I'm Kaido Of The Beasts, Luffy Is Coming

Chapter 68 Bigmom Tries To Get Married! Is She Dying? !


The highest peak of the Dressrosa Palace.

Kaido sat with his fist on his head, looking faintly at Doflamingo in front of him.

"Looking for me?"

And because today Kaido single-handedly overturned Marine's top combat power,

Doflamingo is now even more afraid to be presumptuous in front of Kaido, for fear of disliking the other party.

Take the initiative to put your attitude low and be convinced that your choice is not wrong.

And respectfully stretch out his hands and hold the phone bug in his hand to Kaido.


Kaido's gaze moved down to the pink phone worm in his hand, which seemed to be connected.

The old woman woke up?

It's a really useful intelligence network, which knows I'm in Dressrosa.

But what can she do with me?

"Put it down." Kaido gestured to place the phone bug in front of the table.

"Understood." Doflamingo placed the phone bug with his own hands, then slowly exited the hall and waited at the door.

It can be seen that he is indeed doubly afraid and in awe of Kaido than before.

And that's true, especially when he was revealed to him by someone in the World government.

After Akainu personally met with Five Elders and recommended that Virgo be the fourth Admiral ever,

He bowed to Kaido with great pleasure.

Kaido withdrew his gaze from Dover's back and said lightly into the phone bug.

"Say anything quickly, because of the wife.

Then a weak, hoarse witch voice came from the phone worm,

"mama~ I didn't expect the old lady to be alive, right?"

"You've really done a lot of great things recently, Kaido~ even dares to plant the flag of your hundred beasts on the old lady's island?"

"You know what the end of this is, right?"

"Even if you defeat the old lady, it doesn't mean that my Charlotte family will be afraid of you Beasts Pirates!"

Her voice sounded a little angry,

It seems that when he woke up, he found that the flag on his island was very angry.

"And let that idiot Jack rob me of my treasure?!"

"You also look down on the old lady too much, don't you?!"

"Give you two days to return all the treasures to me!"

"Otherwise this is an all-out war between us! Kaido!”

Her voice grew louder and louder, and she even roared to the back and began to gasp.

But if you can scare people with a loud voice,

Then the world is too funny.

Kaido sneered, very disdainful of BIGMOM's intimidation,

A cold breath made the phone worm in front of him tremble a little,

"If your men are defeated, don't bluff in front of me, old woman."

"That money is Laozi's due reward for saving your entire family, don't take an inch."

"Or is the lesson Laozi gave you last time not enough?"

"By the way, Laozi remembered, your precious sons won't all be dead, right? Oh lao"

Since leaving the Wanguo, he has never cared about the information about the Wanguo and the BIGMOM Pirates,

And last time he was the four cadres of Charlotte,

Perospero, Katakuri, Cracker, Smuggi are the four highest bounty members of the family,

One by one, he solved it easily,

He didn't bother to ask what happened to these guys.

"You guy really dare to mention it..." the aunt gritted her teeth and said slowly,

There was still some broken sound around me, and I don't know if my aunt was so angry that she crushed something.

"Cracker and Perospero are my precious sons!"

"You bastard!"

"Sooner or later, the old lady will take this revenge back!"

Then there were the exclamations and worried words of everyone next to him, and the sound of instruments and glass shattering and cracking.

Kaido looked out the window indifferently, looking at the endless starry sky in the distance.

This old woman is probably still lying in the hospital.

I don't know how long the doctors who stayed to take care of them will survive at the hands of the angry aunt.

And listening to this tone, Cracker and Perospero failed to carry him to death?

Indifferently said:

"Don't throw the pot on my head, you personally called them to send them to death."

"And didn't two more survive?"

"Be happy old woman."

"Surviving at least two of the most valuable.

Whether in terms of bounty or strength,

Katakuri and Smuji are indeed the biggest.


The telephone worm in front of her learned her lioness-like appearance vividly.

Then she was like a volcano before the eruption, gradually calming down, but people could feel that the horror was accumulating.

"But since you all said they are worth a lot..."

"Come and get married! Kaido!"

"Just marry your daughter to my Charlotte family!"

"This time the old lady is not responsible for the past! The treasure and the Putding are for you!"

"The two of us can still form an alliance! How?"

Silenced, she waited quietly for Kaido's answer.

There was silence in the phone bug, as if everyone around her had been so shocked that they forgot to breathe.

And outside the door, Doflamingo also raised his eyebrows,

Another big news.

Does BIGMOM want to form an alliance with Kaido?

Hey, hey~ Or find a step for your embarrassing appearance?

Will Governor Kaido say yes? Does he need it?

It's really fun~ since Kaido came to Dressrosa.


Kaido himself frowned, looked at the phone bug with disgust and said,

".. You're starting to daydream too, old woman. ”

"If you're crazy, see a doctor, don't come and talk to Laozi."

"I want my daughter to say such a thing."


"Twenties are the best age. The old lady also..."

"Shut up, crazy bitch." Kaido's eyes were cold and his tone was fierce, "If you mention it again, Laozi will destroy all nations."

Looking for Laozi for Yamato?

The Charlotte family is full of dozens of men, which one qualifies? Which one deserves it?

A flock of crooked melons and cracked dates.

Even if Katakuri is twice as old, more handsome, and stronger to the imperial level, he can barely enter an interview at most.

"MAMA~ Let's try it again..." said BIGMOM with anger in his breath.

For a while, the two of them actually regenerated their anger, as if they were going to fight again.

Just as Kaido was thinking about whether to go to the world before Luffy went to sea,


Obviously, she instigated, or had been prepared for it a long time ago.

Shifted his goal to the man who followed Kaido the longest and most loyal.

He actually wanted his captain to leave him and join her Charlotte family.

Kaido squinted slightly, "Laozi told you to stop dreaming, right?" You really can't listen to persuasion. ”

He was even a little eager to try, and the bones on his body made a crisp sound, wanting to go to the world to teach her how to behave well.

"Smuggie marries!" BIGMOM SUDDENLY SAID SO.

"Huh?" Kaido paused, and most of his anger dissipated.

"Are you sleepy, old woman?"

Assuming that Ember agrees, he Beasts Pirates has nothing to lose, but turns into a strong man with a bounty of nearly a billion.

And her BIGMOM pirate group seems to be pure loss,

Unless...... BIGMOM tried to catch Kaido's line.

"Let's be honest with you, the old lady." BIGMOM was surprisingly calm at this time, and he no longer pretended, "I can't live long, and the life span in my soul can't even be controlled by me."

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