I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 105 Athena, Goddess Of Wisdom!

"Ah, you idiot of Asgard, I thought Odin had already killed you, oh, I almost forgot, you are already the last prince of Asgard, if you kill you, Odin may have no successor."

"Well, shut up, Athena, you are so weak!"

Thor held his hammer high, and due to some accidents, the handle of the hammer was too short when dwarf cast Mjolnir, so it looked a bit awkward.

However, this does not affect its power at all.

The billowing thunder condensed on the hammer, Thor jumped up, the flames of anger burned his sanity, he desperately needed to vent and fight!

"Ah, damn it!"

Levi scratched his head.

For this girl, no, I have a new understanding of Athena's poisonous tongue.

Thor's bad mind has already been determined by him.

Maybe it's because you don't have enough time to use your brain. After all, you can solve everything with strength, so why use your brain?

However, being so excited by a few words, the brain must be broken.

But, this is his home, you two gods want to fight, can you change the place?

Didn't you see the big guys eating?

Levi made a dodge and quickly moved in front of Athena. He was afraid that this guy would also go crazy, and when the two forces collided head-on, he would definitely be unable to stop it.

So he took the first step and stood in front of Athena. Thor had an artifact in his hand, and he couldn't make it hard, but he didn't need it.


A small shield was held by Levi in ​​front of him, Thor struck angrily, and Mjolnir, carrying the hammer of rolling thunder, landed on the shield, but nothing seemed to happen. generally.

Powerful power condenses and condenses on the shield, and then gathers into a Shockwave, trying to spread towards the surroundings.


Athena shouted with a smile.

The shield she held turned into an invisible barrier, covering the entire room, and the Shockwave spreading from the shield (bebc) in Levi's hand exploded instantly, as if to cut everything apart, but when it touched Athena's protective barrier At that time, it quickly melted and dispersed.

"Back to you."

Levi shook his hand, then threw the shield to the captain.

"Hey, my shield!"

The captain took it casually, turned his head and glanced under his seat, only to realize that at some point, his shield was taken away by Levi.

"Stop hitting, and you, stop mocking him, or you two, get out of here.

Levi nodded emphatically at Athena, this guy has been laughing and laughing since Thor's violence just now.

Under Levi's suppression, the two troublemakers finally stopped.

"Ah, so cute!"

In the living room with huge amounts of people sitting together, Natasha Romanoff is busy at the bar. She likes bartending very much. She once thought that when she retires from her agent career, she might become a bartender.

However, it seems to be an actor now!

The captain and Bucky, good friends who haven't seen each other for many years, are getting together, chatting about the past and the future.

They both woke up not long ago, although Bucky seemed to wake up from the freeze for a long time, but since his memory was wiped, it really counted, until a few months ago, Levi recovered his memory and removed HYDRA After being affected, he can be regarded as recovering himself.

As for Thor and Tony, the two are gathering to drink together, but what Thor drinks is all kinds of beer, Qingdao puree brewed by the master of the Chinese dynasty, and various dé dark beers brought by the French chef.

And Tony is drinking various cocktails made by Natasha Romanoff!

However, no matter what they are doing, their eyes are always aimed at Levi from time to time.

To be precise, looking at Athena surrounded by Skye and Wanda!

"Are you really Athena, that is, that Athena?"

If we said that everyone still had doubts when Thor came before, then now, everyone has believed more than half of their god status.

Mainly the way they played and the strength they showed.

By the way, they also have more awareness of Levi's power.

"Yes, I am one of the twelve main gods of Olympus, the goddess of wisdom and war, Pallas Athena!"

"Wow, Athena!"

Skye and Wanda looked at Athena with staring eyes, a look of admiration.

And Athena also enjoyed this kind of gaze calmly, with her head held high, revealing her slender neck, but Levi's attention was clearly shifted.

"B? Well, it seems that I need to add a little more, but it seems a bit too much to give a C, and the armor seems a bit thick, forget it, give it a B+!"

Enjoying the compliments from a group of beauties made Athena very happy, because on Mount Olympus, no one would look at her with such eyes.

The goddesses of Mount Olympus are a group of bitches, headed by Hera, they are always intriguing, coquettish, seduce this man, or seduce that man.

To be honest, Athena prefers to fight with spears and shields.

Winning Athens from Poseidon was the most commendable achievement in her life.

The legend of the olive branch and the war horse is completely nonsense, she won by relying on her own strength.

But, obviously, since then, no one wants to play with her anymore. The goddesses think she is rude, and the gods, well, she despises them for being stupid.

Like Ares!.

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