I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 101 Odin: How Can I Have Your Stupid Son?

My film company is called Marvel, so why not make one or two Marvel movies?

And the most suitable for this world, of course, is Captain America.

In fact, there are many Captain America movies in this world. His comics, movies, and various peripherals have not been missing in the past seventy years.

After all, it is the official popular idol, the symbol of the spirit of the United States~!

But this time, Levi used the captain himself, plus Peggy himself and Bucky himself, the three original crew members to shoot, the influence and publicity effect they brought are naturally incomparable.

Therefore, this movie is definitely going to be a hit, and definitely, now is not the time.

Even if the news of the captain's resurrection spreads now, most people will not believe it. It needs an opportunity, a sufficiently important event for the captain to stand up again and return to the public's view. Moreover, it is best to use a hero image appears.

Well, the timing is almost like no other, the New York War!

When the captain was ecstatic, sitting on a chair like a child and being examined by the doctors, Hill leaned next to Levi again.

"Are you taking him away?"

"Yes, what's the problem?"

Levi looked like it was definitely a matter of course.

"Is there a problem? It's a big problem. Why did you take him away? Why did you take him away? He is from the Heavenly Sword Bureau, and we discovered him."

Hill was a little annoyed, she invited Levi here, she just wanted Levi to do a favor, but now, Levi took everyone away, what is she?

Make a wedding dress for someone else?

"Uh, did you make a mistake? This is a person, not an item. He should decide his own ownership. It's just that I may offer a higher price?"

"We can also take him to see Peggy Carter."

Hill was still unconvinced, every time she met this man, she felt so aggrieved every time.

"But I can rejuvenate Peggy Carter, can you? And, don't forget, Bucky is with me."

"What, Bucky?"

Classmate Steve with sharp ears heard the word immediately.

To him, Peggy Carter was a goddess, but Bucky, that was first love!

"Yes, your good brother, Staff Sergeant Bucky Barnes, he is not dead, how is it, are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Well, this time, Hill has no other choice, she can't come up with anything more attractive to keep the captain, so she can only watch the captain being kidnapped by Levi, she still has to eat Serve people deliciously, prepare planes with them, and prepare various services.


The innocent desk gets hit hard by Hill.

Facing that man, she was really helpless.

"Even if I die here, the Heavenly Sword Bureau will be disbanded on the spot, and the world will perish tomorrow, and I will never ask that guy to help me again. Hmph!"

Hill roared in his heart!

And in At the moment's domain, there is also a person roaring, and it is the roar of the boss!

"Thor, you are weak-hearted, you arrogant, arrogant, uneducated guy, get out of here, I don't have a son like you, get out of here.

On the throne of the god king, Odin roared as he rode his Gungnir.

Just now, he just learned that his foolish son secretly made a bet with the idiot of Mount Olympus without telling him, and then rushed to Jotonheim, the country of the Giants of Jotunheim, with the Giants of Jotunheim alone. Lauf, King of Jotunheim, had a fight.

The point is, it doesn't matter if he wins the fight, but he still loses the fight. Pity him for Odin's old face, and the guys from White Olympus ridiculed wildly.

...asking for flowers......

"Father, I'm sorry!"

"Don't call me king father, I'm not your king father, whoever you like, get the hell out of here, you bastard, you're mad at me!"

The bruised and swollen Thor who fought with Lauf pouted and was scolded by Odin. Although he was used to the love from his father when he was very young, this time, the embarrassment was thrown outside.

"You say you, don't learn from the good, but learn from the bad. You are Thor, not the God of War. Our God of War is you Gothier. Although he is dead, it is not your turn. You say that Ares, the whole big Fool, being lied to and tricked by people all day long, not once or twice, what are you betting with him? What are you betting on? Ah, and you, Heimdall, you said you have nothing to show him Mead Galter’s stuff, so it’s so fake, you can believe the fake ones, if Ares is so smart, the sand sculpture of Olympus can still hide on the mountain and not come down?”


Heimdall lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Odin in front of him.

He definitely can't say he didn't expect Thor to be so out of his mind, he'd just show the guy a movie and be done with it.

Fortunately, he ran to Mount Olympus to taunt Ares.

Who doesn't know the temper of that reckless Ares?

Can it work?

But that's their lair, even if everyone doesn't like that reckless man, it's better than you as an outsider.

The result was good, Athena ran out to flicker, the son of the great Odin, Thor, the god of thunder, ran to single out the Giants of Jotunheim, but was pinned to the ground and rubbed, and then all the gods of the nine worlds watched this spectacular scene.

Odin didn't kill this guy because only two of his sons were dead. If those guys in Tirbaldr were still there, Odin would have killed his relatives long ago.

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