After lunch, the car stopped at the door of the hot pot restaurant early.

Chen Shen and Xu Youen got in the car, which was the same car that the program team had brought.

This time, the driver did not ask the location, but went to the place that Xu Youen had reported.

The cameraman named Da Qi was still sitting in the passenger seat.

When the car merged into the traffic, Chen Shen suddenly smiled.

When Xia Qing came, Chen Shen clearly remembered that he had laughed at her in his heart.

A 23-year-old girl came to such a program, why did she think she could get away with it.

What about now? This sentence seemed to be reflected on herself.

Chen Shen, Chen Shen, can you still get away with it?

Xu Youen sat next to her, and she was actually a little uneasy in her heart. She and Chen Shen seemed to have made a step forward. Can they be close? Or should they keep the status quo?

Xu Youen saw the smile on Chen Shen's face, which did not seem to be pure happiness, but very deep and complicated.

"Give me the camera."

"Ah? Oh, here you go."

Xu Youen took the camera out of his bag and handed it over.

Chen Shen turned on the camera and flipped through the photos Xu Youen had taken.

Xu Youen leaned over: "Anyway, I think they all look good. I'll make an album for you later."

Chen Shen nodded: "Are you playing Xiaohongshu?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Do you play Douyin too?"

"Occasionally, mainly because some people on Douyin talk nonsense, so I rarely post anything there."

Chen Shen pointed the camera at Xu Youen, and Xu Youen quickly covered her face: "Don't shoot, I'll touch up my makeup first."

Took out a small mirror and looked at it, then looked at Chen Shen: "I feel okay, what do you think?"

Chen Shen smiled: "You look good even without makeup."


"Do you believe me?"

Xu Youen blinked: "What's wrong?"

"I'll take photos and short videos for you. You can post them on Xiaohongshu and Douyin. I'll take photos with a stronger atmosphere."



Xu Youen thought about it and shook her head: "I'll do it myself. You'll be very tired."

Chen Shen shook his head: "No, I'm not tired."

Xu Youen's eyes became more gentle. She moved towards Chen Shen, and then ignored the people in front of her and wanted to post!

"Then I'll just give you my account?"

What did Xu Youen think?

This was Chen Shen's response to himself. Although he was on a dating show to find a boyfriend, what if he became popular and could generate income?

Xu Youen avoided this aspect at first, but later he didn't avoid it in front of Chen Shen.

If Chen Shen wanted to do it, wouldn't that mean he was thinking about what to do after the dating show?

Xu Youen paid much attention to this area some time ago, but he may be too excited these days and has no energy to care about these things.

If Chen Shen is willing to do it, let him do it.

If it really makes money, then the two of them will share it.

"Okay, I'll bring a tablet over, and you can log in the account on the tablet and I'll do it."

Chen Shen didn't know whether he could get out of it unscathed, but he knew that he had to give Xu Youen a guarantee.

Even if Xu Youen knew the truth and left in the end, she wouldn't end up with nothing.

Xu Youen is not the kind of person who likes to work from nine to five, so she should find other directions to replace her current job.

For girls, Xiaohongshu is indeed better than Douyin.

If Douyin wants to increase its fans quickly, it has to attract LSPs.

What kind of group is LSP? A group of surreal poor guys, the kind that even fifty-year-old rich women dare to rush into.

What about Xiaohongshu? It mainly attracts fairies.

From a boy's perspective, Xiaohongshu and Weibo are not played by dogs.

However, from the blogger's perspective, if all my fans are fairies, I'll make a fortune.

Not only are they willing to pay, they also have super strong fighting power and cohesion. As long as they like you, you are the best person in the world.

This group of people, let alone the fan circle of Internet celebrities, is also a super VIP, the best fans in the country.

The car drove to the side of a big hotel.

Chen Shen and Xu Youen got off the car.

"What is this?"

"You'll know when you go up."

Follow the elevator to the seventh floor, and there is a sign of a diving hall.

"My best friend brought me here once, and I was impressed." Xu Youen explained beside Chen Shen.

Go in, someone will greet you.

There are four areas in the diving hall.

This side is connected to a large shopping mall. The largest area is the ecological diving hall facing the mall. You have to wear a diving suit and bring an oxygen tank. There are many kinds of fish and algae.

Then there is the indoor swimming pool, which is also the most crowded place.

There are also artificial hot springs and free diving halls.

Xu Youen wanted to take Chen Shen to experience the free diving hall, the kind without oxygen tanks.

After Chen Shen changed into a diving suit, he was taken to one of the pools in the free diving hall by the staff.

It was a magical pool with very good water quality and clear bottom. The water depth in the edge area was about 1.4 meters. The second area was like a big step down, and the water depth became more than 4 meters.

The last area was directly pulled to 14 meters, but it didn't look scary because the light transmittance was very good. The outer enclosure was not a wall, but a huge piece of glass.

There was a camera to help take pictures outside, and you can pose in various ways inside.

"How is it? Not bad, right? We were originally going to play in the ecological museum over there, but they said it was difficult to take pictures there because there were too many people, so they let us play this one. It is said that this one is not open to the public. It is linked to a diving club and is professional level."

Xu Youen came over.

Chen Shen raised his eyebrows and did not look away for a long time.

