I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 139: Real Prodigal Tony

"Whew! Breathe! Go on, keep the rhythm, breathe! Breathe!"

Levi guides Tony to make his body work more efficiently and profitably.

"Breathing is the foundation of a person. The first thing a person does after birth is breathing. Therefore, any exercise must start with breathing! In the East, this skill is called breathing, which actually means breathing."

"Definitely, you may prefer a scientific explanation. Through the adjustment of breathing frequency, we can increase our metabolism level, keep ourselves in a state of excitement, and make all parts of our organs run at full power. At the same time, when we are resting You can also get a more ~ ​​effective rest at the same time."

"Did you know that people only need three hours of sleep a day? Three hours of deep sleep is enough to keep our bodies refreshed, but most of the time we sleep is not deep sleep. But through spiritual hints By adjusting the breathing rhythm, we can enter this state at any time, and then you will have five more hours of study and work every day than others."

The skills Levi said are real, even in his original time and space.

The so-called qigong is actually these things.

This is qigong, which is about qi, and what is breathing doing?

Isn't it just gas, air!

As for more, the true qi that Taoism refers to is rather mysterious. It should exist in this world now, but the world that Levi was in before may not exist.


After a whole day, this section is considered to be filmed. This section is to reveal and explain the reason why Bruce Wayne became stronger afterward. It belongs to the origin section and is essential.

Otherwise, in the back, Bruce Wayne beats a bunch of them one by one, but the audience is in a daze, thinking that the protagonist is cheating, which is not very good.

But now, after the teaching of Levi, the Great Emperor of Fengdu, coupled with the impetus of some later plots, even if the audience sees a bunch of fights behind, they will take it for granted.

After shooting this section, it means that the shooting in the temple is coming to an end.

The plot of burning the temple was naturally filmed in a studio.

This temple was rented by the film crew, and it is a serious cultural relic. Levi is not so mad as to burn it.

So, in the following week or so, Levi finished shooting Bruce Wayne's training, becoming stronger, and trials. Then the group bid farewell to the monks in the temple and set off on the plane.

After returning to Hollywood, Tony still didn't come home.

In this regard, Levi did not say much persuasive words, but continued to work.

Tony came to make movies to relax, the best way to suppress some sad emotions, sometimes is to keep yourself busy, busy, "Naturally there is no merit, but I don't want to say goodbye

Once, when Tony learned of the death of his parents, it took him several years to get several master's degrees to recover himself.

But now, knowing that his last relative, Obadai, betrayed him, he was the culprit who murdered his parents.

Perhaps, he needs to make a movie to relieve his emotions!

With Tony's hard work and Levi's super Ability, the shooting process has been rushing forward and getting faster and faster.

Scenes of the plot were completed quickly, Tony's enthusiasm was ignited, he began to abandon foreign things, and devoted himself to filming.

This kind of behavior even caused the Stark Group, which had already lost Opadry. When they learned that Tony was addicted to the movie business, the confidence of stockholders was greatly reduced, and then the stock of Stark Group fell again and again. ‥...seeking flowers...0

"Dropped five points in a week? The market value evaporated more than 20 billion out of thin air?"

Levi bared his teeth, more than 20 billion, it would be great if it was exchanged for box office.

But he's not going to bother with it, Tony doesn't care, what is he doing?

Besides, maybe as soon as The Dark Knight is released, everyone falls in love with Tony's Bruce Wayne, and the stock price will go up again.


He can make the stock of Stark Group soar when he is Iron Man, why can't he be Batman?

Thinking of this, Levi felt more at ease.

But it doesn't matter if he feels at ease, Pepper won't leave.

Tony became the shopkeeper and came to shoot a movie, but Opadry died again, and Tony handed over all the affairs of the Stark Group to her.

The result was good, and she lost more than 20 billion yuan in a week. You can imagine how much pressure she was under.

During this period of time, she had already stopped thinking about food and tea, and came to the set almost every day, begging Tony to go back and preside over the overall situation, and when she saw Levi, she even rolled her eyes countless times

Anyway, she thinks it's Levi who's messing with her boss.

A billionaire, who has nothing to do to make a movie, has nothing to do, isn't he?

"Pepper, if you're really in a hurry, why don't you do me a favor and help us finish the movie as soon as possible? I have another character here, Rachel, Bruce Wayne's childhood sweetheart, and the original actor Tony is not very satisfied , I don’t want to make a scene with her, the reason is that he won’t take another shot at a woman he has slept with once. So, how about you play this role?”.

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