I'm Kaido Of The Beasts, Luffy Is Coming

Chapter 59 Admiral-Level Vergo! (Fifth) (For Subscription, For Customization)

G5 Branch.

Virgo hung up the phone and lay down in a ruin, wrapped around the bandages he had rummaged out of the rubble.

Tossing the phone bug aside, he took two deep breaths in place.

Secretly sad inside, thought.

"I don't know if Governor Kaido meant to fight with his life to stop him."

"But it's a huge opportunity."

"As long as Governor Kaido kills one or two or even three Admirals, then I should have no problem promoting Admiral."

"Even Momousagi and Tea Dolphin, who are substitutes for Admiral, are no more qualified than me."

Don't think about it, Governor Kaido must have a way, I just need to do my thing.

He exhaled this breath for a long time, and the lightning flashed on his body.

The whole person turned into a bolt of lightning and soared straight into the sky.

The next moment,

On the frontal battlefield facing Kaido, countless soldiers in the front were already red-eyed,

Their friends! Their brothers!

One by two died at Kaido's hands.

And these guns and a couple of cannons in their hands could not even break through Kaido's defenses!

They roared and unleashed all the weapons they could attack, just to be able to see Kaido wounded.

But they will probably never see it.

Suddenly, a thunderbolt from the sky landed not far from the front of Kaido,

The soldiers who were close were dazzled by this bright light, and couldn't help squinting their eyelids slightly, secreting tears.

Then hear the crackling sound of lightning flashing,

Their familiar voices came from ahead.

"You guys stand down. Next I'll face Kaido 237!" Virgo's inspiring words made the hearts of the soldiers who were already holding the will to die warm, and tears like escaping death welled up in their eyes.

The crowd reopened their eyes and looked at their beloved and revered Vice Admiral,

He still has bandages on his body!

Suddenly there was another sourness in my heart.

Virgo Vice Admiral always loves us so much that he is like an old father.

Some people still want to say something, want to fight alongside Virgo,

However, Virgo took the lead and said, "Trust me! I have a sense of proportion! You'll only get hurt if you stay!"

And no one tried to stay and fight together.

Many people also sucked the snot that gushed out from the touch,

Secretly Velgo Vice Admiral even speaks so gently!

I can't bear to say that we are dragging our feet!

Kaido watched as a large number of soldiers began to flee without stopping him,

Just waved the eight fasts in his hand that had turned into the form of a mace,

Glancing meaningfully at him, he asked with a grin

"Where did you get the courage to stop me? You stole my Thunder Fruit?"

"Since I am the most deserving base commander on this island!" Virgo was unafraid, even though his face was a little pale, but his back was as straight as a pine.

"Sacrificing yourself for those soldiers who are so weak that they die? Oh Laugh at me, Base Commander. Kaido said disdainfully, the mace in his hand already secured.

"I exchange my life for theirs! I don't think there's anything wrong. Virgo said with a shake of his head.

Many soldiers who were fleeing felt the warmth of Virgo again,

Vice Admiral-sama! He actually values our lives more than himself...

These people's eyes are already bursting into tears.

Virgo looks at the effect of shaping himself should be about the same,

The armed color immediately wrapped around the whole body and turned into an iron man, "Stop talking nonsense!" Prepare to die! Four Emperors!”

Kaido sneered, "Try it if you can do it, Marine Vice Admiral." ”

The mace immediately swept over with an ordinary armed color,

Virgo immediately greeted him with the spare bamboo poles in the base, and lightning flashed on the weapon.

Weapons collide!

But Virgo's power is too far behind Kaido.

Directly swept out by Kaido, it crashed through a fortress wall, and a large amount of smoke and dust was scattered.

A lightning bolt broke through the dazzling smoke and dust from the mouth of the fortress and instantly struck Kaido,

It was broken up by Kaido's playful stick,

The electric light with nourishment ~ dissipates in the air.

Immediately after, blue thunder appeared in all directions of Kaido,

The first figure kept moving through it, shooting lightning.

When Kaido casually waved away another lightning bolt that struck the door,

Virgo suddenly appeared behind him, slamming his bamboo pole towards Kaido.

This is the high mobility that Thunder Fruit brings, which allows him to teleport like thunder.

Let him attack the enemy unprepared!

But this is Kaido, where is there something that can exceed his expectations,

Everything is revealed in the foreknowledge of the future.

I saw Kaido's mace spiritually transformed into the body of a half-black dragon,

Not only blocked the attack of the bamboo pole,

Still under Virgo's astonished gaze, Vice Admiral, he wrapped around and dragged him to Kaido. (bbae)

"Give your full strength and inspire your soul, Laozi's power is far beyond your imagination." Kaido said with a cold look in his ear after holding the dragon tail of the stick handle and pulling him closer.

He was a little dissatisfied with Virgo's performance.

As early as when the first breath of his eight-fast hit Virgo, he had already started the mode of "Daigo Empowerment",

However, after a few more moves, it seems that this guy did not understand it carefully.

Virgo's eyelashes trembled slightly, not understanding what Kaido meant,

But I should have used all my strength...


My power... More than that!? Devil Fruit too! Haki too!

How did I unknowingly improve so much?!

Kaido watched his expression change one after another, knowing that he should have felt the change in himself.

Carrying the half-dragon-shaped eight fasts threw him out like a whip,

Looking at Virgo, who was thrown to the ground and rolled around a few times, Kaido said indifferently: "Use your life to stop Laozi, or you will honestly die here for me."

Virgo slowly braced himself up from the ground,

While shockingly feeling this power in his body, he felt as if he had become a container, invisibly being endlessly instilled.

He buried his head and clenched his fist, the power in it was far greater than before, and the lightning he could feel was more powerful than before.

He took another deep breath and lamented the strangeness and power of Kaido.

Feeling the surging power, it instantly burst out of his body, and several strands of azure lightning appeared and disappeared on his body.

Thunder began to break in the clear sky.

In an instant, a thunder slashed straight at Kaido,

Virgo himself rushed along with the Thunder.

Two thunderbolts roared!

I saw that the armed color on Virgo's fist was more staring and dense, and strong lightning erupted on it,

A punch struck Kaido's mace, echoing the thunder falling from the sky.

And Kaido, even if he is bathed in the thunder of Virgo, is still light,

With a little force on his wrist, he directly threw Virgo back.

He felt the power of the blow, and the corners of his mouth opened.

Already on the level of ordinary Admiral!

Now he can work hard without pressure, and he was really afraid of accidentally knocking Virgo to death just now.

Kick hard under your feet, hold the mace with both hands,

The figure instantly appeared in front of Virgo,

The other party's pupils dilated, and he did not react at all,

The eight fasts had already knocked on his face,

"Thunder——— Eight Trigrams!"

The same blow with lightning,

With a loud bang, a huge shock wave suddenly came out, flying straight upside down with Virgo like a cannonball,

In the blink of an eye, he crashed through several pillboxes and buildings,

Along the way, the smoke billowed out, and even the guns and ammunition were swept away by this aftermath, leaving a long trace as if the ground had been refurbished.

Until it crashed into the foundation of the island, the breath was weak.

(PS: Five changes are finished, tomorrow to see if the subscription is okay, keep five changes.)

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