I'm Kaido Of The Beasts, Luffy Is Coming

Chapter 32 Kaido's "Precious" Gift

"Vomit" Momonosuke was so disgusted by that horrifying scene that he fell to his knees and vomited,

Then the tears collapsed instantly, snot, tears and vomit came out, and at the same time there was a crying sound.

"Everyone... Everyone is dead!! Woohoo!!! ”

Now, their revenge becomes even more difficult...

Is it really right to follow through below...

Why is everyone familiar with it gone, who else can I rely on to help me take revenge...

Damn it! It's really useless in the next place! Woo~~~~

"Look at the traces of corruption, their death will not take more than a week." Lei Zang, who had an ugly face, said angrily.

He knew he couldn't mess around at this time.

"But a week?" Kanjuro's already pale face turned even paler.

"Could it be that someone knew in advance that we would come back at this time!" Ju Zhicheng's body trembled, and he didn't feel good!

There would never have been such a coincidence that they were executed shortly before they crossed over,

And put their heads where we can see them as soon as we get back!

It's definitely a threat and a deterrent!

"Brother Jin! Let's go! Maybe there is an ambush! Kikunojo wanted to close the Jinwei gate and leave.

But I only felt that I had grabbed a sculpture embedded here, and I couldn't pull the Jinwei Gate at all.

When he turned his head, he found that Jinweimen was crying silently, his facial features were squeezed together in pain, and tears were rolling down.

"Brother Jin!" Kiku Zhicheng slightly aggravated his tone and shouted loudly.

He was sad too! He wanted to cry too!

But he understood that at such a time, he had to flee first no matter what,

to have the opportunity to find an opportunity for revenge,

in order to fulfill the instructions of the lady at the time.

Jinweimen will only be carried away by emotions and anger if he goes on like this,

Then they will fall into a catastrophe.

"Go!" Lei Zang directly forcibly lifted the Jinwei Gate around his waist,

Kanjuro bent down to pick up Momonosuke lying on the ground,

The five hurriedly ran towards the Yamanaka forest.

Several people rushed in silence,

The ruins of the mansion behind are getting farther and farther away,

They are also farther and farther away from the heads of their former close friends and comrades-in-arms.

I don't know how far I ran,

They stopped deep in the forest, and the five leaned together embarrassedly,

Kinemon and Momonosuke also gradually calmed down,

Just one still decadent, one still shivering with fear.

In a moment of silence, Kiku Zhicheng said slowly,

"We can't stay in Wanokuni any longer, there is no one here who can help the Kozuki family..."

Lei Zang said worriedly: "But none of us can sail the technique, nor do we take our boat, so it will be very difficult to leave." ”

"What about Kanjuro? Can you find a way to send us out with 'painting'? Ju Zhicheng's head turned quickly, and when Jinweimen was unreliable, only he could stand up among these people.

"When the painting under it meets water, it turns back into ink... I'm afraid it will be difficult to support our voyage. Kanjuro said with a shameful face, as if he was particularly reproaching himself for not being useful at a critical moment.

"To ... Otherwise, we'd still... Surrender, right? Momonosuke suddenly said in a low voice, "Surrender may still save your life, anyway, there is no way at this time, right?" ”

Jinweimen buried his head silently, as if he had not yet recovered from the death of his friend,

The other three all looked at Momonosuke with shocked eyes,

"What are you talking about, Momonosuke-sama! You are Lord Oden's son! How can such a thing be said! ”

"I just don't want everyone to die in front of my eyes again..."

"We would rather die than surrender Kaido! Have you forgotten that he is your father's enemy! Oden-sama has just been killed by Kaido's own hands! You! ......”


Momonosuke was about to cry again when he heard this,

I just want everybody to live.

What's wrong with me!

Anyway, I can't beat Kaido's anyway...

Even if you are alive, it is better than dead...

Suddenly, Jinweimen stood up, pulled out his double knives with both hands, and there was determination in his lonely eyes,

"I'm going to kill Kaido!"

"You guys... Let's find a way to take Momonosuke-sama out to sea. ”

Lei Zang suddenly bounced up and snapped Oden with a loud slap,

"What are you crazy! Aren't you sending you to death if you go like this! Have you forgotten Mrs. Shi's instructions when she sent us away! ”


At this time, the thick and deep voice came from the sky,

"Oh la-lao~ don't stop him, I really want to look for revenge on me."

Several people's faces suddenly changed greatly, and they suddenly looked into the sky,

The humanoid Kaido floated in mid-air, and his rigid and tough body was in full view.

There was also a sudden sound in the forest,

Samurai appeared from all sides and surrounded them in a circle.

Several people sweated like rain, and their backs were instantly wet with cold sweat,

His face was pale, and his eyes showed despair,

There is really an ambush!

Kaido is always watching us!

Each of them drew their own weapons, and they all thought in their hearts,

Desperately want to send Momonosuke-sama out!

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, did you see the gift I gave you?" Kaido gestured in the direction they had just come from, signaling that it was the row of heads, "That's a precious gift I've been preparing for days, how do you feel?" ”

Looking at the few people whose faces were suddenly gloomy and gritted their teeth at the moment,

Kaido sneered, seemingly doing the right thing.

"Don't worry, you will be with them later."

Jinweimen and the others trembled all over, and the hand holding the knife squeezed the handle hard, causing the fingertips to turn white.

Knowing that you can't confront Kaido head-on,

They glanced at each other and immediately ran in one direction,

"Run! Send Momonosuke-sama out of Wanokuni! ”

"What about you?!" Momonosuke asked as he was held in Kanjuro's arms.

"We'll help you leave! Kanjuro! Protect Your Highness! The four Jinweimen looked at each other resolutely, and they already had the aspiration to die in their hearts.

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