I'm invincible since the end of the world

Chapter 122: Gunmanship Instructions

Everyone in the field had seen Lin Xinghai's shooting skills, and no one doubted that he could play a crucial role in this battle.

So Fang Tianhe's question directly hit the most critical point.

Everyone in the field looked at Lin Xinghai at this time. Everyone understood that the answer given by Lin Xinghai would directly affect the next plan.

After thinking seriously, Lin Xinghai said conservatively, "Probably 40 to 50 people can be killed!"


Everyone couldn't help but take a breath.

You know, the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group now has only 83 members in total, which means that Lin Xinghai is sure to kill half of the other mercenary group within 5 minutes?

If the other party is given 10 minutes, wouldn't it be...

Thinking a little more deeply, everyone felt that this kind of thing should not be investigated deeply, otherwise it would make them doubt their lives.

"Mercenaries are not zombies. When they see that the situation is not good, they will probably shrink and hide behind various shelters. You have to take this situation into consideration." Fang Tianhe looked at Lin Xinghai and said seriously.

"Well! I understand. Unless they don't attack at all, I will be able to kill them as long as they show up." Lin Xinghai said affirmatively.

"That's good!" Fang Tianhe finally smiled, and he continued: "But according to my plan, you only need to kill 30 people within 5 minutes, so don't take too many risks. If possible, try to put your own safety first."

"Uh... Don't worry! I will attack from 200 meters away, and I think it will be safer than all of you." Lin Xinghai smiled.

"Oh my god! Is it true?" Xu Haishui's eyes widened instantly.

"Are you sure you can hit the enemy from 200 meters away?" Roger couldn't help asking.

Although the other few people didn't speak, they were all shocked.

Everyone knew how terrifying this range advantage was. If the hit rate could be guaranteed, then only Lin Xinghai could hit others. If the opponent wanted to fight back at this distance, he would really have to laugh.

"I went to hunt zombies yesterday, and my marksmanship improved. Now I can hit high-level zombies within 200 meters." Lin Xinghai said affirmatively.

Even though everyone was mentally prepared, there was still a moment of silence in the field at this moment.

Being able to hit high-level zombies at a distance of 200 meters, with such marksmanship, unless the members of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group have been hiding, whoever shows up will definitely die.

Of course, what Lin Xinghai didn't say is that as long as it is within 300 meters, he can hit any target. After all, within the coverage of the perception, it is equivalent to his domain.

Unless someone's speed can reach more than 100 points, it is possible to dodge the bullet when Lin Xinghai makes a mistake in prediction.

However, the effective range of the Ripper rifle is 200 meters. Beyond this distance, the lethality will be sharply reduced, and the mercenaries are all wearing protective clothing. It may not be possible to kill them at a long distance.

After everyone in the field accepted the fact that Lin Xinghai's marksmanship was even more abnormal, the originally tense discussion atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

They all knew that from this moment on, the balance of victory had already tilted towards them.

At the same time, Fang Tianhe finally understood why Lin Xinghai did not choose to drive a mecha.

Indeed, with such a high level of shooting skills, the killing efficiency of driving a mecha may not be comparable to that of Lin Xinghai holding a ripper rifle.

After all, driving a mecha is generally a close combat. If you use a mecha to aim and shoot, the feel and other aspects are completely different, which is equivalent to letting Lin Xinghai give up his biggest advantage.

Next, Fang Tianhe suddenly became much calmer when arranging a series of combat plans.

After all, the biggest problem was flattened by Lin Xinghai's shooting skills.

There are three combat plans, each for dealing with different situations. Fang Tianhe spent a full half an hour to carefully explain all three plans.

"Okay, if you have any questions, raise them now." Fang Tianhe said to everyone after he finished speaking.

Roger and the others shook their heads, indicating that they had no problem. After a brief pause, Lin Xinghai said, "In the battle, I will act alone and use a highly mobile roaming method to attack the opponent's manpower. Under such circumstances, I think it will be difficult to command the fourth team."

After the Lietian Mercenary Group recruited new members in the past two days, the total number has reached 45, which can be divided into 4 teams, and Lin Xinghai was appointed as the captain of the fourth team.

The entire combat plan also requires the cooperation of the four teams.

"This problem is easy to solve. I will arrange Xu Hao, the deputy captain of the first team, to serve as the deputy captain of your fourth team. When fighting, you can hand over the command to him."

"Anyway, in a few days, when you announce that you have broken the second gene lock, I will promote you to deputy leader, and Xu Hao will just take over the position of captain of the fourth team." Fang Tianhe said.

Lin Xinghai was slightly surprised to hear that he would be promoted to deputy leader in a few days.

However, after what happened to Gao Shan and the others today and after taking in a vassal mercenary group, Lin Xinghai's mentality was much calmer at this time.

He just nodded, indicating that he was fine.

"Now that everyone has no doubts, the battle plan is finalized. I have reassigned the new members of the four groups. This is the list. You can get familiar with the new members and do some psychological work on them. ”

"Of course, you only need to say that the enemy is the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group. Don't mention the Morgan Consortium for the time being to avoid causing panic. You will be responsible for Shen Han's matter." Fang Tianhe took out a list and warned road.

"Okay!" Shen Hanyan said concisely.

"Captain, what about you!" Xu Haihai was a little curious. After all, for such an inspiring matter, it is of course the most appropriate for the commander to come forward.

"I'm going to visit the Great Elder and the top brass of the military. This matter involves the Morgan Consortium. It can't be justified if they don't provide us with some help! We must apply for a few good things like individual missiles. ." Fang Tianhe said with a smile.

Several people couldn't help but perked up after hearing this, and Xu Haihai immediately flattered him, "The leader is mighty, so in this case, we will definitely win."

"Don't talk too much. We don't know what weapons the opponent has in hand! What's more, individual missiles may not be able to kill with one hit." After Fang Tianhe finished speaking, he also Stay and go out directly.

Looking at Fang Tianhe's leaving figure, Lin Xinghai pondered for a moment and then said: "We can't rely entirely on the group leader for this matter. We must also make some preparations within our capabilities."

"What do you think?" It was Roger who spoke this time.

"Gather the members of the mercenary group who are good at marksmanship and go to the mercenary guild's shooting range. I will give them some pointers." Lin Xinghai said.

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