The "nuclear bomb" reserves in the Cangxuan world are sufficient, and the ones used on the four main gods are just a drop in the bucket. However, judging from the current situation, the four main gods guarding outside the Cangxuan world are obviously unable to withstand the bombardment of the remaining "nuclear bombs". For a while, Ye Yu didn't know how to deal with the remaining "nuclear bombs". After a while, Ye Yu finally made a decision: "Keep it for now, maybe it will be used later." Immediately, Ye Yu waved his hand, and the remaining sky-high light pillars disappeared with a "whoosh" and returned to the ground. Most of the people in the God Realm who didn't know what was going on thought that these hundreds of light pillars were a great opportunity, and they all flew towards the location where the light pillars disappeared. Judging from the attitude of the crowd, they must be planning to dig three feet deep to find the opportunity.

Regarding the madness of the crowd, Ye Yu held the idea of ​​letting them go, anyway, even if they dug the land of the God Realm, they could not find the so-called "opportunity".

It was also because of Ye Yu's "kindness" that the four main gods were able to save their lives.

After a long time, the "nuclear bomb" came again, and the main gods Wanli, Qingming and Yuhua couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, the three dared not stay any longer and dragged their seriously injured bodies back home.

The main god Hongyan, who was forgotten by the three, lay alone on the ground, letting the cold north wind pass across his cheeks.

Due to the serious injury, the main god Hongyan was in a coma for half a month before waking up again.

After waking up, the main god Hongyan immediately felt something was wrong, especially the chill in his lower body.

Looking closely, the Red Flame Lord's eyes were red as he roared. The powerful divine power was vented with anger, and it directly destroyed some small worlds around him.

There is no doubt that the Red Flame Lord was robbed while he was unconscious, and the robbers didn't even leave him a piece of clothing.

Fortunately, the Red Flame Lord was not a virgin, otherwise it would not be just robbed of money.

"Evil beast, don't let me catch you, otherwise I will tear you into pieces."

The Red Flame Lord returned to the Thousand Flames World with a gloomy face.

"Lord Lord!"

People who came and went knelt down to salute when they saw the Red Flame Lord return, but the Red Flame Lord ignored them and just walked straight to his palace.

"Strange, what's wrong with the Lord Lord today?"

"I don't know, but it seems that he is in a bad mood. Let's leave quickly."

The Red Flame Lord was in a bad mood. Everyone who saw him could clearly feel a low pressure that was cold enough to freeze the bone marrow.

In addition, everyone also noticed that the clothes on the Red Flame Lord were not his own. The material was extremely cheap, and it looked like the clothes worn by ordinary people in the Thousand Flame World.

For this point, everyone dared not say much.

Because, that was the Red Flame Lord, the only king in the Thousand Flame World, and discussing him was undoubtedly seeking death.


Time flies, and a year has passed unknowingly.

On this day, people in the entire universe, no matter where they are or what they are doing, can hear a sound like glass breaking.

Yuhua World.

The four Lords gathered in the newly built Yuhua City.

"The barrier of the Cangxuan World has disappeared..."

The Lord of Yuhua looked to the northwest, his eyes shining.

"Let's go, everyone, it's time to go to the Cangxuan World."

The Lord of Wanli took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

During this year, the four people struggled many times, whether to go to the Cangxuan World on the day when the barrier was broken to find the inheritance of Taoist Cangxuan.

After all, the shadows cast by the several "nuclear bombs" a year ago were too great.

They were afraid that they would be attacked by those "nuclear bombs" again and eventually lose their lives.

But the desire buried in their hearts overcame the fear, and finally the four people unanimously decided to go to the Cangxuan world to find the inheritance of Cangxuan Taoist.

Wanli Lord God took the lead and flew towards the direction of Cangxuan World, and the other three followed.

Behind the four people were thousands of troops. For the inheritance of Cangxuan Taoist, the four main gods' worlds were full of their strength.

Anyone who reached the realm of the gods must participate in this action.

Seeing the four main gods leading the army to fly in the same direction, the whole universe was in an uproar.

"What are the four main gods going to do?"

"Is there a big enemy coming?" Someone speculated.

As soon as this was said, it was immediately denied by another person: "If you use your brain to think about it, you will know that this is absolutely impossible. Who in the entire universe can let the four main gods personally

Come out on your own!"

"You're right, why don't we follow them and see."

"You don't want to die, but I do."

Although everyone was very curious about the purpose of Wanli Lord God and others' trip, no one dared to follow them to see what was going on.

After all, the Lord God was so powerful that they would be discovered if they dared to follow him secretly.

The Lord God's anger was not something they could bear.

However, what everyone didn't know was that there was indeed a sneaky figure following the four Lord Gods, and he hadn't been discovered by the four Lord Gods yet.

The four Lord Gods, together with the thousands of troops behind them, came to the periphery of the Cangxuan World.

"The barrier really disappeared! "

The Lord God Yuhua stared at the fragile world barrier in front of him, his eyes full of excitement.

However, he did not rush into the Cangxuan World.

After all, he had suffered enough last time.

The other three Lord Gods also held the same idea, and did not rush into the Cangxuan World.

Finally, the four Lord Gods spontaneously picked out a soldier of the Heavenly God Realm from the thousands of troops behind them, and ordered them to enter the Cangxuan World as the vanguard.

Under the gaze of the four Lord Gods, the four Heavenly God Realm soldiers nervously broke through the world barrier and entered the Cangxuan World.

After a while, the four soldiers who served as the vanguard returned safely.

"Let's go in now. "

Red Flame Lord took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

Although he said so, Red Flame Lord did not take a step forward, obviously waiting for the other three Lords to go in first, and then he would follow them.

Coincidentally, the other three had the same idea.

The four of you looked at me, I looked at you, and their faces clearly said: "You go in first! You explore the way first!"

"Lord Wanli, you are the oldest among the four of us, so you should go first."

"Lord Qingming, this is wrong. As an elder, how can I compete with the younger generation for a moment? You should go in first. "

The four of them pushed and shoved each other, showing their humility.

The people behind them looked at the four people who were so abnormal, and everyone had a puzzled expression on their faces.

It was the first time they saw the four main gods being so "friendly".

Finally, the four of them reached a consensus in desperation and went in together.

However, to be on the safe side, the four of them let the thousands of troops behind them walk in front, and they followed behind, so that they could run away at any time if there was danger.

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