I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 127 Desperate X-Men, Where Is The Hope? [One More]

Tony landed on his seat, and he was breathing heavily with his mouth open, begging for the mental intrusion, as if he had just finished a 10,000-meter run.

But it seemed to be the case, he was covered in sweat, it was the extreme pain, the pain that would be felt after the brain was invaded.

"You two, look at them, I'm leaving."

"Levi, where are you going?"

Natasha Romanoff looked tired, with her little mental strength, it was really difficult to resist Charles' mental invasion, but compared to Tony, her condition was much better.

If nothing else happened, if this situation continued for at most ten minutes, Tony's brain would explode as if a bomb had been stuffed into it.

That was the end after his own spiritual power was taken over by Charles and he went berserk.

This is also the reason why Charles Xavier has almost the right to speak of a country. He alone is equivalent to the nuclear arsenal of a superpower.

It can wipe out all human beings in the world.

"I'm going to find out the root of the problem, don't worry, I'll be back soon."

Levi channeled a bit of power in the past, and Natasha Romanoff and Skye recovered a little energy. Although the mental exhaustion could not be made up for a while, their complexions were all rosy.

"You don't worry, I will watch here."

Thor, who had regained his seat, was holding a hammer, and his casual clothes had been replaced by his gleaming silver armor and red cape.

Obviously, although the mental attack was not that effective against him, he was still somewhat apprehensive about the situation just now.

Levi looked at Athena again, who nodded at him, and then Levi walked to the hatch, and after the hatch opened, Levi jumped out, turned into light and disappeared into the sky.

The sonic boom sounded in the sky above 10,000 meters, Levi kept pushing his speed, and the feeling of being filled with Charles' spiritual power all over the sky returned once he left Athena's protective barrier.

Levi squinted his eyes, then sped towards the west, the direction he was waiting for someone to come.

This is a global catastrophe. There is no doubt that Charles Xavier's brain has launched an attack on all mankind. Whatever the reason, Levi must stop him.

He didn't want to face a dead earth in ten minutes, maybe only tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people left.

"There, the source of mental fluctuations||!"

The speed of 250 kilometers per second can't be released directly in the atmosphere, it will ignite the air, but that's the case, after a minute, Levi also returned to the United States, a place called Ekale Lake.

"Down there, Brainwave Machine!"

As soon as Levi's voice fell, the whole person disappeared. His figure was as fast as a gust of wind, because he understood that this is not the time to procrastinate. Every second of procrastination, the possibility of the world's destruction is higher. If that is the case, there will be no more No one watches his movies anymore.

With a bang, the gate of a secret military base built under the dam was directly knocked open by Levi.

Countless rays of light follow every possible passage to find out the path that he can walk, and then he uses his own way to "take the shortest shortcut to rush to his own land.

"Quick, let's find a way to stop the professor!"

In front of a gate blocked by countless metal objects, Cyclops Scott, Phoenix and others gathered there, staring eagerly in front of them.

"Kurt, can you take us back in time? Teleport to the room behind this wall!"

Storm Ororo seemed to have remembered something, and turned his head to look at a strange-looking Mutant who came with him and others.

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on him.

Blue skin, covered with strange patterns, fangs, sharp claws, four fingers, plus that thick and long tail.

This is the whole picture of him.

And this Mutant named Kurt Wagner shook his head.

".~I can't do it, guys, I can only teleport as far as I can see, and this wall, it's so thick, I can't even imagine what's behind it, we might get stuck in it."

Nightcrawler's answer shattered the hope that everyone had once again ignited. Looking at a soldier who was neighing and howling in the corner, for some reason, everyone suddenly felt a sense of sadness in their hearts.

After all human beings are dead, does this world really belong to Mutant?

"Damn Magneto order!"

Scott scolded angrily, this matter is definitely Magneto's masterpiece, and only he would do something frenzied to destroy (get Li Zhao) all human beings.

Moreover, if he hadn't blocked the access to the brain wave machine, why should they be melancholy here!

"God, whoever will save us, whoever it is, come and save this world!"

Scott raised his head and roared angrily, they are all Mutants with super Ability, however, in the face of this situation, they can't have Ability, and they can't do anything.

They have nothing but abilities, but facing this secret room buried deep in the ground and covered with at least 40 meters thick concrete, the only way to enter is sealed by the thick metal that is strong enough to withstand nuclear explosions.

Who else can save them?

Who else can save mankind?

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