I'm Kaido Of The Beasts, Luffy Is Coming

Chapter 73 New World And Paradise Are Cut Off! Want To Pass? Tolls!

The eyes of the fish people and mermaids on the field were suddenly full of spirit,

Shining, looking forward to the revenge of the war, looking forward to a better future.


He, the king, seems to be a little embarrassed now.

Shaking his head, he put his distractions behind him and said to Kaido worriedly

"Lord Kaido, I've seen it so often... Is my daughter Yuxing?"

Only he knew the entire island, and Kaido's real target was Shirahoshi alone from beginning to end.

"Bring her over." Kaido said calmly.

"Yes." Neptune obeyed the order and led the soldiers towards the hard-shell tower where Shirahoshi was being held.

After a while, Shirahoshi returned after Neptune.

He has long pink wavy hair, eyes like blue onyx, and always has a faint smile and an indispensable sense of innocence on his face.

When she arrived, she still looked at the sky with a novel face, as if she was also extremely curious about the world.

She had been in the hardshell tower for too long, and as soon as she came out, she came to the world of the sea, which made it difficult for her to react quickly.

Even if her father Neptune had already told her what was at stake,

She is even more grateful to Kaido, who helped her destroy her enemies and set her free.

When Neptune brought her closer, Neptune glanced at his daughter worriedly,

"Kaido-sama, this is my daughter, Shirahoshi."

And Shirahoshi was obviously frightened by Kaido's dragon body, covering his mouth in amazement, looking at the green dragon in front of him, his heart beating like a rabbit.

Kaido buried his head and quietly examined the young but beautiful mermaid princess.

This is Poseidon today, the man with the power to command Sea Kings around the world.

Undoubtedly, she will be a great help to me in the future.

After a moment of silence, Kaido lifted Shirahoshi's chin with his dragon claws,

Looking at her big tender eyes, he said,

"Mermaid Princess.......... Listen. ”

"I fulfilled your mother's wish, found her killer, and brought The fish men island to the surface, promising a world without discrimination against fishmen in the future."

"And I need you to be my weapon, White House.

"Do you understand?"

Kaido dragon head is close to Shirahoshi's face, and the hot dragon breath gushes on Shirahoshi's body, and the dragon pupil and Shirahoshi look at each other.

Shirahoshi blinked, the water in his eye sockets surging, sucked his pink nose, and said childishly

"I do, Kaido-sama."

Sabaody is 10,000 meters deep under the island,

The original fish men island has been taken away by Kaido.

But there is still a big bubble left here, and inside is a huge ship that is far larger than the average three-masted sailing ship, almost half the size of The fish men island.

But it has been moldy and tattered, and it seems that it has been built for a long time.

This is the 800-year-old Joey Boi promised to bring The fish men island to Noah, the boat of agreement.

At this time, Noah had taken the place of The fish men island.

Stuck in the middle of the Yangshu Eve and the underwater continent, the main transportation route is in charge of The fish men island.

Hundreds of meters of fish people stand on it, moving and storing mountains of daily necessities.

And the leader is Jinbei, the sea man who was summoned by Kaido alone.

"Boss Jinbei, can you tell us why you want to stay alone?"

"Yes, Boss Jinbei, the fish men island is wrong to be brought to such a grand sight as the face of the sea, I really want to cheer with them."

"Hahahaha! They must have been excited, and there are many who are going to the sea for the first time.

Several fishmen holding supplies in their arms and sorting out asked Jinbei curiously.

Shortly before The fish men island moved, Jinbei found them and brought them to Noah, along with a lot of supplies.

They all have some regrets.

I can't see that historic scene with my own eyes.

If it weren't for the order of Brother Jinbei, who was respected by all the mermaids and mermaids, they really wouldn't have come.

"Boss Kaido asked me to bring someone to guard the place." Jinbei looked up at the false sun that had remained unchanged for 800 years and said.

Since Kaido fulfilled his long-cherished wish for a world free of discrimination, Jinbei, like the other fishmen, couldn't help but respect Kaido.

"Huh? Why?"

"Why does Kaido-sama want us to stay here?"

The fish man next to him asked strangely, unable to understand the meaning of Jinbei's mouth.

And when Jinbei was about to explain,

He suddenly looked at the sea in the distance,

With a sigh of relief, he said, coming. ”

The other fishmen turned their heads in unison.

I saw a ship flying a pirate flag diving down,

I think what kind of fool wants to go to New World to make a difference.

"What is this? Isn't it just a bunch of pirates?"

"And a little pirate who is not very valuable."

The fish man next to him complained nonchalantly.

"No, cheer up brothers, this is the task given to us by Boss Kaido." Jinbei stood at the bow of Noah's boat and shouted to the fish people behind him.


The other fish people didn't know why, but they had to surround them,

Gradually stood together in a magnificent momentum, standing like an army in Noah's penetration,

Blocked the advance of the opposing pirate ship.

Out of nowhere, Jinbei escaped with a horn and shouted at the approaching pirate ship

"Pirates in front, this is The fish men island Noah under Four Emperors Kaido."

Then there was a pause, as if it was the first time to do this kind of work a little rusty and embarrassing, and only after channeling himself continued

".. Boss Kaido orders all boats that want to go to New World through The fish men island! You have to pay by the capitation!"


"Is that so!!!

"It's a toll!!!!

As soon as these words came out, the hundreds of fish people behind him all widened their eyes and opened their mouths,

"Well~ but........ If it was Lord Kaido's order, I had to do it. ”

"And if you really want to collect it, you will get rich quickly, right?"


"You're stupid! If you want to go to New World, the only way to go to the world government is our The fish men island, which means that the pirates who can't rely on the government and the entire underground world can only obediently come and pay us!"

"Shhh~~~ horror like Si?"

While the fish people gasp for their coming wealth,

The sound of the pirate ship that drove over also came back,

Their captain was arrogant

"Who is going to pay you! We went to New World to beat the Four Emperors! Kaido is about to be defeated by Uncle Ben's men!"

"If you know each other, don't block Uncle Ben's road, smelly seafood!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire fishman on Noah was silent.

Hundreds of people probably have one thought in their minds,

What kind of fool is this?

Jinbei also said helplessly, "It seems that it failed the first time." ”

And he called a name: "Mizumi, it's time to work."

"Here it is, Boss Jinbei." At the bottom of the sea came a giant fish man who was not as huge as the other pirate ship.

He was also freed by Jinbei, who had already told him about his job.

He swam his body nearly 80 meters tall, and his speed in the sea was faster than a ship.

Facing the pirate ship is suddenly a slap,

There seemed to be a scream and panic from the boat,

The wooden boat broke instantly, and the coating was also punctured,

Ships and pirates were instantly swept away by the turbulence of the seabed.

Only Jinbei plucked out his ears without any concern, as if he heard the buzz of mosquitoes.

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