In the bedroom, Fang was also washing up in the bathroom.

There were still a few pieces of cut apples left in the fruit plate on the table next to him. After a night of oxidation, they had turned yellow and black.

Chen Shen took the computer and went out.

He happened to meet Su Mian who was about to go downstairs.

Maybe she heard the movement behind her, turned around, and saw Chen Shen.

A very standard ponytail, bangs tied up, delicate face, formal work clothes, and a leather computer bag.

That kind of delicate and well-behaved bookish air is exactly like a little princess from a wealthy family.

Chen Shen approached: "Let's play games together when we come back tonight."

Su Mian had a smile on her face.

She brought the computer back yesterday.

She brought the computer back because she told Chen Shen about playing games.

But she had something to do later yesterday and didn't play. Of course, she was a little embarrassed to say it.

Let Chen Shen play games with her here? Isn't it not good?

Chen Shen saw it and took the initiative to say it.

Su Mian nodded: "Okay."

When passing by the mailbox, Su Mian walked faster.

Chen Shen's expression was a little complicated. Didn't she check the mailbox?

"You don't want to eat?" Chen Shen asked.

Su Mian looked at the kitchen. There were so many people.

"I eat at the company. I can't eat too early. I eat when I'm slacking off at work. Really." Su Mian pinched her hands under the shoulder straps of the backpack in front of her chest. She felt that Chen Shen's tone was similar to her mother's.

"Okay, be careful on the road."

Su Mian nodded: "I will definitely eat."

Walking to the door, Su Mian looked back, as if she had something to say.

Chen Shen stopped and waited for her words.

Su Mian probably felt that the distance between them was too far and it was hard to say, so she walked back.

"Does what I said last night count?"

Chen Shen thought about it, then nodded: "It counts."

"Okay, I'm leaving."

Su Mian took a brisk step, changed her shoes and went out.

Chen Shen looked through the window and kept watching Su Mian's figure disappear out of sight.

Then he shook his head and sighed.

Xu Youen, who looks carefree and likable, is disturbed more.

Su Mian, who is not good at socializing, is like a little lone ranger.

All this seems to be reasonable.

Chen Shen just walked into the kitchen and was pushed out by Xu Youen: "I've finished washing, don't interfere."

The two sat on the sofa.

"What time is it?"

Chen Shen looked at the time: "Seven forty-five."

Xu Youen frowned: "It's annoying, why do people have to go to work."

Chen Shen smiled and said: "Then you can skip work."

"Don't encourage me, I really can do it." Xu Youen counted on his fingers and said: "The light rail takes half an hour, and the walk takes about ten minutes in total. Count five minutes for error tolerance, and forty-five minutes is enough."

The closer the relationship, many things are no longer concealed, such as not liking this job.

"Don't rush on the road, safety is important."

Xu Youen leaned on the sofa and looked at Chen Shen.

She used to think that Chen Shen was a simple and passive person.

Later, she felt that Chen Shen must be a rich man in his heart, and he had a lot of experience.

Otherwise, he would not empathize with his little emotions, and would comfort himself without any worries.

Xu Youen didn't know if he had a good impression filter, otherwise why would he feel that Chen Shen was more and more excellent?



"Why don't you like your current job when you get up so early every day to go to work?"

Chen Shen thought about it for a long time before he remembered that he had said this to Xu Youen, and replied: "Although I don't like my current job, I like myself now."

This sentence is not pretentious for Chen Shen himself.

He really likes and cherishes himself at the moment.

After all, he has died once.

Xu Youen's eyes were full of stars, and she hurriedly looked away, thinking that it was over, it was over, and she did have a good impression filter.

She actually thought this sentence was so romantic.

"But what if I only know how to check the spot?" Xu Youen muttered.

Chen Shen smiled and said, "What's the difference? I get up early and you get up late, it's the same concept, just to make myself happy."

Xu Youen snorted: "Although I know you are comforting me, it's very useful."

Seeing Chen Shen turn on the computer, Xu Youen asked again: "You hold your precious computer every day, and it doesn't look like you are playing games. Is it because of work?"

Chen Shen shook his head: "How can I love work so much."

"What is that?"


Xu Youen came over and almost touched Chen Shen: "Let me see it."

Chen Shen closed the computer: "You can't see it now."

Xu Youen was stunned and said uncertainly: "The surprise you are talking about is for me?"

Chen Shen nodded: "Yes."

Xu Youen suddenly felt that the world became beautiful, and laughed: "Who wants to see it, stingy."

Chen Shen said as if joking: "But for you, it may not be a surprise."

Xu Youen quickly stretched out his hands and made a cross in front of his chest: "Stop, stop, the more you talk, the more curious I am."

Xia Qingyi appeared at the stairs.

Or rather, Xu Youen and Chen Shen just noticed Xia Qingyi appeared at the stairs.

Xu Youen hurriedly moved away from Chen Shen, then he became a little annoyed after realizing it. What was he afraid of? It was a love show!



Xia Qingyi walked towards the kitchen, and halfway through, she suddenly looked at Chen Shen: "Why haven't you gone to work today?"

Chen Shen replied: "I'm taking a day off today."

"Wow, so good?"

Xu Youen replied: "Don't say anything, I'm almost envious."

Xia Qingyi continued to walk towards the kitchen, and when she reached the door, she turned back and said: "What a coincidence, I'm taking a day off today too."

Xu Youen was stunned, and said in a crying voice: "I'm the only one working, right?"

After saying that, she seemed to feel something was wrong, and stared at Xia Qingyi.

Xia Qingyi smiled and went into the kitchen.

Chen Shen reminded: "Go upstairs and change clothes."

Xu Youen stood up: "I really want to skip work, I'm so angry!"

Having said that, he went upstairs.

It felt like only five minutes at most, and Xu Youen went downstairs.

She ran to Chen Shen in a hurry, turned around, and then blinked and said: "Does it look good?"

Black tight jeans, gray close-fitting T-shirt, perfect curves, thin waist, and beautiful curves on the hips

Although her upper body is not as good as Sister Mo's, it is still quite prominent.

She wore a knitted sweater and jacket on the outside, which made her look youthful and energetic.

"It looks good."

Xu Youen laughed a few times, and then ran out in a hurry.

Everyone went out one after another, and Fang Ye went downstairs leisurely.

Seeing Chen Shen still sitting in the living room, he was surprised: "Wow, the sun is rising from the west?"

Chen Shen looked up: "I'm taking a break today."

"Sure, are you going home?"

Fang Ye thought that Chen Shen had not dealt with the family affairs yesterday, so he had to go back today.

Chen Shen shook his head: "No, I'll just take a break."

"That's great."

After entering the kitchen, Fang Ye saw Xia Qingyi sitting at the dining table, eating breakfast leisurely, and was even more surprised.

The two talked a lot on their date yesterday.

Xia Qingyi is currently busy with the recording of this program and the personal album.

"Hey, Qingyi hasn't left yet." Fang Ye was surprised.

Xia Qing looked over and said with a smile, "Good morning. My team at the company has other things to do today, so I'm taking a day off."

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