I'm Kaido Of The Beasts, Luffy Is Coming

Chapter 121 Destroy The Nine Snakes! Lead Marine To The Revolutionary Army!


The wounds of the sea healed quickly, and the sea water that filled the pit churned and swirled, gradually giving birth to a huge uzumaki.

Watching the generation of that big Uzumaki,

Yamato looked at his hands in disbelief, and said with wide eyes

"That's too strong! Daddy!"

"I never thought this trick would be strong like this!"

The power of this move was the strongest she had ever seen other than Kaido's Fire Dragon Torch!

It can be said that it is not an exaggeration! If you really attack the island of Sabaody, I am afraid that the entire archipelago will be destroyed!

Then he scratched his head and stuck out his tongue and said, "But you should be strong enough, right?" I definitely can't play this kind of power if I change someone. ”

"I'm sure you'll catch up." Kaido took one last look at the sea and turned around, controlling the flame cloud to leave, and said with a smile at Yamato.

""Trinity three" ah~~ That's too difficult." Yamato said as he snapped his head again.

"How can it be easy to catch up with me, do you want to give up?" Kaido asked with raised eyebrows at her.

"Nope! Of course not!" Yamato decisively refused, saying with a resolute face, "I will definitely catch up with you!" I want to be your strongest assistant!"

"Oh lao~" Kaido laughed loudly, "Then I'll wait." ”

Yamato twittered, and Kaido did not have the slightest impatience,

The two talked and laughed like this while picking up a few people who were hidden.

"Done?" Doflamingo came up and asked meanly.

"Of course! My dad and I are invincible!" Yamato proudly straightened his chest and shook his ponytail behind his head and said.

"Oh sigh~ I have no doubt about this~" Doflamingo laughed.

The first half of the Grand Line, an island in the Calm Belt,

In the middle, two tall and large serpents form a love heart, and the town houses below are all over the place, and at a glance they are full of women in animal clothes and leather armor.

Here is the name of the sea people, the daughter country - Amazon Lily.

Within two hours, Kaido was over the island with his men, and the ban on the Calm Belt seemed non-existent to those who could fly.

The citizens below all exclaimed and looked at the sky in amazement,

Even if someone has seen what a man is, men are still rare creatures here, and this is an even rarer man who flies on the clouds.

What's more, Kaido's huge and muscular body is extremely conspicuous and attracts attention.

"Or will Tezzolo and I do it?" Doflamingo asked again.

"No, you're too slow." Kaido said ruthlessly.

.." *2

Both Doflamingo and Tezzolo couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths.

To say that they kill people slowly, they don't know whether this is praise or criticism.

"Eight fasts." Kaido shouted indifferently, releasing the mace in his hand, "Burn this island to ashes."

Under the common gaze of several people around him,

The black rod instantly deformed, soared into the sky, and turned into a huge black dragon tens of meters long.

The daughter country below instantly boiled again,

"Dragon! It's a black dragon!"

But in the next second, the black dragon opened its big mouth, and the flames were entrenched in it.

The men's faces changed drastically, and they shouted, "Enemy attack! That dragon is an enemy!!"

"Those men are enemies too!"

"Damn! The queen hasn't come back from sending Luffy off!"

"The Protector Warriors are here!"

I saw a group of women with bows, arrows, long swords and other weapons quickly rushing over,

He fired an arrows with armed colors attached to the eight fasts.


These lowest-level armed colors didn't even tickle on the body of the Eight Fasts, and they broke off and bounced off as soon as they touched it.

Hot breath!

The pillar of fire instantly gushed out from the mouth of the eight fasts and hit the earth,

Then the dragon head moved with a pillar of fire, and the flames directly split the entire town in two, and for a time there was a fire in the city, and the people panicked.

The heart-wrenching screams and cries for help kept coming, making Tezzolo feel a little cruel.


"Don't! So hot! I'm on fire!"

"Tell the Queen that the country has been invaded by the enemy!"

"Warrior of the Nine Serpents! Meet the enemy!"

More and more protectors gathered, and instead of saving their own people first, they gathered together to shoot arrows at the black dragon and men.

Unfortunately, the arrows were broken by silk threads and gold before they reached Kaido.

Kaido pulled Hancock directly and put it in the front, so that she and the people below could clearly see each other.

"Her Majesty!!" The people below looked in shock at Hancock, whose body was bound by gold and his mouth was choked.

"Hmm!.......... Hmm!." Hancock kept shedding tears and struggled in Kaido's hands:

At this time, the eight fasts seemed to be annoyed by the arrows of the warriors, and a breath of heat rushed directly towards them.


In an instant, a scorching explosion occurred, overturning and roasting a large area of national protectors in place, and no one survived.

"Hmm!!!" Hancock showed a distressed expression and struggled violently,

Then he closed his eyes and turned his head to see all this again, only tears kept flowing.

"JOKER。” Kaido ordered indifferently.

"Simple~" Doflamingo smiled wickedly, his fingers moving slightly.

A few strands of silk stuck to Hancock's body, tearing her eyelids open and straightening her head.

Hancock was forced to watch the gradual destruction of his daughter's country, and his body shook violently, but his head seemed to be immobilized,

He could only turn his gaze to Kaido, with pleading and remorse in his eyes, and finally let out a whimpering sound, bitterly seeking Kaido's forgiveness.

But Kaido didn't care about her, but said to the three of them, "Look at her and let her carefully watch the fate of her wrong choice."

Then he turned around and floated towards the edge of the deserted coast.

Yamato, Doflamingo, and Tezzolo glanced at each other, and then looked closely at the female emperor.

Come to the shore, facing the sea calmly like stagnant water,

Kaido pulled a sparrow out of his purple down fur coat, brought it to life, and bounced it in his hand.

He looked at this drawn hemp 5.1 finch, and the thoughtful light in his eyes flashed,


"The headquarters of the revolutionary army is in Baldigo, the island of white earth.

"Inform Virgo and he will know what to do."

Didn't the revolutionary army exist to help him attract firepower?

Kaido grinned, then bowed his head gently,

The sparrow in his hand tilted his head and looked at him twice, flapping his wings and flying high.

This bird can't speak, but as long as you meet Kanjuro, you can turn into ink fonts and transmit information in the form of words.

This was the way Kanjuro was previously brought to Virgo.

And Kanjuro joined in a state of shipwreck and amnesia, and the maneuverable space is very high.

Even if you are unidentified and cannot sit in a high position,

But he exists to pave the way for Virgo, to carry and dispel all doubts.

And Virgo ...

It's a smart guy.

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