I'm Kaido Of The Beasts, Luffy Is Coming

Chapter 125 Poseidon Shirahoshi, Worthy Of An Ancient Weapon!

Ignoring the flower fields behind him that have turned into white silk threads, and the constant sound of the battle movement,

Kaido flew directly into the sky and went to the neighboring island of the Fishman Kingdom.

Now, the bridge between the two countries has been built,

Pika's stone fruit ability is really easy to use in infrastructure, and it is said that he only took a few minutes to build this nearly kilometer cross-sea bridge.

And it is the product of these few minutes that has produced rich exchanges between the two races and the two kingdoms,

Two-way trips are constantly crowded, and the bridge will definitely remain overcrowded until night.

The benefits of a country of passion are fully reflected,

The natives of Dressrosa have never had conflicts with fish people and mermaids, and have always treated each other warmly, which has been well received by the fish people, and the trade route has been completely opened by the two peoples.

And the five million residents of The fish men island are by no means comparable to Dressrosa, which has been fed in a matter of days.

Kaido glanced at the bustle below and headed satisfactorily toward a shore in The fish men island.

Not for a while.

The fish men island is the most extended edge of the original sea - forest,

Shirahoshi is clasping his hands together in front of his chest, praying reverently towards the sea with his eyes closed,

"Please answer my call, the first creatures of the sea, the common ancestors of all creatures, the sea kings who inhabit the deepest part of the ocean..."

She has been muttering like this for days,

Ever since Kaido asked her for help, she's been here except for eating and sleeping, repeatedly summoning Sea Kings in her own way.

But it was useless, there was no Sea Kings at all, only some ordinary sea creatures would approach her and ask if she needed help.

"Still not OK?" Beside him, Tezzolo, who looked extremely short in comparison, sighed.

He has already learned the whereabouts of pure gold from Kaido's mouth,

Right in the sea! A giant lanternfish in the stomach of Sea Kings!

It was two hundred years ago that a genius scientist in a small town on a remote island specialized in research, and finally succeeded in developing pure gold.

But he hasn't had time to show the world what he has done,

A certain energy of pure gold attracted the Sea Kings first.

The giant lantern fish Sea Kings divided the island in one bite, and together with the scientist's family, ate most of the island.

The scientist who developed pure gold and his daughter were separated and never seen again for two hundred years.

Although it seems like a tragic story, this is the point!

Both the scientist and his daughter have gained the power of immortality by wearing pure gold!

It has been living in the belly of the lantern fish for hundreds of years!

What a miraculous power! How fascinating! It's like it has a sucking magic!

But they are obviously ready for everything, just waiting to put forward pure gold,

But he delayed for a long time on Poseidon's summoning Sea Kings and got stuck.

Tezzolo sighed softly, and suddenly his emotion about this matter was slim.

Suddenly, Kaido's voice came from behind Shirahoshi and Tezzolo like a savior.

"Haven't worked out yet?"

Shirahoshi immediately couldn't hold back when he heard this voice, opened his eyes in fright, lowered his hands and hung his head, tears immediately welled up.

A pitiful look of Chu Chu who was about to cry said,

"I'm sorry! Kaido-sama! Tezzolo-sama!"

"It's that I'm too stupid to even play my own strength well..."

"Obviously according to the legend, I can easily do it... But... But"

"Suck ~~"

She stopped and sucked the runny nose hard, tears rolling in her eyes, and then continued

"But I've been here for a few days and haven't moved at all..."

"It's all my fault..."

Kaido looked at her funny appearance with only one nose running snot, and did not blame much,

First looked at Tezzolo,

Seeing that the other party shrugged his shoulders to indicate that there was no progress at all,

Shirahoshi, who was in big pink waves, asked, "How did you do that?"

"I: .........”

"I just asked if I could invite them over, and I recited a hymn to Sea Kings from The fish men island, and then...

Shirahoshi's two pink index fingers pointed together and said weakly, outlining the way she summoned Sea Kings.

Then after speaking, she found that Kaido was staring at her tightly, and immediately buried her head like a frightened rabbit, and the two bundles of pink headbands on her head really bounced twice like rabbit ears.

Just like her natural personality, she treats Sea Kings with a pleading attitude,

However, it is more difficult to stimulate the potential energy in her body.

" Shirahoshi。” Kaido interrupted with an indifferent look at her.

"Order them."

"You are one of the three ancient weapons that can destroy the world, and your ability is not a request, let alone a dialogue."

"Sea Kings exists to follow your orders completely."

Asking for flowers............

"You can manipulate them whenever you want to do anything that no one else can."

"Go. Command them. ”

Kaido-sama: ........” Shirahoshi opened his small mouth to say something.

But thinking that he must want to repay Lord Kaido, he has not done a simple thing for so many days,

Now that Kaido-sama has come to help him, do you still have to refuse..........

So with a crossed heart, he took out a sense of courage, turned around and tried to say to the sea,

"I order all the Sea Kings in New World to come to me!"

After waiting for a while, the sea surface still did not change, and no Sea Kings appeared.

Shirahoshi felt that he had failed again, so he turned his head to look at Kaido even sadder,

But at this moment, the sea moved.

I saw a shocking wave suddenly rise in the distance, rushing towards The fish men island at a very fast speed,

The sea around the island rolls and shakes violently, and the fine and towering waves are endless,

In this large area of the sea, Dressrosa and the Lilliputian Rubbit Island all felt the violent impact and tremor, and the sea seemed to be tilting.

Unlike other islands, The fish men island floating on the sea surface shook and tilted more violently, capsizing everything on the island, overturning hundreds of people who could not stand steady, and all fell to the ground.

The bridge that had just been built broke instantly, and countless people fell into the sea screaming!

For a time, screams and doubts filled the sky, and the whole island fell into panic,

King Neptune crawled out of the Dragon Palace in a panic to check the situation.

Then as the huge tsunami progressed, more people saw the nearly kilometer-high waves, and the whole country panicked.

They thought they had angered the gods of the sea!

Just as the tsunami was approaching The fish men island,

Countless figures that cover the sky all day drill directly out of the seabed, pushing out the huge bodies of nearly a thousand meters and thousands of meters, cutting off the tsunami and blocking them behind.

One after another, they emerged from the bottom of the sea, completely surrounding The fish men island, plunging the fish men island into a large area of darkness and shadows.

And Tezzolo, who was closest to Shirahoshi, felt like he was hovering on the edge of death, and his heart was almost popping out of his flesh!

He trembled his body, looked up at countless huge creatures with a body size of thousands of meters, swallowed his spit with difficulty, and said

"Worthy of it... Ancient Weapon.. ......”

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