hearts.

"What happened?" Someone asked in panic.

Something must be wrong when things are out of the ordinary. Someone boldly speculated: "Is there a treasure that is about to appear in the world?"

This speculation immediately caused a commotion, but more people remained vigilant.

After all, the seemingly calm ancient battlefield may hide unknown risks, and everyone dared not relax their vigilance at all times.

Perhaps this muffled sound did not mean the arrival of an opportunity, but some potential threat.

So, everyone was very alert and paid close attention to the movements around them to prevent possible dangers.

Time passed by, but the surroundings were still as calm as before, and nothing unusual happened.

Just when people began to doubt whether the muffled sound just now was just a false alarm, suddenly, a sharp scream broke the silent air.

"Look at those tombstones!"

The scream was full of fear and astonishment.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and saw that the ancient tombstones that originally stood on the edge of the battlefield began to tremble slightly at this moment.

These strange and dangerous tombstones have gone through the vicissitudes of time and have long been worn out and dilapidated, but they still reveal a solemn atmosphere.

However, now, they seem to be touched by a mysterious force and begin to emit a low humming sound.

Then, these tombstones seemed to come alive and gradually emerged with strange light.

Between the flashing lights, some twisted figures can be vaguely seen shuttling and swimming among them.

Everyone was stunned by the wonders in front of them and was at a loss for a while.

At the same time, Ye Yu slowly opened his eyes and said in a deep voice: "It's time!"

Before the voice fell, the shadows on these tombstones had become clear in this short time, and they looked no different from real people.

The appearance of these heroic souls is naturally evolved according to their appearance before their death. At this moment, they are officially awakened, and their purpose is naturally to give their inheritance to the destined people.

However, everyone does not know the purpose of these heroic souls, so they are naturally confused.

"What's going on with these people?"

"They emerged from the tombstone. Could they be the souls of ancient heroes?"

"What are they going to do?"

Looking at these heroic souls standing quietly beside the tombstone, everyone was talking about it.

At this time, Ye Yu said lightly: "These people are ancient heroic souls. Their purpose is naturally to select inheritors to inherit their mantle!"

Ye Yu's voice was not loud, but many people heard it.

"Ancient heroic souls? My friend, how did you know?" A quasi-emperor asked.

Ye Yu smiled indifferently and pointed to the ancient heroic soul not far away: "Of course they told me!"


As Ye Yu pointed his finger, the ancient heroic soul not far away seemed to be given life, and began to move slowly and walked towards Ye Yu.

And this scene did not only appear in this place, but also in other places. The ancient heroic souls were the same.

"Boom boom boom..."

The ground began to shake violently, and the sound of rapid footsteps was like thunder, getting closer and closer, all converging in the direction of Ye Yu.

Obviously, the target of these ancient heroic spirits was Ye Yu!

Although those confused warriors did not know what was going on, they followed the steps of the ancient heroic spirits after seeing their actions.

In this way, under the leadership of the heroic spirits, everyone returned to the place where the dream began.

Although the ancient battlefield was large, there were not many heroic spirits in it, only a few hundred people in total. After all, only the strong with the strength of the God Realm can become heroic spirits and live forever in the world after death.

However, even if only a few hundred people rushed towards Ye Yu at the same time, the scene was enough to be amazing.


Most of the people present were latecomers and didn't know what happened. They thought Ye Yu had done something that angered the heavens and the people, which attracted these ancient heroic spirits to take action.

However, the development of the matter was not as everyone thought.

I saw that hundreds of ancient heroic spirits knelt down together.

This scene puzzled everyone present.

"What's going on?"

"Aren't these people going to tear Ye Yu apart? Why did they kneel down to him? Did they make a mistake?"

"Also, who knows who these people are?"

At this time, someone repeated what Ye Yu had said before: "These people are ancient heroic spirits, and their purpose is to select inheritors to inherit their mantle!"

When these words came out, everyone took a breath!

What? Inheritance!

Did the ancient battlefield really have the inheritance of the strong?

"How do you know these things?" someone asked.

This person directly admitted: "Ye Yu said it!"


At this time, Ye Yu looked at the ancient heroic spirits kneeling together, and he also had a headache.

Because, these opportunities are useless to him!

Kung Fu? He is invincible, no need! Martial arts? In addition to being cool, they are also flashy and useless to him, like chicken ribs.

However, these ancient heroic spirits are too enthusiastic, as if they must ask him to choose a few from these inheritances, otherwise they will kneel down forever!


Ye Yu murmured: "This is not what I want. It's really because I am too good that these opportunities are rushing to my bowl!"

Then, Ye Yu also picked three opportunities that he liked from hundreds of opportunities and put them in his pocket.

After the selection was completed, Ye Yu said helplessly: "You get up!"

Seeing that Ye Yu had selected three inheritances, these ancient heroic spirits slowly stood up, bowed to Ye Yu again at 90 degrees, and then each looked for a suitable inheritor.

Too many wolves and little meat!

There are only a few hundred copies of the inheritance, and there are so many warriors who enter the ancient battlefield, millions of people. It is conceivable that many people will return empty-handed!

The reason why these ancient heroes choose the inheritors is very simple, that is, they like the person and they like him. They don’t care whether the person is strong or weak, or whether he is a genius or a waste.

Therefore, many warriors with mediocre talents and weak strength have been favored by these ancient heroes and obtained the inheritance of God that everyone dreams of.

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