I'm Kaido Of The Beasts, Luffy Is Coming

Chapter 17 This Is Not Something You Can Interfere With! Katakuri!

Fire and thunder suddenly burst out on him,

Under this double attack, Zeus and Prometheus have even cheered,

"Haha! Hit! ”

"Kaido is so stupid! I don't even know to hide! ”

Fire and thunder mingled, causing explosions on Kaido,

When they still wanted to cheer, the aunt's face changed, and she wanted them to come back with both hands,

"Come back! Prometheus! Zeus! ”

"Huh? Why? Mom? ”

"We'll definitely be able to roast him in a little while!"

But the humane Homiz has a certain ability to be autonomous, and it does not go as she wishes.


Kaido's voice made them both feel wrong, but with their intelligence, it was difficult to understand quickly.

Kaido grabbed his hands on his body, and it felt like a layer of soft jelly,

Pulling hard, he pulled off the fireball and thunderball that seemed to be stuck to his body,


When both Homiz's eyes were about to jump out,

The non-existent brain is completely incomprehensible,

Someone can touch their entity!

Kaido's left hand and right hand overlapped in the middle, squashing them hard and squeezing them in a pile,

Dragon scales appeared on the chest and began to extend upward,

Until Kaido's mouth is covered, sharp dragon teeth grow,

A scorching breath rose from his chest and abdomen.

The aunt had rushed over with Napolon at this time,

And watching Kaido's actions are very bad,

"Stop! Kaido! ”

Kaido ignored it,

If you tell me to stop, stop,

The heat continues to rise, and the breath has reached the Adam's apple,


The red flame, which is far warmer than Prometheus, turns into a pillar of fire,

With an aura of destruction and explosion, he shot at the two homeizi squeezed in his hands,

The laser-like penetration force shoots them straight through,

And the pillar of fire also penetrated deep into the earth and left a long, burning black pit.


None of their mothers could call out until they died.

Charlotte Linlin watched the demise of Homiz, who had been with him for decades, and his eyes immediately turned scarlet,

Take the opportunity to stab Kaido's Adam's apple with a knife,

Kaido is bound to take this opportunity to take Kaido to the head!

But at the moment, Kaido's dragonization is still there.

With Conqueror's winding blow directly knocked Kaido back,

But this does not satisfy the aunt at all,

Looking at Kaido, who looked up and took a few steps backwards, he was already a little confused,

Her Conqueror's entanglement can't break Kaido's defenses?!

"It's really-" Kaido kicked his right foot, the ground under his feet exploded, he straightened his body sharply, put his head down, touched the place where his Adam's apple had just been hit, and grinned and said, "It's a little itchy." ”

The aunt glanced at him sharply, grinding her teeth and turning her face,

At this moment, she finally felt the appearance of the weak man facing her,

No matter what, you can't break the defense of the other party, and you can't even think of the feeling of powerlessness that you can't even think of a way to win!

Then think that your strength is closely related to the ability of the fruit,

Lowering his head and looking at the two major natal homiz that have turned into pieces,

The breath of Zeus has all disappeared, Prometheus...

"Ma~~Mom~~" Prometheus' weak voice sounded,

The aunt hurriedly looked down to find a small nail-like fragment and attracted him to her hand.

Kaido was a little surprised, but then felt reasonable.

Prometheus, who is itself a flame, has a natural resistance to other flames.


"Mom... I'm dying... Help me! ”

Aunt suddenly felt the difficulty of this battle,

She needs time to get Prometheus back to his original state!

But Kaido doesn't have to wait for her!

And without a powerful Origin Homiz, her strength will also drop significantly!

Suddenly, she looked at the magnificent rift in the sky,

Lined with powerful thunderclouds! Can be used!


It takes time!

"Katakuri! Perospero! Where did you die!!! ”

The aunt shouted into the ruins.

Coincidentally, a boulder outside the ruins was kicked open, and Katakuri, covered in scars, walked out with a group of people,

He gasped, his shirt was gone, and his face was a little tired,

Perospero, Smuggie, and Cracker behind him were even more embarrassed, and their bodies were all hung with paint.

They responded, "We are here!" Mom! ”

The weak people behind him still had red palm prints on their faces, which seemed to have been forcibly awakened, and after coming out, they quickly fled to other islands.

"Help me hold him down!" The aunt did not care about the children's injuries at all and ordered directly.

"Huh? You're telling us to send us to death, mom!! Perospero shried in a shrill voice.

They finally crawled out of that ruin!

But I knew it would not come out so soon!!

That's Kaido!

Without you, a few of us will take the head to drag!

"Don't disobey me!" Aunt's anger has not subsided, he belongs to the muzzle,

I saw that the aunt's eyes turned into circle eyes, and a breath of death infected the audience,


Several people directly felt numb scalps, and they knew that they would never let him recite this mantra completely, but they were all controlled by Zisheng's fear,

Only Katakuri stopped it, "Mommy stop!" We will drag him! ”

"Death" was not said by the aunt after all,

After taking a deeper look at Kaido,

Evacuation of the scene began.

Aunt slipped away like a ball, and Kaido didn't think it was necessary to forcibly block it.

If she begged him sincerely, Kaido could even wait for her to finish.

After all, he hasn't gotten serious so far.

If it ends in such a hurry,

Then this trip is also too boring.


"You know what it would be like to meddle in a battle of this level, right?" Kaido asked, looking at the few people in front of him.

Several of them took a deep breath to calm their minds,

Seeing death as if at home stopped between him and his aunt,

Four people stood in a row, their weapons already clenched,

In fact, his face was already pale with fear,

This is no different from facing death head-on.

"I know, but we don't have a choice." Katakuri is still the most courageous one.

"Then you should know..." Kaido raised his mace and disappeared in an instant.

Katakuri has put the best of his sights and triumphs, trying to rely on his top sights to obtain future information.

But his pupils dilated, and the future he saw was blurred,

Among them, there is only a picture of the four of them falling to the ground, and there is not even a shadow of Kaido.

Doubts arose in his heart,


I can't see Kaido?

As everyone knows, Kaido has flashed behind him.

"This is not a battle you can step into! Katakuri! ”

The four of them struggled to turn around with a chill down their backs, and Yu Guang saw Kaido's figure slightly

But only the last sentence was heard,

"Thunder Eight Trigrams—"

"Four companies!"

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