I'm Kaido Of The Beasts, Luffy Is Coming

Chapter 98 St. Roswald: Kaido Is A Mount For Me!

"Coincidentally, I'm still thinking about how to make adults happy this year, so I'm collecting treasures and gifts all over the world~" Tezzolo spread his arms as if to hug and speak.

He couldn't be more familiar with Celestial Dragons, and he spends hundreds of billions every year to please these guys.

It is also backed by the near-unlimited power of Celestial Dragons that they have gathered a huge wealth like a sea in their hands.

Then the cycle goes on and on, constantly sending money to the top, expanding the business empire for himself.

By now, all the Celestial Dragons will look at him a little thin.

"Oh~ it's Tezzolo, you're here too." The head of the Rothwald family in the middle, Rozwald Saint said proudly, tilting his head proudly.

"I hope I will be pleasantly surprised by the gifts I received this year."

"After all, I've been getting bored more and more in recent years."

"Yes, I will definitely buy the only thing in the world and give it to you." Tezzolo said gentlemanly with one arm stretched out and the other arm spread over his chest and bowed humbly.

"Well, let these untouchables get out of the way, get in our way." Rozwald Saint flicked the whip of the slave's mount and urged him to move on.

Ordinary people all knelt and moved immediately, did not even dare to get up, did not want the 10 billion anymore, and all became insects crawling on the ground.

However, as soon as they left, no one could block the view of the Celestial Dragons.

The slave mount had just taken a step forward, and Officer Voluria suddenly spoke up

"Stop! Father! Tezzolo has a big piece of gold!"

The eyes of the three people instantly converged on the past.

"Oh~~It's really good~~ We just lack a piece of decoration in our house!" Rozwald Saint looked at the shining gold and his eyes suddenly straightened.

"No, no, no, let you down. This is the gold I conjured up with my awakening, to open the eyes of these hillbillies.

"You also know my ability, this gold is not real gold, it will change back to its original state~"." Tezzolo said apologetically.

And the heart is already sweating, for fear of these head iron.

And shout, what about CPO! Come and bring your master back!"

Will it do things? This bit of business capability..........


Tezzolo was startled,

He found himself anxious about property and position issues for a while, which led to some errors in his judgment.

Celestial Dragons definitely can't easily come to this level of battlefield, and if they come, there must be CP0 waiting around.

How is it possible to add a slave just to the three of them?

CPOs will not leave their posts without permission... I won't be killed by them.

Even if you know Haki, you can only die a tragic death in the flesh when you face the top firearms of the Celestial Dragons without defense.

Ay. These fools.

Charlulia Palace looked disappointed, but quickly came to her senses, this thing did not make her have too many emotional fluctuations.

She said, "Okay, but it's really time for those hillbillies to see the world." Well done, Tezzolo. ”

The saint of Rozwald also praised: "Let them see their own humility, so that they will understand our nobility and how to serve us later."

Charros Saint said with a snot and sluggishness: "It's really good to say, Dad, so that it will be more convenient for me to marry a wife in the future~ It will really make us laugh [Tezzolo]

"Thank you for your compliments, Charlulia Palace, Rozwald St, Charros St." Tezzolo buried his head in thanks, raised his head and pretended to be in awe, "But can you satisfy my little curiosity." ”

"Yes, Tezzolo, as long as your gift to our family this year is the best of all the Celestial Dragons." Charlulia Palace said with a smile.

"Of course, this is what I should do." Tezzolo patted his chest to reassure him, and then asked

"I would like to ask why you come to Sabaody Land at such a time, because the pirates here are fighting and it is very unsafe here.

"Safe? We are noble Celestial Dragons! Rozwald Saint said disdainfully.

"And even if they are bold, we have guns in hand, and pirates simply cannot get close to us." Palaces Charlulia took out a gorgeous gold-rimmed diamond-encrusted revolver from her arms.

"We just have a fancy for a certain pirate and are about to catch him back as our mount~" Charros Saint sniffed and said.

"In this way, we can have more face in the ethnic group and make those people envy us~" Charlulia Palace squinted and covered her mouth and smiled, as if she was very happy when she thought of such a thing

* Tezzolo froze directly.

Even though the Celestial Dragons are mostly stupid,

But Xiang is so stupid, even he is seeing it for the first time.

"CPO..." Tezzolo was about to ask again.

As if suddenly thinking of something, Charlulia Palace said: Ah yes! That CPO slutty still wants to stop us, hehe, he actually dares to stop our orders, and then we will kill him ~ hehe hehe ~ ~ "

Tezzolo was speechless.

"It only took one shot~ look, even a top combatant like CPO was killed by us with one shot, how can a pirate be qualified to stop us?" Charlulia Palace grinned, looking a little crazy,

"You're right? Tezzolo∼"

"...... You are quite right. Tezzolo wasn't even going to spend energy trying to convince them.

In the words of the sea, they are all crippled like this, why not obey them.

"But can you tell me which pirate you have a crush on?" Maybe I can help you on the staff.

"Hmm~Dad?" Charlulia Palace looked at her father, which was the real mastermind.

"It's okay, Tezzolo is also a person with vision (Mono is good)." Rozwald Saint's bazi beard cocked, "What do you think of us going to catch that pirate named Kaido as a mount?"

"Well~ that strong body, full of muscles, far more beautiful than ordinary slaves." Charlulia Palace's cheeks were slightly red, and her eyes became watery

"Probably ten people on his back, right? Hey, hey~~" Charros Saint said with a smirk, "And we will become the first family to have Four Emperors pirates as a mount, so windy, we will definitely be famous in the tribe~"

Tezzolo maintained a humble posture of leaning over and bowing his head, but his pupils were already extremely cold, marking these people as dead.

Do you know why no one has ever owned a mount of the Four Emperors level before?

What a no-brainer, stupid.

Even with Marine behind them, no one can stop those who seek their own death.

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