Xu Youen pushed Chen Shen a little embarrassedly: "The teacher is here!"

Although it is a one-piece diving suit, it is completely attached to the body, and the curves are particularly obvious.

Xu Youen looks thin, but when wearing it like this, she has a fleshy feeling, with bumps and curves.

Two teachers came to teach diving, one male and one female. The male taught Chen Shen and the female taught Xu Youen.

As long as you can dive, there is no big trick.

The main thing is to take it slowly, and you can't dive deep at once, especially the ears and lungs, you have to adapt to the water pressure first.

Chen Shen put on fins and then entered the water.

It is constant temperature, not cold.

Xu Youen came over and stretched out his hand, and Chen Shen handed it over.

The two looked at each other and began to giggle.

Why did you choose this? At first, Xu Youen thought that she wanted to break through the defenses between herself and Chen Shen.

Show her body and have physical contact.

The result? They kissed before they even came.

Chen Shen let go of all the tricks in his heart and began to enjoy the date.

Since the routine didn't work, he would make up for it in other places. At least during this period, he made her happy.

Even if there was a cheating factor, it was a sincere cheat, and she would not do bad things.

"Adapt with me first." Xu Youen said.


In fact, Chen Shen was not afraid. After he became famous in his previous life, some people flattered him and took him to dive in the sea.

Diving and swimming are two different feelings. Only after your head is immersed in the water can you really feel the power of water.

The whole world seemed to be quiet all of a sudden. Looking sideways, I only felt that Xu Youen was so white, which formed a sharp contrast with the black hair that was stained and floating in the water.

Xu Youen looked at Chen Shen in the water and couldn't help laughing, gurgling out a lot of bubbles.

Chen Shen pinched his nose and began to inflate his ears to let his eardrums adapt to the water pressure.

He stayed in the shallow water for three or four minutes, then went to the deep water area on the second floor.

"Hurry up and say don't be afraid, don't be afraid." Xu Youen touched Chen Shen.

Chen Shen smiled and said, "Look at the side, there are several safety guards, we will definitely not drown."

"Pfft, pfft, pfft, I want to do a good-looking action so that they can take good-looking photos."

Chen Shen took the first step down the huge step and began to tread water, then reached out to Xu Youen.

He took Xu Youen's hand and slowly backed away.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, get used to the buoyancy of the water first, yes, breathe slowly, inhale when you sink, and exhale when the buoyancy lifts you up, it's great."

The venue was set up with filming equipment, and several photographers were also looking for angles to shoot.

Da Qi was shooting from above, and the other two were shooting in front of the glass below.

The young photographer sighed: "I will definitely not follow the filming tomorrow. Who can stand this?"

The old cameraman sighed: "You can see from the camera, the smile on Youen's face, she is really happy."

The young cameraman: "What's the use? Unless Chen Shen is willing to give up one million, do you think he will give up?"

The old cameraman was silent. He tried to put himself in the shoes of others, but found that he could not put himself in the shoes of others at all, because he had no such experience.

What if? The old cameraman sighed. If he met such a girl, he would not reach this stage and would fail at Su Mian's hands.

Such a beautiful girl has a good impression of me and invites me to her house. I would have patted my chest to show my loyalty a long time ago.

"Fuck! You bastard!"

You can't think about these things. The more you think about them, the angrier you get.

The young cameraman: "I think Chen Shen might leave the show hand in hand with Xia Qingyi."


"Brother, think about it, if he holds hands with Xia Qingyi, he will be connected with Yuwen Media. Whether it's true or not, he has popularity, a girlfriend, and Xia Qingyi, maybe the company too. For Yuwen Media, Chen Shen holding hands with Xia Qingyi is a concession to Xia Qingyi, which is a big favor. When it comes to treating artists, Yuwen is considered to be a good one in the industry."

The older cameraman glanced at his camera: "What about Mianmian? What about Youen?"

"How should I know, damn, this is the first time I feel so frustrated at my job. I saw three such good girls jumping into the fire pit. I was so angry, brother, it was Xia Qingyi who took the initiative yesterday Kissed him, I don't go to bed until 3:30, she's my goddess. "

"Stop talking, it's as if it wasn't Ya-Eun who took the initiative to kiss him today."

"Well, even so, we still have to serve him well, and we have to make him look more handsome and good-looking, luckily there is also Sister Mo, by the way, brother, is it true that Sister Mo won't fall in love on our show?"

The older cameraman: "Of course it's true, Xu Mo started dating Fang Ye, the sound recording team said the feedback was average, and Fang couldn't follow many of the words, and then the director didn't let us discuss Xu Mo, he said Xu Mo's identity is different, the male guest we found doesn't match her, if she offends her, she might ask us to edit her out, then our show will be ruined, so, facing Xu Mo, we have to be careful."

The young cameraman breathed a sigh of relief: "Then I feel relieved. It's a bit of a consolation. After all, who is Sister Mo? She has led the investment in two listed companies and is so beautiful. It seems that I can follow her tomorrow. Maybe I can see Chen Shen get humiliated."

"So, just bear with it today. It will pass if you bear with it."

Thanks to brother [Muxue is also white-haired] for the 2,000-coin reward!

Thanks to brothers [Zhengtai Baron] and [Book Friend 2023****5995] for the 100-coin reward!

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