Calculating the future does not mean that you really know all the changes, especially it is extremely difficult to peek at a powerful person like Emperor Yi.

After all, the enemy's strength and mind are incomparable evildoers, and they are not too different from their own, and they are also standing on the pinnacle of this world.

Now under the restraint of Heavenly Dao, the ultimate of the law Realm is the pinnacle of the world. If you want to calculate this kind of existence, even a terrifying person like Su Xiuyi, who has endless methods, feels exhausted, let alone exhaustive.

Those two spiritual texts kept calculating. At this moment, Su Xiuyi had various different pictures in his mind. The thoughts in her heart changed instantly, and various possible changes were arranged for countermeasures.

But there was no change on his face, he still had that simple and honest smile that made people angry.

"Su Xiuyi, is it interesting?"

"Now it's time for everyone to divide life and death, what's the point of concealing this?"

"Don't you think you are ridiculous?"

"You should also be very clear that I was just urging a part of the force, and did not really go all out. It is not necessary to hide it now."

Seeing Su Xiuyi's honest smile on her face, an angry face and a hideous look, like a ghost, the hideous voice on her face disappeared at this moment, and her previous haughty appearance was restored.

Seeing that Su Xiuyi was calm all the time, Di Yi at this moment was also very clear that Su Xiuyi was not a stupid. He wanted to anger the other party. It was too difficult to calculate Su Xiuyi easily, so at this moment, he realized that it was impossible and he recovered. normal.

At this moment, after the emperor recovered his original domineering appearance, he quickly swallowed the surrounding Blood Essence power, Ascension own flesh, and Ascension own limit.

The current emperor does not use conspiracy anymore, and uses arrogance unscrupulously.

Because Di Yi knows very well that as long as he constantly pushes the power of devouring, Ascension own strength, then Su Xiuyi absolutely can't help it. Once Su Xiuyi can't help but expose the treasure, he will know how to do it. Kill Su Xiuyi.

How can I deal with that treasure.

Su Xiuyi, who was calculating, looked at Di Yi, who was no longer pretending at this moment, and the simple smile on her face slowly converged. Su Xiuyi is not stupid, although she is in charge of everything now and controls the life and death of Di Yi. , But if Emperor Yi's strength continues to skyrocket, he is likely to capsize in the gutter.

Although Su Xiuyi seems to be domineering, she absolutely does not allow danger.

To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to own.

"You should be very eager to know what treasure I control, because knowing what treasure I used to deprive you of control of this blood Realm, you can target me."

"But it's a pity, you want to target me, it's impossible!"

"Diyi, let's stop here. All conspiracies are nonsense in the face of absolute strength. Now we will divide life and death by strength."

At this moment, Su Xiuyi also ended his own deduction. He couldn't let Di Yi continue to grow. He had to make a break, and the more time was delayed, the more dangerous it would be.

Most of the losers are because they talk too much.

The reason why I said a few more words just now is just to calculate that all possible accidents will take time.

Now that everything is over, Su Xiuyi will naturally not talk nonsense.

No matter what treasure, it belongs to own if it is captured in own hands, otherwise everything is bullshit.


"Ha ha!"

"Su Xiuyi, if I guessed right, you should also calculate some possible accidents just now."

"Of course, at our level, no more nonsense, let's divide life and death."

"Of course, I don't think you dare to kill me."

"Because my father is the ancient god emperor, my mother angel holy emperor, but they are all powerful existences in the immortal world. They have practiced in the immortal world for hundreds of thousands of years, and progress is definitely not something you can imagine as a common man."

"You killed me, even if your strength is overwhelming, the moment the heavenly gate opens, is when you die."

"Follow me, follow me, this is your most correct choice."

When he was about to start his hands, Emperor Yi told the secret of his biggest backer, without any hiding. Although he knew that Su Xiuyi might have guessed it, he still said it unscrupulously. At this moment, he wanted to It's not that Su Xiuyi should really follow him. If he has such an idea, then he is an idiot.

The purpose of Emperor Yi was to distract Su Xiuyi. After all, facing the two immortals and affecting Dao heart, it was inevitable.

As long as Su Xiuyi was slightly distracted during the battle, there was a great possibility that he would kill Su Xiuyi at that time.


"The existence of the upper plane!"

"But so what?"

"The ghost knows when the gate of heaven will be opened and can kill you, and my strength will be at the limit. Ascension, I will change my appearance at that time, perhaps hiding the past. Once you enter the fairy world, the sea will be wide and the sky will be high, and the sky will be high."

"Maybe, I can set up a trap to kill all your parents."

After hearing the threat from Emperor Yi, Su Xiuyi not only showed no fear on her face, but laughed unscrupulously.

Seeing Su Xiuyi's appearance, the emperor's expression became gloomy.

At the first moment of this moment, it was very clear that Su Xiuyi was a madman through and through, but he was very clear that the madman in front of him didn't think he was a madman.

Facing such an existence, it is extremely dangerous. At this moment, Di Yi suddenly regrets a bit. If he knew that Su Xiuyi was crazy before, then he would never come here easily today to seize Su Xiuyi. The power of luck.

Emperor Yi is no longer talking nonsense at this moment, the more nonsense, the greater the possibility of falling.

"If you want to kill me, take out your hole cards!"


At this moment, the smile on Emperor Yi's face completely disappeared, and replaced by a terrifying killing intent. The Emperor unscrupulously burned the blood in his body, and the extremely powerful blood spurred the original divine text in front of him!

The original divine text that was urged by the emperor with all his strength burst out a terrible blood light. At the moment when this blood light appeared, the realm of blood was continuously strengthened, and the strength of the emperor at this moment also exploded rapidly. The control of the entire Blood Realm became even more terrifying.

That piece of primitive divine text suddenly flew towards Di Yi’s eyebrows, and stopped at Di Yi’s eyebrows. The next moment Di Yi’s body was actually covered by a blood-colored armor, which included Di Yi’s body. .

In an instant, Di Yi seemed to have turned into a terrifying killing god who had emerged from the endless sea of ​​blood.

Seeing Di Yi at this moment, Su Xiuyi's face showed a solemn color for the first time. As expected, Di Yi did not go all out just now, and the hidden strength exceeded his imagination. .

But soon, a smile appeared on Su Xiuyi's face, very honest and honest.

But as soon as the emperor saw Su Xiuyi's incomparable smile, his face changed drastically.

Because at this moment, a piece of primitive divine writing appeared in front of Su Xiuyi.

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