I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 124: Xiaobie Wins The Wedding

Tony and Bucky successfully reconcile at Levi's home.

Definitely, it is obviously impossible to expect the three of them to become better because of this, or even act as if nothing happened.

But Tony finally calmed down.

At this point, Levi also knows that the matter can come to an end, but sending the Buddha to the west, some things are just a piece of cake for him, so he naturally doesn't want to waste time.

He was still thinking about starting filming The Dark Knight sooner, so what if Tony, the lead actor, doesn't participate?

"Hill, pull me up a file with all the information on the murder of Howard Stark that S.H.I.E.L.D has recorded.

Back then, Howard Stark was the founding elder of S.H.I.E.L.D. After his death, it was Pierce's turn to assume the post of director.

Therefore, S.H.I.E.L.D must have investigated his death back then, but under Pierce's control, this matter was suppressed.

But there is no doubt that S.H.I.E.L.D has data ~ records.

So when Levi's phone call went directly to Tianjian Bureau, the heir of all S.H.I.E.L.D's inheritance, this information was sent over.

Among them, it clearly stated that after investigation, it was Obaday who provided Howard's travel route, which gave Pierce and others the opportunity to take advantage of it.

Not only that, in order to make Tony completely give up on Opadry, Levi directly let Sound Wave hack into Opadry's computer, and pulled out a lot of information about his corruption of the Stark Group, including various financial accounts private misappropriation and so on.

Since Tony has never checked or managed this matter, at the moment, when Levi showed it, he found out that Opadry had already obtained nearly 50 billion dollars from the Stark Group in various names and means. funds.

If it weren't for Tony's achievements in recent years, yes, the Stark Group has been thriving, and with Opadry's game, any company would probably have closed down.

"Wait, this is it!"

Tony frowned. The solid evidence in front of him gradually changed his attitude toward Obaday, and he gradually accepted that the friends and relatives he had always trusted were actually the ones who murdered his parents. a fact.

But these things in front of him seem to be more able to reflect his cruelty and terror.

"He's funding terrorists!"

This is a set of picture information from Opadry's computer.

Among them, Obadai stood on the Gobi. Behind him was a group of people holding advanced weapons from the Stark Group, and in front of them were several corpses.

A corpse pierced by bullets, bloody and terrifying.

And Obadi, he stood among these corpses, laughing wildly there.

"You don't think this is my P's picture, do you? I didn't expect that guy to have such a hobby of taking pictures as souvenirs.

Levi was amazed.

But this is not surprising. With Opadry's status, he can't find much fun. Playing with cars and women, he has been doing this kind of thing for decades, and he has long been tired of it.

The only thing that can make him feel exciting is hunting.

It's just that other people hunt animals. Many rich people like to hunt. They carry guns on the prairie and kill those running Beasts with one shot.

And Obaday, he likes to kill!

...asking for flowers......

Tony didn't say a word, he just stood up and looked at Bucky.

"follow me!"

Bucky didn't refuse, facing Steve's hesitation, Bucky got up and followed behind Tony.

Soon, the roar of the engine sounded outside the door.

"Master, Mister Stark has left."

"Well, let Soundwave watch them a little bit. However, HYDRA is down, and Obaday is doomed to have no trouble."

The bright mansion fell silent again, but only for a while.

Levi was away for several days, and this time he did not bring his own women, who were all attracted by Athena.

However, everyone is an adult, and when they are young and vigorous, there is a saying that is better than a newlywed.

When Levi was at home, they were almost every night. When he was there, they hadn't realized the feeling of being alone and sleepless, but they felt especially deeply.

So, just when he was eating, Levi felt the gaze of a woman who seemed to want to swallow him.

And after seeing Tony and others leave, they let out a long sigh of relief as if they were liberated.

"Honey, New York, is it fun?"

"Not bad, met some new friends."

In the living room, the servants had already left, leaving only Levi's family and Athena who hadn't realized the situation.

Levi held Natasha Romanoff in his arms, and he also endured it for several days. At this moment, the flames in his eyes seemed to burn Natasha Romanoff completely.


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