I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 133 This Is The Power Of God!

The flood has stopped!

Levi's powerful divine power is like a huge gate, blocking the flood outside the town.

A round of sun held up the flood and the wall of life, like a hero in ancient myths, like a titan in ancient legends!

And it's not over yet!

Levi spent half a day working hard, naturally not just to block the flood in another place.


Levi separated his palms, and then, the shapeless water flow, as if being cut by a sharp sword, was divided into two halves, one left and one right, and a huge wall composed of two water flows appeared.

Then, the two streams of water flowed away from Levi's side, and the deep trenches plowed earlier played the role of drainage at the moment. Although they were not wide enough to be used as river channels, they were densely packed. The deep groove is enough to generate enough force to direct more water flow in a controllable direction.

Water is impermanent, it is only guided by snobbery.

Thus, in the eyes of countless people, an exceptionally spectacular scene appeared.

Levi is like Moses who parted the Red Sea in the Bible. The great flood that was enough to overthrow everything and destroy everything was easily divided into two halves by him, and then formed a circle with no rules, and the rapids around the small town downstream of the river and go.

The whole town was not soaked by any river water from the beginning to the end, and all the water flow avoided the town, but bypassed from both sides, as if there was a god here ordering them not to allow them to pass through here.


Deafening cheers rang out, and when people saw that the great flood that was already close at hand was far away from them, everyone couldn't hold back the joy in their hearts. This kind of happiness of escaping from death made them cheer and sing for it.

But what they want to know more is, who is that sun, the sun that saved them (bedg) from the merciless flood?

Levi's body fell slowly, although the flood was guided away, but his work was not yet finished.

The golden light dissipated, and Levi's face appeared in everyone's eyes. People cheered for it, and Levi's image met their expectations.

Tall, handsome, sunny and handsome.

For a while, the men were ashamed of their appearance but respectful in their hearts, while the eyes of the women were flooded with spring in their brows.

Everyone wanted to get closer, but they didn't dare to get close. The crowd gathered together finally hesitated for a long time, starting with the first person, and the rest followed suit.

All together, a deep bow to Levi!

"Thank you for saving our lives."

Levi accepted their thanks with a smile, then waved to everyone, and disappeared into the sky as a golden light.

On the Internet, under Levi's instruction, the public relations team received a new order, a title called Sun Knight, and the saying and video that Levi saved the world and the flood began to spread on the Internet!

Along with Mutant threatening the world, it was the conspiracy of the black colonel of the military, and then a series of stories such as the Sun Knight's defeat of the conspiracy, etc., were also quickly accepted by people in Charles' public relations.

When people were discussing about Mutant and Stryker, a black-hearted business school, they were more discussing about the Sun Knight [about Levi under the golden light].

"The sun god in the movie has become the sun knight in reality, which one is real? But, it is undeniable that Levi is our hero, he saved the world and saved mankind."

In just a few days, the discussion about Levi has already occupied the headlines of the major well-known media, and the special sessions of the major news media.

Any program, any forum, seems to be out of touch with the times and out of touch with the world without discussing a few words about Levi and the Sun Knight.

Levi was originally a star. He starred in Resident Evil, shapeshifting King Kong, and Wonder Woman. He was already very popular. After all, there are three or four movies a year, and his popularity will hardly decrease. However, this time, he is The sky is on fire.

The video of him stopping the great flood has been played more than one billion times on the Internet, and the news topic of his saving human beings has dominated the headlines of all newspapers for a week.

A week later, that headline was replaced by the President's release of the Mutant Treatment Act.

The President reached an agreement with Charles, and the Mutant Registration Act continued, but the work was carried out under the joint supervision of the Mutant Academy, the Heavenly Sword Bureau, and the newly established Mutant Liaison Department.

Moreover, it is no longer as before, separating Mutants from ordinary people roughly, nor will they be forced to disclose their identities and abilities.

Instead, a more detailed and reasonable distinction is adopted, and the coexistence relationship between mutants and ordinary people is coordinated as much as possible while ensuring that mutants enjoy all the rights of normal people.

The main person in charge of this task is the former SHIELD Director Nick Fury who has just been elected as a senator, and his deputy is the director of Mutant's liaison department, a former CIA agent, and now X-Men Beast.

"Ha, so, you are now a knight!"

In a temple above the snow-capped mountains, Tony drank the spirits provided by the monks and looked at Levi with a half-smile. .

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