I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 171 The Four Fundamental Forces Of The Universe, The Electromagnetic Gun!

A golden light pierced through the air, like a legendary flying sword, flew across the bridge in an instant, and pointed directly at Magneto's face.

Levi doesn't intend to hold back. Although he has no fear of Magneto's strength, it doesn't mean he can underestimate it.

No matter which Marvel parallel universe they are in, Magneto is the group of people standing at the pinnacle of strength.

On earth, he is a powerful existence that can rival the entire Avengers alliance. He tore the captain of the captain with his hands, tore up Apocalypse, beat Tony wearing anti-magnetic armor, played games with Tolby, and turned into a steel titan to fight Hulk. , These records have already shown his strength.

Even in the entire Marvel universe, his strength ranks at the top, just a little behind Odin and others.

It is not a gap in strength, but a gap in thought.

In the big event of the fire phoenix, Qin who incarnated as a phoenix once said that if Magneto can comprehend the grand unified field theory, he can directly become a creator-level existence.

The controller of the electromagnetic force, one of the four fundamental forces of the universe, is not a metal master!

So even though Levi is very confident in his own strength, after all, the Magneto in front of him is old, old, and rigid in thinking, which is different from the young version of Magneto in the Ultimate Universe who looks only in his forties, but he must do it and respect everyone. an opponent.

The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength!

But Magneto's performance is also worthy of Levi's attention, worthy of his reputation!

An invisible barrier appeared in front of Magneto, blocking the beam that could directly penetrate his head.

It's not that Magneto's reaction is fast enough to block even this kind of light beam that most people can't see clearly, but that this layer of barrier has always been there!

"Magnetic field"!"

Levi secretly thought!

And Magneto looked at the dissipating golden light in front of him, his eyes were even more angry, and the rest was rejoicing, if he hadn't been careful enough to maintain his own defensive barrier, this time, he would have been decapitated.

"You are courting death!"

Magneto shouted angrily, and a car at hand was instantly dismembered, and then the metal of the body frame turned into fine metal particles, and then turned into sharp metal needles and appeared in the air.


Levi's eyes widened, and his figure moved quickly, making dodging movements.

But how could Magneto let him go so easily, dozens of metal spikes whizzed forward with a flash of lightning under his magnetic force.

If there are weapons experts here, they will find that this is the ultimate weapon that countries all over the world are looking forward to but can't ask for.


Yes, the bridge has become a track, and Magneto himself is used as an energy source. These metal spikes constructed by him, or metal cannonballs, are constantly fired and bombarded by the principle of an electromagnetic gun!

As the master of magnetism, he is much stronger than a certain girl who is famous for her electromagnetic gun, and the strength of the magnetic field he can activate is not comparable to that girl.

So, at the other end of the bridge, in front of Levi, a series of fiery red electromagnetic guns that were burned by the air and whose power was far stronger than conventional shells were constantly shooting at him.

"Boom! Boom!"

Facing these shells, Levi is not worried yet, his speed is not even comparable to the electromagnetic gun.

Conventional electromagnetic guns can reach a speed close to 2,000 meters per second, and his speed has already reached more than a hundred times this value half a year ago.

Even though the speed of these shells is higher than the normal value because of Magneto's magnetic field strength, they still can't catch up with him!

However, after seeing Levi's excellent speed, Magneto has no intention of doing anything to him with a few bullets.

He solves other people!



On the other end of the bridge, military vehicles are equipped with guns and shells, and their weapons are not conventional metal gunpowder weapons, but special equipment made of special plastic that uses some kind of injection.

Gear made for Mutant!

Using the injection gun made from the serum extracted from a special mutant, the ability of the mutant can be eliminated.

In their view, this is a kind of permanent elimination, but in fact, the boy code-named Leech cannot permanently eliminate other people's Abilities only by relying on his blood extract.

But enough!

The most difficult thing for ordinary people to face Mutants is that most Mutants are immune to conventional gunpowder weapons.

Not to mention the undead body like Wolverine and the indestructible King Kong of Colossus, what use are their weapons in the face of Magneto?

Ordinary troops met Magneto, not to mention fighting him, then (Zhao De's) simply sent him equipment.

And remove these super-abilities, in fact, the vast majority of Mutants are no different from ordinary people.

There may be a small number of them who are still well-trained even without super-ability. For example, Wolverine, who has experienced World War I and World War II, is still a soldier of the king of soldiers even without super-ability.

But most Mutants will be unable to resist the soldiers' attacks.

Because of this, and because of having this weapon, they dared to run over to support them knowing that their opponent was Magneto.

It's just that Magneto naturally noticed them, so his electromagnetic cannon was the first to solve the human army that might cause a large-scale attrition of his men. .

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