In the unintentional holy city, it is not a simple character who can withstand one's own random blow.

And this person must be the big man mentioned in the red dress.

However, Ning Chen didn't care.

No matter how strong the opponent is, he cannot be his opponent.

What's more, the mere unintentional holy city, the strongest person who came, is probably only the real spirit-level powerhouse.

Ning Chen intentionally injured herself, looking miserable, and finally killed her, no one would doubt her.

Breaking the Void, True Spirit, Condensed Dao!

In the realm of exile, the real spirit realm powerhouse is said to be the top powerhouse.

What's more, in the unintentional holy city, he is definitely a dominant figure.

"It's a big shot."

"Then I feel relieved, Xiao Chen can't make waves!"

"With a big man, Xiao Chen is definitely seeking his own death!"

At this time, the people's hanging hearts were let go again, and at this time they began to mock Ning Chen again.

Hong Yi looked at him and said, "Xiao Chen, you have disturbed the fun of the big man. It's too late to leave now."

However, at this time, a voice came and said: "It's too late, he can't go."

"I was able to play, but I was disturbed by your little trash, then you are really **** it!"

This is the voice of a big man, full of majesty and domineering.

However, Ning Chen naturally stopped taking this set, and said coldly, "Then I'm not welcome."

After all, Ning Chen shot it out again with a palm.

This time, Ning Chen naturally increased his strength.

Under the terrible power, the defensive light curtain shattered, and the entire Tianjiu Pavilion main building exploded.

All of them were revealed.

All this happened so quickly that everyone hadn't reacted yet.

Especially the big people who were crazy before, are exposed at this moment.

This is a middle-aged man sitting at a jade table, surrounded by beautiful women like clouds, all waiting for him.

He obviously didn't expect such a result, and his face changed greatly.

"Damn it, kid, you deserve to die, you will be broken into pieces."

The middle-aged man shouted.

The terrible breath directly shook the girls flying.

The rest of the people were also trembling with fright.

This breath is too strong.

And Xiao Chen dared to provoke such a terrible person.

The red shirt had already stepped aside at this time.

This level of battle is not something she can intervene.

There were others who evaded one after another at this time.

The battlefield between Ning Chen and the big man was not close to them at all.

It seemed that the big man was completely angered by Xiao Chen.

Therefore, what follows must be the scene of Xiao Chen being tyrannically abused.

Boom boom boom!

The powerful shot of the big man, the powerful eruption of the true spirit realm's strength, slapped Ning Chen back and forth, without the strength to fight back at all, and he was constantly injured.

But I don't know that this is Ning Chen deliberately showing weakness and can't act too badly.

If not, he will let you discover his secret.

At present, his true identity in the highest plane cannot be exposed yet.

He wants to rise as Xiao Chen!

"Almost there?"

"Now it's my turn to attack!"

Ning Chen said coldly.


Xiao Chen still has the ability to fight back!

The crowd thought they had heard it wrong, and felt a little unbelievable.

But in the next moment, Ning Chen started the counterattack, beating the middle-aged man brutally.

"Your attack is nothing more than that."

"Now you come and **** offense."

Ning Chen broke out and attacked.

Bang bang bang!

Soon, the middle-aged man was shot into the air, injured all over, and finally stepped on by Ning Chen.

"This is the big man who protects you? But that's all!"

Ning Chen said disdainfully.

When the words were over, Ning Chen used his feet to explode the head of this so-called big man with one foot, completely obliterating him.


Until this moment, Hongyi and others reacted.

What big man is still invincible in front of Xiao Chen.

And they used to ridicule and humiliate Xiao Chen exhaustively, relying on the support of a big man behind them.

"You have any big people here, call them all together."

Ning Chen said coldly.

Stepping on and killing a big person in their eyes, Ning Chen only seemed to have done a trivial thing.


"Young man, the anger is just so hot, even more crazy, even when I was young, I didn't dare to do this."

"However, Tianjiu Pavilion is indeed a good place. You ruined it. Where do I go to drink in the future?"

But at this moment, a person staggered out of the ruins.

With disheveled hair, worn clothes, holding a jug of wine in his hand, he walked out while drinking.

"who is he?"

Someone asked in a low voice.


"Innately addicted to alcohol like life, but powerful, is a veteran true spirit level powerhouse."

"Unexpectedly, Tianjiu Pavilion recruited him as a guardian."

"However, Tianjiu Pavilion produces good wine, and it is right for his taste."

Someone explained so.

Hong Yi was watching, and at the same time she was shocked in her heart, her face also looked extremely ugly.

"The big guys are all defeated, Xiao Chen is so fierce!"

"Drunkard, take this kid, I will treasure the ten thousand-year-old finest wine, let you have a good drink."

The red finally spoke loudly to the drunkard.

Hearing that there was a good wine, the drinker instantly seemed to be beaten with a stimulant, and the whole person burst into an amazing brilliance.

"It's fine if you have wine."

"Boy, you are unlucky."

The alcoholic seemed to wake up in an instant, and his body exuded an astonishing coercion.

Ning Chen didn't care about it and said, "Where can an alcoholic be so strong?"

"You can't even go out of the crime of exile, you can only be trapped here all your life, and die here?"

Ning Chen's words seemed to hurt the alcoholic's heart.

In fact, Ning Chen's words not only hurt the alcoholic, but also hurt the hearts of everyone including Hongyi.

Yes, no matter how hard they work hard, they will be trapped here and die here all their lives.

Their destiny was born here and it is doomed.

It turns out that the upper limit of the life span of the Exiled Domain is one hundred thousand years!

It has nothing to do with realm.

It is purely the rule of this world.

Therefore, if you want to have a longer life, you have to leave here and enter the main domain.

However, how difficult it is to enter the main domain!

In the endless years, how many Tianjiao have been trapped here and lost to life.

Ning Chen's words, in the realm of exile, almost no one dared to mention it.

But Ning Chen said it indifferently, stinging their hearts.

All this makes alcoholics crazy.

"Ignorance kid, die."

The alcoholic attacked frantically.

Ning Chen resisted.

On the surface, it seemed that Ning Chen was struggling to resist.

And getting injured from time to time, there is a feeling that it is difficult to be an enemy.

But I don't know that Ning Chen is acting.

Even if you want to defeat them, you can't be too relaxed.

After the drunkard attacked one round, Ning Chen did not die.

"How can it be?"

"Under this round of my attack, you can still bear undead."

"You enchanted villain, if you can grow up, you really hope to get out of the realm of exile."

The drunkard calmed down at this time, and said in amazement.

Ning Chen said confidently, "It is normal for me to be able to go straight out of the realm of exile."

"But not only do I have to go by myself, I also have to take the people around me, go out together, enter the main domain, and share the eternal life!"

Ning Chen's words were too shocking.

Everyone couldn't believe it, and some dared to say such a thing.

In this world, it's amazing enough to be able to get out of the exile domain and enter the main domain. If you want to bring the people around you, it is absolutely fantastic!

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