I'm invincible since the end of the world

Chapter 192 I lead the team to intercept

Seeing that the blockade was broken, everyone had a look of ecstasy on their faces.

However, these people soon discovered that they were happy too early, because breaking through the blockade did not mean they had successfully escaped.

Although the Morgan Consortium cannot stop them, they can follow closely behind the team and continue to attack and harass them.

Under such circumstances, their speed could not be increased at all. If they continued to be slowed down by such a back-to-back pursuit, the opponent's original encircling team would soon be able to catch up.

By that time, the attacks they will encounter will definitely be more violent, and it is really hard to say whether they will be able to escape smoothly in the end.

"What should I do? Do you have any good ideas?" Song Yao asked anxiously in the communication channel.

"Whether we are mechas or armored vehicles, we have no advantage in speed. It is almost impossible to get rid of them directly. If we want to retreat safely in this situation, we can only organize an interception Team." Qin Wenbo gritted his teeth and gave his opinion.

"Brother Lin, what about you? Do you have any suggestions?" After a moment of silence, Song Yao asked with his last hope.

"In the current situation, we can only choose to send people to intercept." Lin Xinghai gave the same answer after thinking about it.

In such a situation, it is almost impossible to escape easily.

Hearing Lin Xinghai say the same thing, the last hope in Song Yao's heart no longer existed.

However, he was also a person who could afford to take things and let them go. He said very bachelorly: "Brothers, who of you dares to follow me to intercept the people of the Morgan Consortium."

"Captain, I'll go with you."

"Captain, count me in."

"Eighteen years later there is another good man, I will go too!"

People from the three major mercenary groups all spoke in the communication channel, and Fang Tianhe and others also planned to join the interception team.

Everyone knew that this interception mission was almost a narrow escape, but even knowing this, so many people were willing to stand up, which really surprised Lin Xinghai.

However, when everyone was in a mood of despairing of death, Lin Xinghai spoke very inappropriately, "Ahem! In fact, you have to part ways like this. Just bring a few speed-type users to help me intercept it."

At this moment, the communication channel seemed to be blocked, and there was no sound in an instant.

"I can use wind powers to accelerate."

"My basic powers can also increase my speed."

After the communication channel was silent for a moment, two people spoke.

"Then after we complete the mission, are you sure of escaping?" Lin Xinghai asked.

"It should be okay." One person said.

"80% sure, but if the other party also has speed-type superpowers chasing after them, it's hard to say." Another person gave a more precise answer.

"Okay! Then come with me! Of course, you can rest assured that when they retreat, their speed-type users will never dare to catch up alone, so your safety is still guaranteed." Lin Xinghai said confidently.

"Brother Lin, what are you going to do?" Song Yao asked immediately.

"That's what I planned..."

Lin Xinghai immediately explained the plan in his mind. All the mecha pilots who heard the plan were confused and confused.

After listening to Lin Xinghai's story, they only had one sentence in their minds, "Is it that simple?"

Of course, no matter what they were thinking, there was only one thing they had to do now, and that was to implement Lin Xinghai's plan.

Then the Morgan consortium members who were chasing behind saw the three major mercenary groups suddenly erupting.

The three major mercenary groups released all the heavy weapons that could threaten them. Hand cannons and bullets were the second priority. The remaining bee bombs and plasma grenades were all thrown out.

In addition, the same is true on the mecha's side. The micro missiles loaded on the mecha's legs are all released.

The Morgan consortium was almost blindsided at this moment, because the sudden burst of firepower was so fierce that they simply could not withstand it and could only dodge hastily.

And after this round of violent attacks, they found that the distance between themselves and the three major mercenary groups had been increased by more than 100 meters in just a short moment.

If this was the case, they could easily catch up, but when the smoke from the explosion passed, they suddenly saw three mechas blocking their way.

It's a bit funny to say that only three mechas want to stop the large force of the Morgan Consortium, but when people like Mo and the consortium saw that among the three mechas, there was a speedy mecha driven by Lin Xinghai, they still looked at each other. As if facing a formidable enemy.

Because during the period of Lin Xinghai's breakout, he had destroyed five of their mechas. It is no exaggeration to say that Lin Xinghai had killed them to the point of fear.

So let alone three mechas in front of them, even if it was just one mecha from Lin Xinghai, they would be cautious.

Of course, after a slight hesitation, the Morgan consortium quickly adjusted their mentality and rushed towards Lin Xinghai.

They now have an overwhelming numerical advantage. As long as Lin Xinghai is not a god, it is impossible to stop them.

And this is also true. Facing the charge of these mechas, Lin Xinghai did not dare to confront them head-on. He took out the electromagnetic rail gun again and fired while retreating.

However, Lin Xinghai's target at this time was not these mechas, but those armored vehicles.


As a fist-sized bullet flew out, the front wheel bearing of an armored vehicle in the front was directly broken, and the tire flew out.

And this armored vehicle, driven by strong inertia, turned over directly because it lost its front wheel.

However, the people sitting inside were all gene optimizers, or the armored vehicle was strong enough, so it did not cause much substantial damage.

But it would take at least 5 minutes for the armored vehicle to be repaired and continue to pursue, and it can be said that it has completely lost the threat.

Such a move confused the Morgan Consortium, but Cobra was the fastest to react. He immediately shouted in the communication channel: "Stop them quickly, otherwise all our armored vehicles will break down and lose firepower cover. If we want to catch up and delay later, it will be dangerous."

Others also woke up after hearing this. Although mechas are the main force in this war, the role played by armored vehicles cannot be ignored. They can provide a steady stream of firepower suppression.

Although weapons like the Ripper Rifle can't pose any threat to mechs, hand cannons can!

Before the two teams attacked each other, their mechs didn't feel much threat from hand cannons.

But if their convoys were all broken down, they would definitely be attacked by the opponent's hand cannons when they caught up.

If they were hit by a few hand cannons, it would be fine, but if they were hit by more than a dozen or even dozens of hand cannons, even the mechs couldn't bear it.

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