I'm Kaido Of The Beasts, Luffy Is Coming

Chapter 36: The Elephant Lord? Are You Going To Stop Me? !

Yamato stood in front of Kaido and also used one of Kaido's moves,

"King Kong Dysprosium!"

The stick burst out and directly knocked the oncoming Kaido back.

The invisible and powerful shock waves collided in mid-air, but only in an instant, the form became one-sided.

He couldn't catch Yamato's power at all, and even reminded him of Kaido back then.

With a bang, Inu Lan was smashed into the ruins,

The musketeers who followed him hurried to check on the injuries,

They simply did not dare to make a move!

The momentum emanating from those two people made them seem to be facing the abyss,

I can't afford to have the courage to shoot, and I don't run away is considered to be well trained on weekdays.

Inuarashi stretched out his hand from the ruins, grabbed the debris next to him and brought himself up,

That sword helped him neutralize a lot of power, so that he was not too injured.

But just a woman next to Kaido has this power.

How powerful is Kaido really?

Inuarashi didn't dare to think deeply anymore, he was afraid that he would fall into fear completely.

At the same time, he also understood that the Musketeers were useless at such a time, so he quickly said to the Musketeers,

"Go find the old cat! Be sure to wake him up and tell him that Kaido is here! ”

The team members were at a loss, but fortunately finally waited for Duke Inuarashi to order,

After receiving the order, he hurried to the beluga whale forest.

Inuarashi took a deep breath, faced Kaido and Yamato again, forcibly stabilized his mind, and rushed towards Yamato again.

But the difference in strength between the two is not a little bit, and Inu Lan can only barely maneuver with all his strength,

And don't dare to really clash with Yamato.

Yamato also knew that there was another person behind, and he simply did not rush to kill Inarashi,

Instead, I played with him.

Soon after,

A figure emerged from the whale forest, jumping like a shadow on various tree trunks and buildings.

With an anxious look on his face, he rushed all the way to the panting Inuarashi.

The body is fat, with golden sideburns all over the body, and a tail like a bee, holding a double-headed fork in his hand,

As soon as he arrived at Inuarashi's side, the anxiety on his face immediately hidden, switched to ridicule, and said: "Old dog, it seems that you are no longer good, and you can't even fight a small soldier." ”

Inuarashi was sweating profusely, exuding heat all over his body, glanced at the cat pit viper weakly, and asked, "Do you still want to quarrel at this time?" ”

"Laozi is just stating the facts." The cat and viper did not spare people, and still said it in his own way, but he still attached importance to Yamato in his heart.

"On together?"

"Ah, let's go together."

The two said one after the other,

Then he rushed towards Yamato with tacit understanding, using all his strength,

"Oden One Knife Flow Cat Laughter Conflict!"

"Oden slashes the mighty Ya!"

Two lightning-fast swords slashed towards her, and she froze in place for a second as if she hadn't reacted,

But this second is enough for the two to hit the attack!

The long sword stabbed and slashed at Yamato's body, but it felt extremely hard, and there was no touch when it cut into flesh and blood.

A crack suddenly appeared on Yamato's face and spread to his whole body at a very fast speed.

"What is this thing?"

The two frowned and thought to themselves, Yu Guang looked at Kaido, and did not find any impatience from the other party.

The hit Yamato shattered with a bang, turning into tiny crystals and falling.


The two were shocked and were about to turn around to find the right master,

The voice came from a high place, "Ice slash!" ”

A cold air crashed down, and Inu Lan and the cat pit viper had no time to dodge, so they could only each put their weapons above their heads,

But they could not stop the deadly cold, which was like poison eroding into their skin and muscles.

Suddenly feel that the body is rigid, and the movement slows down uncontrollably,

Scream in your heart, not good!

Then the iron rod fell and smashed on the head of the cat pit viper who came to help.

The iron rod seemed to be embedded in that big face, and the cold gas suddenly erupted, forming a cold flower on his face.

Cold ice began to grow from his face, and in the blink of an eye it wrapped his whole body,

The cat pit viper suddenly lost its voice, and the whole person was frozen in ice.

"Old cat !!!!" Inuarashi shouted with tears in his eyes.

But it was Yamato who answered him again.

The side bombarded Inarashi's cheek, and several teeth were shocked out with blood,

The situation that appeared on the cat pit viper was two times greater, and the flower of ice opened again,

However, in the blink of an eye, Inuarashi was also frozen in ice.

As soon as the two of them assembled, they were instantly killed by Yamato.

"Not bad, Yamato, listen to me, start hard enough, clean." Kaido was still sitting on the clean, large rock and praised Yamato, who had just finished the battle and withdrew from his human-animal form.

"Hee hee~After all, Dad taught it just now~" Yamato spat out his pink tongue embarrassedly, scratching his head shyly.

"Then let's get rid of the rest of the fur tribes together." Kaido got up and changed into a green dragon again,

With her right paw in the air, a black flame cloud reappeared at Yamato's feet, lifting her up and moving with him.

The two slowly rose and aimed at the huge forest again,

In the middle of the forest, there is a large tree resembling a whale, and at the top of the tree, one of the four road signs is hidden.

However, at this time, Kaido was not much interested in One Piece,

Look at Roger's laughing and crying expression, what to say came twenty years early,

He can probably guess the so-called Raftel,

Most likely, it is just a prophecy about how the Nika fruit will change the world.

And what exactly was being prophesied, he was even less interested.

He only needs to sit on the throne of the king of the world,

What a broken One Piece, a mountain mintale, nothing.

He aimed at the giant tree, his mouth opened, and the flames rose from the dragon's belly and gathered in his mouth,

The intense high temperature made the air around his mouth tremble visibly,

Just as you were about to burst it out,

When it got dark, he felt a huge sense of oppression and momentum, as if he was staring at by someone,

Suddenly, he saw a huge elephant trunk flung over on the side,

This 10,000-meter giant elephant is all muscular nose, even he has his pupils shrunk,

With a murderous aura in his eyes, he asked, "Like the Lord? Are you going to stop me? ”

Answering Kaido, there was only a huge elephant trunk with a frantic air current, rapidly approaching him.

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