I'm Kaido Of The Beasts, Luffy Is Coming

Chapter 21 Aunt Is Defeated! I'm Taking Her Away Today! Who Can Stop Me? !

The aunt trembled and got up from the ground,

Dirty and messy, hair completely exploded, dress black and torn,

Even the heavy makeup on her face was mostly wiped off and covered in dirt.

The face is crazy and bloodthirsty, and the eyes are red and occupied,

And raised his left hand to summon the remaining soul of Homiz,

But this time only the remnants of three or three flew over,

Apparently several summons have consumed the entire Homiz of all nations,

But even if it was not much, it was used by her to heal her injuries, and I saw her big hand pressing on her abdomen,

The flattened stomach slowly rose up as if it could be inflated.

Then Prometheus and Hera exerted their strength again,

Fire and electricity all converge on the big knife,

Napolon's momentum instantly soared, and it rose non-stop,

Almost beyond the aunt's own breath.

In Kaido's perception, he sensed that Auntie's breath was declining,

Although not obvious, but under the contrast between the knife and the person,

He understood that this should be Auntie's last move.

I saw that all the energy was concentrated on the tip of the sword,

The aunt threw angrily at him, while screaming with all her might

"Mother Visiting Cannon · Three Thousand Miles"

An ugly-looking elemental woman generated by flames emerged from it, wrapped in thunder and lightning,

Flying straight to Kaido with an evil aura and piercing laughter,

She's better than a real person on this occasion! She didn't know what fear was, and all she had in her heart was destruction and killing!

The earth was completely charred where it passed, as if it had been plowed by a fire bull, leaving dark marks and ditches.

The flames on the woman's body ignited the air, and the temperature became higher and higher,

There are countless debris fragments around and begin to spontaneously combust,

The river not far away is also evaporating and smoking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After getting closer, Kaido felt a little hot.

Quickly came to Kaido's body, the raging fire almost made Kaido's real dragon hair burn,

The human face was full of laughter and determination, and there was actually the joy of victory in his eyes, as if to say to him, "I have caught you"

Then stretched out his hands and clapped together, wanting to hit Kaido hard,

Kaido's movements were faster, and before she clasped her hands together,

Both hands have been stabbed forward with iron rods,

"Jun Li Long Shengjun!!"

At a glance, countless afterimages were born, and dozens of hits were made in an instant,

All hit her body firmly,

Each stick pierced her flaming body, and even her head was stabbed off,

Nuoda's flame body instantly dissipated,

The temperature that had just risen plummeted, normalizing the affected rivers and debris.

Kaido sneered, there is only something that has no defense power for attack,

In front of her, it was just a flower shelf.

His eyes were locked on the aunt again,

This woman has almost no power to resist,

It's remarkable to be able to unleash this move after taking Kaido's endless brute force.

The next moment, Kaido sprinted over again and gave her the final blow.

"Wei Guo!"

This aunt's famous move was used in his hands, which is his last respect for his aunt.

The strong impact was released impressively,

Cake Island, which had not suffered too many frontal attacks, was hit hard with Aunt at this moment,

The wide impact directly hit the ground through the aunt's body,

Punch part of the floor of the cake island into the ground,

A crater hundreds of meters in diameter took shape, and seawater began to pour in from the bottom of the island.

An artificial lake was created in this blow.

The aunt fell to the ground, covered in scars, and fell into a coma on the edge of this big pit.

The eyes are dull, unable to close the sky directly,

The breath is weak, like a newborn flame that may be extinguished at any time,

The immense force she is proud of is completely suppressed here in Kaido,

Her world-famous steel skin is scarred and minced flesh.

The soul fruit she lives on is as fragile as a blank piece of paper in front of Kaido.

She has no way to defeat Kaido...

Kaido's scales faded after defeating Auntie, turning back into human form,

Calm his fledgling body and appreciate the potential he has discovered in this battle.

After a while, he secretly thought that he had almost forgotten to get down to business.

Suddenly catapulted and flew into the air,

As you move and look down from the sky, you can find an island full of oversized nuts,

One foot fell, and the dust fluttered.

“ Kaido!!!???”

Armand, who was responsible for guarding the island, broke out in a cold sweat, and the people around him were also terrified,

"Isn't he fighting his mother!? How did you come here! ”

"Could it be that Mom is defeated?!"

Their eyes widened, they couldn't believe their guesses, but they also knew that there was only one possibility.

"Go and bring me Charlotte Pudding! More than an hour Laozi directly makes the nations disappear from the map! Kaido sat cross-legged directly on the spot, directing to everyone around him, and his serious face put great pressure on others.

"Huh? Good! Good! Let's go right away! "Those people were still in fear, and they were suddenly scared by Kaido's point,

Fortunately, after hearing the words clearly, I immediately had an excuse to leave,

The legs turned faster than the horse, and they ran away with a smoke,

I just didn't notice that the middle of my pants was wet.

"You stay." Kaido recognized the strongest aura in the group,

Look at this snake-headed woman with a wide straw hat, Charlotte Armand.

Armand's heart raced wildly.

A moment later,

The few remaining members of the Charlotte family stood in front of Kaido.

Including Bree and Pudding, who came out of the mirror, hid far behind the crowd.

The strongest of this group,

It's just Snagg, who has just been defeated by Urouge of the Evil Generation and removed from the star.

Kaido couldn't even raise interest in making a move on them.

Get up and walk directly towards Pudding,

The cadres were shocked and all drew their swords and aimed them at Kaido,

"Don't mess around!" Snaag took the lead and took a step forward, holding the sword dead even though it was trembling.

Kaido looked at the rabble in front of him and laughed loudly,

"I'm going to take her away today!"

"Who can stop me?!"

Everyone was shocked by Haki's words, and couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of spit,

Those closest to him were so frightened that their legs retreated uncontrollably, and the weapons in their hands did not provide any sense of security.

Kaido was like a wolf into the flock, and the crowd was suddenly split in two, and no one stopped him.

The crowd was silent,

Watched poor Pudding being captured by Kaido.

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