Xia Qingyi didn't talk much. After getting to know each other, she helped in the kitchen.

Zhou Guican felt that this was the most uneasy meal he had made. Only people in the circle knew how good Xia Qingyi's conditions were.

Not only was she beautiful, but to make an inappropriate analogy, she was also the core product of an entertainment company.

Zhou Guican's job was to serve them.

Emotional fluctuations still meant that her defenses were low. A smile could make Zhou Guican take several steps back.

Fang Ye asked Xia Qingyi something from time to time. In Zhou Guican's eyes, these were really not smart.

People in the banking system may have a high social status and should have a lot of licking dogs around them, or they may be popular in the blind date market.

It's really not smart to let them fall in love.

With this comparison, Zhou Guican regained some confidence.

Then he kept muttering in his heart, no matter how beautiful and amazing the rose is, it thorns people, don't think too much!

Xu Youen leaned against the refrigerator with a water cup and watched everyone busy, and his eyes slowly changed.

She may have just reacted to some things now.

The female stars on TV are indeed beautiful, good-looking and stunning.

However, the female stars around me are different.

Comparing with each other, it seems that I am slowly fading.

On the glass plank road, Xu Mo coughed.

Chen Shen turned around and smiled: "Sister Mo is back?"

Xu Mo hummed, walked to the outermost of the glass plank road, and stretched out her hands on the railing like Chen Shen.

"What's wrong? You don't go to see the beautiful woman?"

"I've seen it."

Xu Mo chuckled.

Under the cliff, the green lawn is gradually covered by the night.

When the sight receives the beautiful scenery, the ears and nose become sensitive.

The wind here has traces, and the grass also has a smell.

"So, between the beautiful woman and the scenery, you chose the latter?"

"It's not that complicated, just a simple stroll, this place is so good, more than 6 million per set."


For Xu Mo, the love variety show is a bit boring.

But today, Xia Qingyi came, which seems to be more interesting.

Then there is Chen Shen. Xu Mo thinks this guy is not the kind of person who can see the end at a glance.

Since she can't get what she wants, and it's not easy to leave directly, it's better to dig out some interesting things than to stay here without knowing what to do.

"Why don't you ask me if it's going well today?"

Chen Shen glanced at Xu Mo: "These can be seen."

Xu Mo was stunned and smiled: "Actually it's not going well."

"You can lie to me, as long as you are happy."

Xu Mo stretched out her hand and gave Chen Shen a slap. It's not fun.

Just like Xu Mo's feeling about Chen Shen, the more she gets in touch with him, the more she finds that this person is very smart.

It's completely different from the initial impression.

"Can I ask you a question?"


"Why choose Youen?"

Chen Shen looked back. There was no staff filming on the glass plank road, but there was a camera set up.

Logically speaking, this question is a bit beyond the scope, after all, it's still recording a program.

Of course, a woman like Xu Mo can't be constrained by the rules of the program.

Chen Shen guessed that although it was smooth, the old man must have disgusted Xu Mo.

So bored that he would come to entertain himself.

Since it was going beyond the scope, Chen Shen was not afraid and smiled: "I still want to choose you."

Xu Mo narrowed her eyes and also glanced at the machine set up next to her. I don't know what she was thinking in her mind.

Chen Shen laughed.

Why did you come here suddenly?

To show off?

No, Chen Shen felt that he had to change the dimension to record this program and needed to think.

Before Xia Qing came, Chen Shen's mind was on the people in the program. After Xia Qing came, Chen Shen had to consider the director, that is, Zhao Chunsheng.

Just as Chen Shen had thought before, when Xia Qing came, where would her benefit be.

Will he become her background board?

Looking deeper, these things are nothing more than arranged by the director. Who knows what Zhao Chunsheng thinks.

Some topics beyond the scope can be said, but does the director dare to let them out?

Xia Qing's arrival seems to have increased the difficulty for Chen Shen, but from Chen Shen's point of view, it also adds constraints to the program team.

Xu Mo's first reaction was to be offended. After all, he didn't have the kind of male-female thoughts about Chen Shen.

However, if you want to say that he was offended, it was also her who started it.

It's their freedom to choose who to choose. It's crossing the line to pick it up.

Why is it like this?

Because in Xu Mo's heart, Chen Shen is smart, but he is still a little worse than herself.

Xu Mo also laughed, and she was actually happy deep down.

This kind of conversation is like meeting a match in the workplace. Of course, it means that it is unlikely to be boring here.

"Sorry." Xu Mo apologized first out of her manners.

Chen Shen smiled and said, "Then are you still asking?"

Xu Mo snorted, "Still asking."

Chen Shen also snorted, "Then I'll say it."

Xu Youen lay on the sofa in the living room, staring at the glass plank road outside.

The two stinky men in the kitchen don't even know their last names.

They don't even know if they put salt in the dishes, so how can they see Xu Youen.

So, is soy milk really delicious?

What about this side?

Chen Shen had been outside for almost an hour.

At first, I wanted to go find him, but I couldn't afford to do so.

Didn't you just not give a direct answer that day? Who can get the girl done with just one date?

Besides, I returned the letter yesterday to him. Isn't this just expressing my attitude?

Although she didn't seem to make any mistakes, she was the only one who didn't like Xia Qingyi.

But what the hell was Sister Mo doing in the past?

It was a mess, all messed up.

Fang Ye appeared in the living room: "It's time to eat, where are they?"

Xu Youen pointed outside.

Fang Ye looked over and was stunned at first, then he actually felt relieved.

"Do you go and call them or should I?" Fang Ye asked Xu Youen.

Xu Youen jumped off the sofa: "I'll go!"

The night in late autumn in Yuzhou gradually became colder.

Xu Youen looked at the figures of Chen Shen and Xu Mo staying together, and didn't know what he was mumbling.

Are they getting closer?

His face was full of his signature enthusiastic smile again: "Hey, you are all here?"

Chen Shen and Xu Mo turned around and their smiles faded.

"Let's eat."

Chen Shen nodded: "Okay, I heard there will be a big meal today!"

Xu Mo asked: "Is Mian Mian back?"

Xu Youen frowned: "Yes, Mian Mian hasn't come back yet, hum, these men, forget the old ones when they have new ones."

Chen Shen smiled: "Then guess why Mian Mian hasn't come back at this time?"

Xu Youen: "Overtime?"

Xu Mo and Chen Shen looked at each other, smiled, and said nothing.

The female guests are here, where are the male guests?

Chen Shen just said: "Maybe."

The three walked towards the villa, and Xu Mo felt more and more that Chen Shen would not choose Xu Youen.

It's not that Xu Youen is not good, but she didn't feel that Chen Shen had a good impression of her.

Although love is something inexplicable, but it's not like college students, at least there is basic logic.

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