I'm invincible since the end of the world

Chapter 186 Situation Changes

If it was an insignificant part, they would just throw it away when they encountered danger.

But now the situation is completely different. Now they are given the real important parts. If they give up the mission when they encounter danger, the loss of the shelter can be imagined.

You should know that the reason why the shelter started to expand half a year ago was to install this geothermal energy extractor. During this period, I don’t know how much manpower and material resources were consumed.

"What should I do?" Song Yao swallowed his saliva and spoke with some difficulty.

At this time, he felt the pressure on his shoulders, which was extremely heavy and huge. Now the thing he regretted most was to open these metal boxes to find out what was inside. Otherwise, when he encountered danger and abandoned these things, he would not have any psychological burden.

"Don't think too much, just implement it according to the original plan." At this time, Lin Xinghai, who had been watching, finally spoke.

"What if we encounter a situation where we can't fight?" Song Yao repeated the previous question, but this time he asked more details.

"Didn't I say it? Act according to the original plan, and throw away these important parts directly when you encounter danger. Your own safety is the most important." Lin Xinghai also repeated the answer just now.

"This..." Song Yao and Qin Wenbo were dumbfounded.

"This is not what I said, it was said by Elder Wei. Let's not worry about it. Since Elder Wei has such an arrangement, he must have his own plan." After Lin Xinghai finished speaking, he turned back without waiting for the two to react.

Song Yao and Qin Wenbo, who stayed where they were, looked at each other, but they had to admit that they were indeed a little worried.

Soon these precision instruments were repackaged and then transported to the armored vehicles, and the convoy began to return officially.


Lin Xinghai and his team had a smooth journey on the way back, at least in the first half. But the other two mercenary groups were not so lucky.

They were also followed by people sent by the Morgan Consortium, and they failed to get rid of them.

So when they got the mission items and started to return, they encountered an ambush.

Of course, the Morgan Consortium did not send many people, and the team composed of the third-level mercenary group was definitely not to be underestimated. They fought back directly and even chased the Morgan Consortium people away.

But the Morgan Consortium also knew that the strength of the two sides was not equal at all, so they did not intend to attack from the beginning, but only fired at a distance to harass.

When the mercenary team began to counterattack, they withdrew decisively.

But they did not go far away, and completely adopted a guerrilla style of retreating when the enemy advances and advancing when the enemy retreats.

Of course, in this era, such a style of play can no longer achieve any surprise attack effect, but it can always stick to the opponent and delay the opponent's pace of advancement.

The Morgan Consortium has never fought alone. As long as they cannot get rid of the tracking team, the final outcome of this mercenary team is only one, that is, they will be intercepted and blocked by the team that arrived later from the Morgan Consortium.

After several unsuccessful breakouts, the other two mercenary teams also realized that the situation was serious, and finally gave up the mission objectives and chose to escape.

In addition to the battle between the other two mercenary teams, the most important main battlefield also had an exchange of fire.

In order to conceal the repair work of the geothermal energy extractor, the Star Shield Shelter hid it in a secret base outside the shelter after obtaining it.

This secret base has been well hidden, so the Morgan Consortium could not detect it.

However, the geothermal energy extractor is not ordinary large. It can occupy several acres of land when spread out. It is obviously unrealistic to transport it back secretly. The only way is to send a large army to escort it.

Under such circumstances, it is of course impossible to hide from the eyes of the Morgan Consortium.

In order to escort it back safely, the Star Shield Shelter sent three mechanized infantry regiments with a total of 5,000 people.

But the Morgan Consortium should not be underestimated. They have also gathered 3,000 armed forces by drawing personnel from other shelters.

Although they are slightly short of manpower, their goal is not to deal with the army, but to destroy the geothermal energy extractor.

Therefore, although the Star Shield Shelter Army had a slight advantage, they were restrained. It was obviously impossible for the main battlefield to decide the outcome in a short time.

As for these things, Lin Xinghai and others knew nothing.

However, as they got closer and closer to the Star Shield Shelter, they could see huge craters on the ground from time to time, and even occasionally heard faint roars coming from a distance.

Although the sound of the explosion was very weak, it was transmitted from dozens of kilometers away to them, and its explosion intensity can be imagined. It was even more than the terrifying weapons of individual missiles.

"Report, the enemy was found ahead." When the convoy entered a bare mountain forest area, the mercenary responsible for detection reported.

Everyone felt nervous when they heard it.

"How many enemies are there? How far are they from us?" Song Yao asked first.

"5 kilometers, only one off-road vehicle was found for the time being, with 5 people on it... No, there is another one, now there are 10 people." The explorer said while uploading the information on the exploration radar.

Lin Xinghai and others soon saw the content on the mecha.

"It seems that the other party hasn't discovered us yet. Can we try to go around them?" Song Yao suggested.

"The terrain here is not very realistic." Lin Xinghai shook his head. This is a mountainous area. If it were before the end of the world, you should be able to see high mountains.

However, due to the outbreak of the catastrophe, all the trees here have died, and even some steep peaks have been flattened. The original mountain forests have almost turned into hills, but it is still quite difficult to drive in such terrain. difficulty.

Of course, the difficulty of driving is not the reason for Lin Xinghai's objection. "In order to intercept us, the other party must have cast a net in this direction. If they want to escape, I don't know how far they need to go around."

"If the enemy discovers it on the way, in this kind of terrain, the slow movement of the convoy is completely self-defeating."

After being denied, Song Yao was not angry, but asked: "Then what suggestions do you have? Just choose to force it through?"

"Actually, there is no need to make a decision in a hurry." Lin Xinghai said unhurriedly: "We haven't seen the opponent's main team yet! Keep moving forward, but you can slow down and see how many the opponent's main team is first, and then Decide whether to attack or abandon the mission.”

Hearing Lin Xinghai talk about giving up the mission so lightly, Song Yao and Qin Wenbo both felt ashamed. They didn't know how Wei Tianxing and the others would feel when they heard this.

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