I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 154 Violent Hulk, God Of Light!


Hulk raised his head and roared. He has been full of anger since he was born. Anger is his way of catharsis and the source of his strength.

He didn't know why he was angry, and he didn't know who should bear the anger, so he definitely vented his anger on everything he saw.

Including these little things!

While the two niggas were yelling, Hulk, who had finished venting his love for seeing the sun again, had already lowered his head and looked around.

And the screaming two people naturally caught his attention immediately.

A terrifying beast-like gaze fell on the two Niges in an instant, and the two of them only felt a chill down their spines. It came from the instinctive reaction of the biological body, which brought them back to their senses.

"Bo, Bobby! Why do I think he's staring at us?"

"Um, George, I think you just stared at his Big Gun, which made him a little unhappy."

"You read it too."


Not knowing what the little ones were talking about, Hulk took a step forward and let out his own fighting roar.


If the two brothers still can't see what's going on, they can go to the kindergarten to apply for admission. The two of them immediately turned around and were about to run away.

But what is their speed compared to the Hulk, who can cover kilometers in a single leap?


The wide and thick soles kicked hard on the hard concrete floor, and suddenly, a large crack was formed on the soles of the soles of the feet, and the force that reacted against Hulk himself pushed his body to launch on the spot like a missile with tail flames .

Hulk was propelled forward by a powerful force. In just a split second, he broke through the sound barrier again, and a layer of invisible ripples exploded on the spot, like a boulder being thrown into the air, creating ripples that spread to the surroundings.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The shops, street lamps, office buildings, vehicles, and all glass products on both sides of the street were shattered in an instant, as if someone was knocking on them at the same time.

And those pedestrians who were very close were hit hard again. This time, there were more pedestrians covering their ears, but the two black people who were six or seven meters away from Hulk were not affected because of the distance. After all, Hulk had already Beyond the speed of sound, the Hulk was able to smash them apart before Soundwave could catch up to them.

Green skin, body proportions completely different from ordinary people, a fist the size of a sand bowl squeezes the air, and Hulk, who doesn't know what it means to control power, is almost full-strength in his shots. This punch is made of steel. Was blasted into powder.

But he didn't touch steel, he touched light!

Levi, who can reach a speed of 250 kilometers per second, even if he didn't break out with all his strength, after bidding farewell to Nicole, it only took two or three seconds to chase Hulk over.

And as soon as he came, he saw Chang Wei, no, Hulk was getting bored!

The invisible light turned into something harder than steel, blocking Hulk like a wall.

The fist that is enough to crush the industrialized products that human beings are proud of has been hindered before the light.

Hulk looked blankly at everything in front of him. He is not an ignorant child. On the contrary, he has a very high IQ. He can fly a Quinjet fighter jet without any learning.

Because he shared the wisdom of the man with seven doctorates, but Bruce Banner couldn't enjoy Haochen's history because his brain couldn't bear and couldn't control this body.

Hulk's mind is like a child's, but his wisdom is superior to 99.99% of the human beings on the earth.

...asking for flowers......

A brat who can tear down buildings by hand, but is as intelligent as Hawking, asks you if you are afraid?

But this brat still couldn't understand why his invincible fist couldn't break the wall made of light.

The light slowly dissipated to reveal a human figure!

Levi, wearing a black coat, floats in the air, surrounded by a strange halo, just like the corona, or the circle of light around the sun in a solar eclipse

"Are you all right?"

Levi ignored Hulk, but first looked at the two black brothers behind him.


"Oh brother, Knight of the Round Sun!"

The black boy let out an exclamation, followed by exaggerated cheers, the two screamed and jumped there, their reactions were bigger than the big baby they saw Hulk at that time.

And seeing the two Nicos alive and kicking, Levi also knew that they were safe and sound, and the image of his first step had already been established.

Afterwards, he immediately started the second step, streaks of golden light were splashed out by him, covering the entire space like rain, and the most important thing was falling on the pedestrians


"Hey, it doesn't hurt anymore!"

All of a sudden, the nearby pedestrians who were injured by Hulk's two rages let go of their hands covering their ears, and some who fell were surprised to find that the wounds on their knees or arms were recovering.

"This, it's amazing, it's nothing short of a miracle."

"It's the Sun Knight, it's Director Levi!"

More and more people recovered, more and more people found Levi's figure, and Hulk, who touched the golden raindrops with his hands in doubt, found that he couldn't hold them in his hands no matter what.

So he was even more angry!

"Little Hulk!".

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