The system immediately became alert when it heard the sudden sound. After all, its detection radar was always on, and someone could avoid its radar and appear silently under its nose. This made the system worry whether the owner of the sound was a human, a ghost, or a colleague? At this time, a handsome young man with a heavenly appearance appeared in front of the two. The young man looked familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere. "Who are you?" Huang San stared at the young man in front of him and asked. "Ye Yu!"

"Native, are you looking for death?"

Huang San directly regarded Ye Yu as a native and shouted angrily: "Look at my Sea God Light!"

Huang San's Sea God harpoon had been destroyed. Without a suitable weapon, he could only use the Sea God Light to deal with Ye Yu.

However, Huang San's Sea God Light had no offensiveness at all, and it didn't hurt Ye Yu.

"Lie down!" Ye Yu said lightly.

As soon as he said it, Huang San's body collapsed immediately, lying on the ground like a puppy.

"You are the worst time traveler I have ever seen!" Ye Yu commented truthfully.

Time traveler?

Hearing these three words, the system was shocked.

This person actually knew the word "time traveler", doesn't that mean he is also a time traveler?

The system looked up and down at Ye Yu, and then looked at Huang San lying on the ground, and sighed: Why is the host it brings so bad even though they are both time travelers?

However, what the system could not understand was that it did not seem to sense any trace of fellow travelers in Ye Yu.

Could it be that this person did not have a system?

As soon as this idea came into being, it was rejected by the system.

Impossible, if a traverser did not have a system, it would be impossible for him to reach such a high level in a short period of time.

Although it could not see through Ye Yu, its intuition told it that Ye Yu was much stronger than the so-called Ziwei Emperor.

Ziwei Emperor was not even as good as a hair of Ye Yu.

Compared with the surprise of the system, Huang San was ecstatic when he heard Ye Yu shout the three words "traverser".

Because he and Ye Yu were fellow villagers.

Since they were fellow villagers, they were much closer than those natives.

Immediately, Huang San began to make connections, and said with tears and snot: "Fellow villagers, I finally met fellow villagers in this strange place..."

Ye Yu raised the corners of his mouth, but did not speak, just quietly appreciating Huang San's exaggerated performance.

However, Huang San didn't know that in Ye Yu's eyes, he was now like a clown.

After laying the groundwork for a while, Huang San stated his purpose: "Fellow countryman, those natives actually bullied me, you have to help me!"

"Oh? Tell me?" Ye Yu chuckled, his eyes full of teasing.

"Fellow countryman, they not only beat me, but also insulted our great sea god!"

Ye Yu raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Sea god? Which sea god are you talking about?"

"Of course it's our San Gege. Apart from him, who else is qualified to be called the sea god." Huang San said without hesitation.

"Why haven't I heard of this sea god?"

"Fellow countryman, you haven't heard of San Gege's glorious deeds, it's your loss."

Immediately, Huang San talked about San Gege's "glorious deeds" one by one.

Especially when talking about "Resurrection, my spicy rabbit head", Huang San's admiration was about to overflow, and he said: "San Gege is the best ant in the world."

"Fellow countryman, you don't know how cool San Gege's line is. You have already got a way to die. How about it, is it full of force?"

"Well, full!" Ye Yu said sarcastically.

However, Huang San was still immersed in the admiration of San Gege, and did not hear the sarcasm in Ye Yu's tone at all.

Then, Huang San reiterated his purpose again: "Fellow countryman, San Gege is such a perfect ant, and he was humiliated by a group of natives. You must seek justice for him!"

Ye Yu waved his hand and sneered: "What does it have to do with me?"

Hearing Ye Yu's words, Huang San was angry: "Fellow countryman, he is our San Gege, and you are indifferent to being insulted by a group of natives. Are you still a human being?"

"You like a bunch of people, and you want to drag me into it!" Ye Yu sneered.

"San Gege is the best in the world, the best person in the world. How dare you insult San Gege? You are not worthy of being a human being. Aren't you afraid of retribution?" Huang San continued to curse.

"You are the same as your San Gege, both are a piece of shit."

"If you insult San Gege, I will kill you, I will kill you!"

Huang San

His eyes were red, and he struggled to get up.

However, no matter how he struggled, he could not get rid of the restraints, let alone rush to Ye Yu.

Ye Yu had a smile on his face: "Since you like your San Gege so much, why don't I take you to see him?"

Huang San is indeed a diehard fan of San Gege. When he heard San Gege, his mind immediately became abnormal: "You want to send me to see San Gege, take me there!"

"Fellow countryman, take me to see San Gege, I want to live and die with my San Gege, why does that rabbit occupy my San Gege, only I am the most qualified to stand beside San Gege." Huang San showed a shy attitude.

Ye Yu understood that Huang San was not just a diehard fan of San Gege, but also San Gege's dream.

Finally, Ye Yu could no longer bear Huang San, and with a wave of his hand, he raised his knife and killed Huang San cleanly.

As if seeing some disgusting filth, Ye Yu even crushed Huang San to dust, leaving no ashes.

Disgusting! Disgusting!

At this moment, Ye Yu regretted so much, why did he waste so much time and energy with Huang San, such a filthy thing.

If he had solved it cleanly before, he wouldn't have...


Because Huang San ruined his good mood, Ye Yu crushed Huang San's system to dust, even the origin of the system, for fear of being contaminated by bad luck.

The filthy system of a filthy person made him sick to collect, so he might as well throw it away.


"Sir, what happened?" Li Batian asked in a low voice.

"I stepped on a lump, bad luck!" Ye Yu's face was gloomy.

Stepped on a lump? When did he step on it? Li Batian was confused and looked confused.

Could it be that Ye Yu just left, no way?

Ye Yu had clearly been here the whole time, could it be that I was dazzled?

"Xiao Yun, did the young master leave just now?" Li Batian asked in a low voice.

Xiao Yun shook his head, and it was obvious that he was also confused.

"The young master has great magical powers, so we should not ask questions that we shouldn't ask." Xiao Yun whispered.

Li Batian nodded in agreement.

After all, he rarely saw Ye Yu angry, and in order to avoid being "guilty of being caught in the crossfire", Li Batian immediately suppressed his curiosity.

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