I'm Kaido Of The Beasts, Luffy Is Coming

Chapter 94 Pluton Rayleigh Appears! Don't Hurt Luffy!

“ Sabo!!!” Dorag shouted nervously as he looked at the black shadow that fell into the sea.

The general staff officer of the revolutionary army he trusted, his proud disciple, could not even take that woman's serious blow?!

And with Sabo's talent to use bullying him so quickly, he is not surprised,

But Kaido's daughter actually learned that trick, should she be worthy of Kaido's child?!

It seems that this opportunity is no longer likely to win, Dorag mused.

"Don't be distracted at times like this." Kaido suddenly flashed behind Dorag, looking down contemptuously, his mace raised in his hand.

Dorag's eyes were full of worry, and he turned his head behind him and squinted over,

When I saw the mace carrying the brute force of Ultimate breaking through the air, the corner of my eyes twitched slightly,

Immediately, the whole person turned into a wisp of fresh wind and dissipated, disappearing directly from the place.


Kaido's mace swept by, but it made a sharp sound on the air, and there was no touch on the physical touch on the light fluttering hand.

Seeing that the figure in front of him was not there, the breeze that Dorag turned into seemed to be invisible,

Kaido's sight and hearing color were immediately full, and he instantly found Dorag who had not yet run far and was galloping to the beach.

The air flow under his feet burst, and Kaido catapulted out with the force of the air, 913 stars,

In the blink of an eye, he caught up with Dorag again. Leaning over and flying higher in mid-air at Dorag, the mace swung somewhere invisible.

Dorag suddenly appeared, and the storm that intensified the surge on his body made him a little faster, surpassing a whole position to open the distance between him and the iron rod, avoiding the fate of being seriously injured by Kaido in the waist.

However, the corners of Kaido's mouth lifted, foreseeing the future, and already saw everything in sight.

I saw that he suddenly opened his mouth, and dragon scales appeared on his chest and abdomen, neck and mouth, and a hot breath had gathered around his mouth.

A mouth, revealing the fangs of the green dragon, and the concentrated flame that made the surrounding air scalding.


Dorag Yuguang glimpsed something strange behind him, and suddenly his eyes were bloodshot, his face turned pale as paper, and he felt like the time around him had slowed down [so that he could clearly see Kaido's hideous face.

It's too late! He thought violently in his mind.

Pillars of fire erupt!

Pulling a long line straight out of Kaido's mouth, the powerful impact hit Dorag in an instant, wrapping his whole body in flames,

The line of fire bombarded the ground directly and melted the mud and rocks of the island, knocking Dorag into a large pit (bbdf),


When Kaido finished, the flames on the ground exploded violently along with Dorag,

The flame hood suddenly generated, and everything wrapped within a radius of nearly 100 meters turned into ashes and nothing.

With that loud noise, the blazing air flow suddenly burst out in all directions, dispersing the dense Mars into the distance.

It took a few seconds for the flame hood to slowly dissipate, revealing a badly injured Dorag.

The mouth of the cave that had only been connected to the ground by the pillar of fire was now blown out of a large pit, and the melted rock in the pit was black and red, and it was emitting a trace of light, and the infinite heat was steaming

Dorag's arms were scorched and trembling, his skin was boiled red, his face was sweating profusely, and he gasped sharply with a depressed expression for the rest of his life.

The shield made by the wind fruit and the powerful enough Emission would prevent him from dying under this blow,

It's just that the arm that serves as the carrier of the wind shield has been burned black,

Let him completely lose the sensation of both arms,

His powerful dragon claw combat skills may be impossible to use anymore,

At this time, his brain raced and watched Kaido slowly float closer from the sky, his face changing several degrees.

And Luffy, who was watched dead by Yamato, also lay on his side exhausted,

Looking at the explosion after the distant exchange and flames,

Luffy's eyes seemed to dry up from crying, and he said in a trembling, weak voice that only he could hear


“ Sabo...............”

"You guys too..."


"Don't die for me anymore..."

"Let's run away... Leave me alone..."

"Run away........"

A few more tears squeezed out of his already dry tear glands, which ran down his cheeks and dripped to the ground.

It's just that he was injured too badly and almost lost his strength,

If you can open his belly and eat some food at this time, maybe he can recover quickly.

Yamato looked at the explosion in the distance, showed an excited expression, and looked at the figure of Kaido Wei'an high in the sky with adoration,

"It's still so powerful~ Dad, I'll have to catch up with you sooner or later!"

"Huh? What sound?"

Then I heard a fly buzzing sound next to my ears, turned my head left and right to look and found no movement,

The fox suspiciously heard the voice coming from below him,

She leaned over and tapped Luffy's cheek with her mace.

"What are you talking about? I can't hear it clearly.


A strong wind swept behind Yamato, blowing her long red dress into the air.

Her eyes suddenly tightened, frowning and squinting back, but did not turn her head first.

A sharp sword tip pressed against her back,

A voice full of breath was lazy and seemed to be discussing from behind her,

"May I please take the mace away from my dear disciple's face?" Little girl. ”

It seems to be negotiable, but in fact it is very threatening, after all, it is almost a knife to the neck.

Yamato frowned and asked, "Who are you again?"

How come different people come to save this guy over and over again,

Obviously just a pirate, but the relationship seems to be much tougher than Wang Quan aristocracy and rich tycoon,


Yamato finally understood why Dad hated this kid so much.

"I'm just a retired old man who has nothing to do, and I don't have to care about my identity." The blade behind him moved, and the man continued, "You'd better do what I say

It's good for both of us.

And Luffy on the ground has opened his eyes wide, flashing once again with a light called hope,

With tears in his eyes, he said, "Rayleigh!

"I arrived as soon as I received the news." Rayleigh, who was holding a long sword, had a faint smile on his lips, and said a little helplessly, "Luffy, I obviously told you to go directly to sea, you didn't listen." ”

"I..............." Luffy was speechless in grief, and he knew he was wrong and had paid a heavy price.

But Rayleigh's words! It will definitely change the situation! Luffy believed deeply.

"Oh! You're Pluton Rayleigh!" Yamato suddenly realized and interrupted their conversation, as if he didn't care about the long sword behind his back, "That One Piece's captain!"

"The Roger Pirates have long been disbanded, and I am now.........." Rayleigh said with a smile, the lenses on his face slightly reflective.

But before he could finish speaking, Yamato continued, "Dad said it, one of the 'nannies' of the straw hat."

Rayleigh stiffened his smile, saying that there was nothing wrong with him being a teacher, saying that he was a nanny.........

Kaido you are somewhat overdone.

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