The sky was full of fog, and the sky was full of fog.

Tianshu rolled all the way to the edge of Tianxuan Continent.

Looking at the strange scene around him, Tianshu looked confused and asked, "Who am I? Where am I?"

Ye Yu's soul-sucking command was to let Tianshu roll out of Tianxuan Continent. In the soul-sucking state, Tianshu would become a puppet that only executed commands without any self-awareness.

When Tianshu rolled out of Tianxuan Continent, the soul-sucking state was automatically lifted.

Similarly, Tianshu would not have any memory of being soul-sucked, and his memory would still stay at the time of the "happy" conversation with Ye Yu.

"Wasn't I in Jiangzhou City just now?"

"Isn't this Qingyan Realm? Why am I here?"

Tianshu was puzzled.

"Forget it, let's go back again!"

The moment Tianshu stepped into Tianxuan Continent, his body suddenly trembled violently, as if being pulled by an invisible force.

His footsteps stopped involuntarily, and the whole person seemed to be frozen, standing still.

In an instant, Tianshu completely lost control of his body, his eyes were empty and confused.

At the same time, Tianshu hugged himself into a ball, rolling towards the outside of Tianxuan Continent like a round ball.

Fortunately, the distance was not far, and Tianshu left Tianxuan Continent in just one or two breaths.

At this moment, Tianshu stood in the sky above Qingyan Realm with confused eyes.

Once again, back to the starting point.

"What's going on! Why am I still in Qingyan Realm!" Tianshu roared, "Hmph! I don't believe that Tianxuan Continent can stop me."

As soon as the voice fell, Tianshu stepped into Tianxuan Continent again.

However, in less than ten breaths, he appeared again in the sky above Qingyan Realm, and everything returned to the starting point.

Not far away, Ye Yu looked at Tian Shu who was rolling over and over again, and a smile appeared on his lips.

"It seems that the soul-stealing technique has been improved and has a good effect!"

Originally, the soul-stealing technique was just a low-level secret technique, which could only be used on martial saints at most. After all, the soul-stealing technique was created by an unknown martial emperor in ancient times, and its upper limit was not high.

But after Ye Yu's long-term improvement, the upper limit of the soul-stealing technique was raised, and theoretically it was more than enough to control a god emperor.

In order to verify whether his improved soul-stealing technique can achieve the expected effect, Ye Yu needs to find a suitable experimental subject.

And Tian Shu was very "lucky" to become the little white mouse.

Facts have proved that after his improvement, the soul-stealing technique is now perfect, and it is more than enough to control a ninth-level god emperor.

"Not bad! Not bad! I am really a genius!" Ye Yu's face was full of smiles and he was in a good mood.

Tian Shu would fall into the soul-stealing state as soon as he stepped into the Tianxuan Continent, and this phenomenon was naturally seen by Ye Yu.

"It seems that the soul-stealing technique has an unexpected surprise!"

It was completely beyond Ye Yu's expectation that the soul-stealing effect could be effective multiple times at a time.

According to Ye Yu's estimation, the soul-stealing effect on Tian Shu should last for seven times.

In other words, as long as the soul-stealing effect is applied to the opponent once, it can be effective ten times in a row.

Of course, this must have specific triggering conditions.

Take Tian Shu as an example. His triggering condition is the Tianxuan Continent. As long as Tian Shu steps into the Tianxuan Continent, the soul-stealing command will take effect immediately. The final result can only be that Tian Shu will leave the Tianshu Continent in a round shape.

Moreover, the soul-stealing effect will not fade with the passage of time. This is a mark engraved in the bones and blood. Unless you die, it will never be removed in your lifetime.

"I am a genius!" Ye Yu praised himself again from the bottom of his heart.


At this time, Tian Shu stood there in a daze.

Once again, twice, but not three times, although Tian Shu did not have the memory of entering the soul-stealing state, he obviously realized that something was wrong.

"No! No! No!" Tianshu murmured several times and shook his head.

"I must have been under an illusion!"

Tianshu was not unfamiliar with illusions. After all, Emperor Huanmeng, one of the nine emperors, was proficient in illusions, and his attainments in illusions were unmatched.

It was rumored that her illusions could easily control several powerful God Emperors. Even powerful people of the same realm would be tricked if they were not careful. Emperor Ziwei had been defeated by her.

It is conceivable how terrible her attainments in illusions are!

"Could it be that he cast an illusion on me?" Tianshu thought to himself.

Now, his state is very similar to that of being under an illusion, and he has no memory of a certain stage.

"Why not try again!"

This time, Tianshu

Shu was cautious and took a magic pill that restrained illusions in advance.

When he stepped into Tianxuan Continent with full confidence, he left Tianxuan Continent again like the previous two times.

"How is it possible?"

Tianshu was shocked. You should know that the magic pill he just took was made by Emperor Ziwei.

This is a magic pill that Emperor Ziwei spent more than 100,000 years to refine to restrain illusions. It is no exaggeration to say that even if it is an illusion planted by Emperor Huanmeng, it can get a moment of clarity from the illusion.

However, the magic pill he just took did not work.

Then, there are only two possibilities.

One possibility is that the person who planted the illusion in him is stronger than Emperor Huanmeng.

This is impossible!

In the entire God Realm, who can be compared with Emperor Huanmeng in terms of illusion attainments? After all, Emperor Huanmeng has been practicing the way of illusions for millions of years.

Ye Yu, how old is he?

Only more than 120 years old!

This is absolutely impossible!

Another possibility is that he was not in an illusion.

But if it was not an illusion, he could not think of any means to control a ninth-level God Emperor silently.

At this moment, a deep voice suddenly sounded from behind Tianshu: "Lord Tianshu..."

Tianshu was startled and turned around suddenly, his eyes swept behind him like lightning.

Just now, he was completely immersed in his own thoughts and did not notice that someone had quietly approached him.

The powerful aura of the ninth-level God Emperor spread without warning, as if as long as he realized that the other party was an enemy, he would kill him without hesitation.

Faced with such fierce killing intent, the man in front of him was terrified. He knelt on the ground without hesitation, kowtowed repeatedly, and said in a trembling voice: "Lord Tianshu, please forgive my rudeness! I am Li Dazhuang, the master of Qingyan Realm. I am lucky to see you today, which is a great honor!"

Tianshu's face was as calm as water, and his voice was as cold as ice: "What's the matter?"

Li Dazhuang said anxiously: "It is an honor for Qingyan Realm that you come to Qingyan Realm in person. I come here to welcome you!"

"Just now, did you see anything unusual?" Tianshu's eyes were sharp, staring straight into Li Dazhuang's eyes, as if he wanted to see through his eyes to see his true thoughts.

This question made Li Dazhuang's body tremble involuntarily.

How to answer this?

Should I tell Lord Tianshu that he just witnessed his embarrassed appearance of rolling several times at the border between Qingyan Realm and Tianxuan Continent?

No, you must never say such words!

If you tell the truth, I'm afraid your life will be in danger!

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