I'm Kaido Of The Beasts, Luffy Is Coming

Chapter 144 The Site Was Attacked! Quinn's Tech Warriors!

"War has been declared. Kaido's news document from the World government to the world finally aroused some interest.

"Let's go and serve them today, no one can stop the two of us anyway." Bullet raised his head, looked down at the file with his eyes down, and grinned.

If he only had himself, even if he already had the Nika Fruit that made him several times stronger, he would never have the idea of fighting the Naval Headquarters.

But what is the situation now? The total gap in high-end combat power before and after Marine is even larger than that of Four Emperors and Nobody, which is when they are at their weakest!

Bullet never thought that this day would be able to take revenge on Marine!

His already purple skin became even more penetrating, and his mentality was extremely excited.

"Wait a minute, let's see where Marine's confidence is to dare to do this." Kaido clicked on the table with one fingertip, and supported the corner of his head with the other hand at the corner of his mouth, "Revealing the powerful spirit of Master."

"Huh? What do you think?" Bullet asked confusedly.

Kaido just put his eyes out the window, and a small dark shadow had appeared in the sky.

Seeing the color 983 sensed it a little, and determined that it was the sparrow drawn by Kanjuro.

He had used it many times, and he was very familiar with the breath of this thing, and there would be no mistake.

He looked at Bullet again and said flatly

"Here it comes."

"What?" Bullet was visibly more puzzled, looking at the people he was following with a look of confusion.


A bird call drew Bullet's gaze over,

Ordinary normal creatures would not dare to get so close to where he and Kaido were, and the suppression of life forms alone was enough to intimidate weak creatures.

Watching a sparrow jump twice on the edge of the window,

Then he fluttered his wings and flew down to Kaido's table.

When he fixed his eyes, there was no bamboo tube on the bird's leg, indicating that there was no so-called "flying pigeon book".

So what is the use of this bird? When he was about to ask this,

The sparrow exploded violently, turning into countless black ink splashes on the table, stunned him.

Then the black ink flowed, quickly gathering on the table in batches, and turned into big words in the blink of an eye!

Putting those sentences together (bbch) is:

The Naval Headquarters has become bait, and the main high-level forces have withdrawn to the more secretive and secret Grand Yamanaka, which is not known for the time being.

"That one has already been taken away by the marshal and cannot be contacted for the time being."

"But before he left, he told the first troops in the next Marine that they had secretly sailed to Wanokuni, and they were expected to be accompanied by SSG's final weapons."

"In addition, I heard that Marineford was full of powerful explosives called 'Dynamite Rock,'"

"Please be careful."

"———— Kurozumi Kanjuro Keigami."

"......” Bullet froze in place, stunned and speechless.

For a while, I didn't know whether to ask them if they had spies in Marine, or if they were glad that they didn't act just now.

He knew that as long as a small piece of contact with the air turned back to cause the explosion of the giant star,

If Marine had been well prepared, his proposal just now would indeed hurt himself, and perhaps even his life would have been on Marineford.

Of course, he knew that Kaido would never be affected by that thing, and maybe even the skin would not break.

"It's smart to be removed from Marineford." Kaido remained calm after reading the news, and only continued to tap on the table, keeping thinking about his next move.

"This............... How do you find it?" Bullet put away his smile and asked with a frown.

Marine actually took the initiative to withdraw! It is clear that it is an initiative to admit it!

Too humiliating, right?

It is obviously the so-called strongest force in the sea, and it does not even have the intention of top-level confrontation?

He had never seen or heard of such an incident that made Marine abandon his base camp!

If this is spread out, Marine will be humiliated by the whole world!

I think it must be a last resort.

Should it be said that it is worthy of the governor of Kaido, even the side that has been declared war seems to be the winning side that has the tendency to crush,

It brought an unknown amount of oppression and fear to Marine and the World government.

It is almost impossible for the other party to have the idea of a head-on confrontation!

Worthy of the man I followed!

Bullet's eyes became a little hotter when he looked at Kaido's calm and calm appearance.


The black ink gradually retracted, condensed into a ball again, and turned into the sparrow appearance just now.

Kaido casually put it away, looked at the chart in front of him that was red crossed by JOTTER, and said

"There is no need for me to look for it, as long as they are still active, my spy will definitely bring news."

"You have more important things to do in comparison."

Bullet's eyelids narrowed slightly, he straightened his chest and back, and said confidently: "Don't worry, leave it to me."

Kaido bowed his head and signaled that he could step back.

Bullet also nodded in response, turned and walked out with a mocking sneer at Marine, staring at the sea in the distance, secretly thinking.

Jailed hatred, count it here!

After taking the person away, another phone bug appeared.

He now has to sit in Dressrosa.

Otherwise, Dressrosa and Mermaid Island would have been wiped out as soon as he walked on his front foot,

As a nation that has surrendered to Him, is His possession.

The only two countries under his command that were quite normal were destroyed, and such losses were something he did not want to bear.

What's more, Shirahoshi is still learning how Poseidon operates, and he can't leave Neptune.


Grunt grunt grunt ~

The phone bug rang and was connected in less than two seconds.

"Big Brother Kaido?!" Quinn's happy voice came from inside.

"How's the stuff going?" Kaido said.

"It's done! There are 30,000 sets of stealth suits! There are 20,000 sets of flame, lightning, and brute force suits each!!" Quinn said with a burst of laughter excitedly.

"Our troops are fully armed from top to bottom, head to toe!"

"Not enough." Kaido's cold tone came out.

"Huh? But we're all equipped?" Quinn frowned worriedly as he took a cigar.

"Rebuild! How many weapons are there?"

"I haven't calculated what a million guns look like, right? Eh, why so fast?!"

Kaido's eyes flashed, and the factory production efficiency 1000% clearly helped.

"Convert half of the weapons factories into tech factories! The sooner the better, don't care about the cost! The Celestial Dragons treasury has been moved by me, and some of it is money!"

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