I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 151 Let Spider-Man Play Harry Potter And Date Nicole Kidman!

"Director Levi, I agreed to put Peter in this movie, definitely, it depends on whether he can pass the audition.

After a while, it was about the time when Levi drank three cups of tea. Ben finally read the script, and he also understood what kind of Harry Potter Levi asked Peter to play.

"Don't worry, my vision of seeing people is still very accurate, I think Peter has this potential."

Levi looked at Peter who was sitting on the chair with excitement and curiosity on his face, and said with a smile.

Peter Parker, that little bug, he's a famous comedian.

Well, chatterbox and showman are actually a kind of creature, aren't they?

You don't have so much drama in your heart, where do you have so much to say?

And that speaks volumes about Peter's acting ability.

There is a saying in the performing arts industry, which is called "Patriarchs enjoy food."

Whether it's acting or singing, if some people can do it, they can do it, and if they can't, they can't.

There are some things that this person looks like when he acts, and he lives as soon as he acts, and the audience sees it as if he is really that person.

But some people act like fake 14 no matter how they act.

Like singing, the natural condition of the voice is there, and things like pitch are irreversible.

Your voice can still have its own characteristics, and you can sing some special songs, but your sense of pitch is not good, that is, your five notes are incomplete, so you can't save it no matter what.

Peter has the ability to act, that's enough, Levi took a fancy to him without knowing his identity at the time, his image is naturally no problem.

That being the case, why worry?

After handing the script to Peter and letting him read it for a while, Levi retreated from the crowd and got alone with him for a while.

He was worried that this guy who was performing in front of people for the first time would be nervous, and he had his own affinity, so he didn't have to worry about this problem.

After picking out a plot line and letting Peter improvise, Levi had already made up his mind.

The role of Harry Potter will be played by Peter.

Peter is eleven years old this year, and was fostered by his parents in this family a year ago. According to Levi's knowledge, if nothing else happens, his parents should be CIA agents, and there is a high probability that they are already babies.

Definitely maybe, in some worlds, Richard Parker is not dead, and even in some worlds, Howard Stark is not dead until now, but is alive and well in secret.

After the audition, Peter passed Levi's inspection, so his identity as the protagonist is basically settled.

"We won't start shooting right now. There will be a few months or even half a year of preparation time. After all, we still need to scout the scene and build a studio, so Peter can do whatever he should do during this period. I will inform you in about a month that Peter will come to me for a period of training. If you are not at ease, you can come with me. If you have financial difficulties, I can also pay you part of the salary in advance.

After all, he is a bug with a special status, so Levi naturally doesn't mind giving him some preferential treatment.

Such things as paying salary in advance do not exist even for the biggest stars in Hollywood.

"Well, no need, we are not short of money, that, do we need to sign the contract now?"

Ben agreed to this mainly because Peter wanted to, otherwise Ben would not have liked Peter to go down this path, but he also understands that after a year has passed, Peter has always been smart, and he also guessed that his parents Something happened, so for so long, his mood has been depressed.

For the first time in a long time, Ben saw Peter so interested in one thing, so happy.

Looking at Peter's smiling face, no matter how much Ben didn't like it, he was willing to make changes for Peter.

"In terms of the contract, I need to inform the company to draw up a contract for you. Maybe someone will come to you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Having said that, I am completely relieved.

When it comes to Peter, he's always been a little cautious.

Under Peter's reluctant eyes, Levi sent Peter's family away, and after having lunch with the three girls, he proposed to go out again.

"Meet a friend.

"Hmph, female friends!"

Levi looked a little embarrassed, after all, if he went to see the wild flowers outside in front of several palace officials, it would be really embarrassing if he could not be embarrassed.

"Hmph, a stinky man who can't eat enough."

The three women quickly unified the front and looked at Levi with a look of contempt.

But they also know that Levi is not an ordinary person, and they are not ordinary people anymore. Sometimes, ordinary people's rules and ways of looking at problems are no longer suitable for them.

After all, Levi is a god like Athena, and Athena's father Zeus had seven wives and hundreds of lovers.

There are only three of them in Levi, and to a certain extent, 723 feels a little wronged to him.

Definitely, they won't say this kind of thinking. Smelly men are best at pushing their feet, eating what's in the bowl and looking at what's in the pot. If they don't have this attitude, it probably won't be long before their house It will be expanded again.

Levi, who slipped out under the disdainful gazes of several ladies, quickly returned to a chic and suave state.

What he is going to meet is Nicole Kidman whom he met at Falun's party last time!

The two have been in touch since the last time they met.

Levi's divine power comes with a charm bonus and a friendly effect, and his talent is even more obsessed with rich girls like Nicole.

Although they only met once, the two chatted very happily, and even teased each other from time to time afterwards.

Now, there is quite a feeling of love and adultery.

This time Levi came to New York, and Nicole happened to be in New York, so it was inevitable to meet and talk to each other, and maybe Levi would take the opportunity to hit a base or something.

However, when Levi was happy and ready to expand his harem, a special experiment was going on in the gamma laboratory of Columbia University, a well-known university in New York City.

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