The door of inheritance slowly opened under the eager eyes of the crowd.

Then, under the eager eyes of the crowd, the door of inheritance slowly opened.

The powerful aura that came over them made them kneel down directly.

But even so, the joy and madness in the eyes of the crowd did not diminish at all.

"The inheritance of Taoist Cang Xuan is ours!"

The kneeling Yuhua Lord God had red eyes and shouted excitedly.

Like Yuhua Lord God, Wanli Lord God, Qingming Lord God and Hongyan Lord God were all attracted by the slowly opening door of inheritance, and did not notice that He Qingtian and the other three who were kneeling down with them had quietly come behind them.

He Qingtian turned his hand into a blade, and a sly smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Due to the strong aura behind the door, and the extreme excitement, the five senses of the Lord Yuhua were reduced to the lowest, so he did not notice the danger.

It was not until he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart that the Lord Yuhua realized that something was wrong.

The Lord Yuhua lowered his head and looked at his chest in horror, but found that his heart had been pierced and blood was flowing out like a spring.

He tried to struggle, but found that his body could not move, and he could only fall to the ground powerlessly.

The Lord Yuhua widened his eyes, full of disbelief and anger.

The person who attacked him was He Qingtian, with a playful smile on his kind face.

The Lord Wanli and the Lord Hongyan fell with him.

He Qingtian had a smug smile on his face: "I forgot to tell you that there is a ban behind the inheritance door. To unlock the ban, it requires the sacrifice of four powerful Lord Gods."

Then, He Qingtian and the other two turned their eyes to the only Lord Qingming who survived.

"Daoyou Qingming, you are the only one left. Do you still want to resist?"

Jin Yuantian said sarcastically with a sneer on his face.

The situation on the field has already presented a three-on-one situation. He Qingtian and the other two surrounded the Lord Qingming, forming an airtight encirclement.

The eyes of the three were full of confidence and contempt, as if they had already won.

He Qingtian and the other two did not take the Lord Qingming seriously. With an absolute advantage, victory was only a matter of time.

The Lord Qingming stared at the three people who surrounded him with angrily, with a face full of disdain: "If you have the ability, fight one-on-one. What kind of man are you when three against one!"

The Lord Qingming knew that he had no chance of winning three against one. Only one against one could he have some chance of winning, or even escape.

After all, the difference in strength between the Lords can be almost negligible.

In other words, in a one-on-one battle, it is almost impossible for one Lord to defeat another Lord, and the final result can only be a loss for both sides.

The reason why they were able to easily injure the three main gods of Yuhua was not because of their own strength.

In fact, the inheritance gate suppressed most of the power of the three main gods of Yuhua, making them unable to exert their full strength.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, they would not be able to hurt the main gods of Yuhua, Wanli and Hongyan.

However, He Qingtian has lived for nearly five million years, so how could he be provoked by Zhong Xiaoxiao: "Daoyou Qingming, I advise you to surrender. Provocation is useless to us!"

Then, the three of them attacked the main god of Qingming without hesitation, without giving him any chance to react.

The main god of Qingming did not dare to be careless and fought with the three people.

However, two fists cannot beat six hands.

There is no doubt that the main god of Qingming was defeated, and He Qingtian seized the flaw and smashed his heart with one blow.

Looking at the fallen corpse in front of him, Mo Baotian's face was full of madness, and he shouted excitedly: "Hahaha... Taoist Cang Xuan's inheritance finally fell into our hands."

Jin Yuantian sneered: "Hahaha... Four idiots, don't you really think they are qualified to enjoy Taoist Cang Xuan's inheritance!"

The two thought that Taoist Cang Xuan's inheritance was already in their pockets.

Suddenly, the two felt their hearts shrink suddenly, and vomited black blood at the same time.

Realizing that something was wrong, the two hurriedly checked their bodies, but were horrified to find that they were poisoned.

Moreover, it was already to the point where no medicine could cure them.

"I forgot to tell you that the ban requires the sacrifice of six main gods to break it."

He Qingtian looked at the two junior brothers lying on the ground coldly, without any emotion in his eyes.

Mo Baotian and Jin Yuantian looked at He Qingtian with unwilling eyes, unable to believe that the senior brother who usually took good care of them would actually kill them.

"The inheritance of Taoist Cang Xuan must belong to me alone! Two junior brothers, it is your honor to be your helper on the road to immortality!"

As soon as the voice fell, He Qingtian did not give them a chance to question, and ended the lives of the two with a palm.

Then, He Qingtian dragged the six cold corpses to the ban.

At this moment, a shocking scene happened-these corpses shrank rapidly at an astonishing speed, as if they were devoured by an invisible force.

In a short moment, the six bodies that were originally still alive had become thin and wrinkled, like dehydrated mummies.

When the last trace of vitality was extracted from the corpse, the ban in front of him burped loudly as if it was full.

With a "bang", the ban shattered.

Then, an illusory figure slowly appeared in front of He Qingtian.

This figure was looming, as if it would dissipate at any time, but it exuded an indescribable pressure that made people dare not look directly at it.

He was Taoist Cang Xuan, or more precisely, a wisp of Taoist Cang Xuan's consciousness.

"After so many years, someone finally came here."

The voice of Taoist Cang Xuan sounded slowly, as if it came from the depths of the distant universe, with endless vicissitudes and loneliness...

It seemed to have gone through eternity, passed through the endless void, and exploded in He Qingtian's ears like a huge bell...


He Qingtian only felt a sharp pain in his head, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his body was about to fall.

But he still managed to stand firm and said respectfully: "Junior He Qingtian, meet Taoist Cang Xuan!"

"Oh, I didn't expect that after so long, there are still people who know me!"

"The reputation of the senior is well-known, how could I not know it."

Facing an "immortal" from an era ago, even if it was just a wisp of consciousness, He Qingtian did not dare to be disrespectful in the slightest.

"Young man, since you are the first person to come here since an era, it means that you and I are destined to be together, so I will pass on my inheritance to you..."

Cang Xuan Taoist said lightly.


Hearing this, He Qingtian's face showed an irrepressible joy, and his eyes flashed with excitement.

The plan of millions of years has finally come true today...

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