I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 174 The Golden Gate Bridge Is Flying!

"Abandon them, concentrate on solving me, and see if I can be defeated! Or, you continue your plan, buy your hearts, let Mutant follow you, and then you can call them to launch an attack on humans together."

Levi is smiling so much!

It is true that Magneto can match the gods. To be honest, even if Thor and Athena fight Magneto, they may not necessarily win this guy without taking care of it.

But the problem is, relative to human beings, the power of gods is not simply the power of a certain aspect.

A god cannot be called a god if it has a certain kind of super ability like a mutant.

There is definitely nothing wrong with beings like Apocalypse who already possess omnipotent power calling themselves gods. "Eight Seven Seven" but think Iceman, Burning Man, can they?

No matter how powerful Magneto is, for now, his strength cannot make his entire life state surpass that of human beings.

For example, like Levi, even if Levi's strength cannot go further, his lifespan is still in units of ten thousand years!

He also doesn't need oxygen, food, or any of the so-called essential nutrients to sustain himself.

In fact, Levi can continue to exist in the universe with only a little bit of light from Fixed Star.

In the same way, Levi's spirit can withstand huge amounts of impact, and his soul can also bear more powerful pressure, let alone fatigue.

Even if he does not sleep for ten days and nights, it does not make any difference to him!

And what about Magneto?

He needs food, he needs oxygen, he needs heat, he needs water, he needs rest!

"Come on, compare me, who can last longer, friendly reminder, I can at least be heaven!"

Levi laughed.

To deal with a shameless person, one must be even more shameless than the other person, so that he will not kill himself with any morality.

Magneto threatens him with innocent civilians and soldiers behind him? Then he threatens this guy with an army of Mutants behind Magneto.

Definitely, from the beginning to the end, his voice was not transmitted to the outside, and the rest of the people did not hear it. In fact, it may not be a big problem if he heard it. He was trying to save people. As for the defeated Mutants, they were just a group of criminals .

They openly attacked civilians, shot at the military, and wanted to attack civilian private buildings. These actions [are enough for the police or the army to shoot and kill them.

And Levi's series of actions seemed to be just blocking them.

But facing Levi's shameless tricks, Magneto couldn't give up lightly, in fact, he thought even harder!

Just when Levi felt that the winning ticket was in his hands, Magneto raised his hands, and the powerful magnetic field rioted instantly, all the electromagnetic cannons fired frantically stopped, and an invisible magnetic field shield protected Magneto and the Mutant behind him, and he was still Float in the air!


Levi's feet swayed, and the Golden Gate Bridge began to shake again, but this time he didn't cause it.

In the blink of an eye, the surrounding situation fell into Levi's eyes, his brows tightened, and the sound of explosions came one after another, the vibration of the bridge became bigger and bigger, and then, a slight sense of weightlessness came.

"Oh Mai Ga!"

At this moment, all the people who were watching this terrifying battle opened their mouths wide open. Whether it was soldiers and civilians on both sides of the strait, or those reporters who recorded everything, or the audience in front of the TV and computer screens, everyone was stunned. He stared blankly at this happening.

The Golden Gate Bridge completed in 1937, a great building that has stood on the strait for so long, is gone!

It's not that it disappeared, but, starting from the bridge foundation on both sides, the four steel columns broke directly, and then the whole bridge was torn apart by the powerful magnetic force. This bridge became a magnet that Magneto played with. The building block toy, it broke away from all supports, and just flew in the sky like that.

"Magneto scene man, Yujian Flight, this big guy Yuqiao Flight!"

"Magneto scene man, this scene, I think the president of the United States can dream of this scene in his sleep thirty years later..."

"Magneto scene man, do you have a data emperor to calculate the weight of this bridge? How much work did this big man do?"

"Magneto scene people, don't ask, it's nuclear bomb level!"

Netizens from Tianchao watched the live broadcast, marveling and crazily swiping 666 for Magneto, almost rewarding him with two rockets.

"By the way, how do you think the Sun Knight will be defeated? Magneto flew directly to the imperial bridge and rushed with his men. I feel that there is no solution!"

"Magneto rushes the duck, and the US emperor dies!"

"Damn it, I, Meiling, will never be a slave!"

The audience was stunned, and Levi was also a little dazed, but seeing Magneto's pale face, he understood that he really pushed Magneto into a hurry.

Magneto's body is no longer at its peak, he is not the same as Charles, Charles plays with mental power, he can operate with a different body, but Lao Fang still relies on his body


He has not yet comprehended the essence of the magnetic field, and turned his soul into a magnetic field, so that he can also achieve the eternal life of the soul and abandon the physical level.

But he has already passed that peak period. The vast majority of Mutants are at the 0.2 stage of their own ability peak between the ages of twenty and fifty. What level they can reach and how much power they can develop basically depends on this period.

And the Magneto in this world wasted too much time and missed this opportunity due to his obsession with racial sports.

"Even struggling to lift a Golden Gate Bridge, I suddenly feel that defeating you doesn't give me any sense of accomplishment."

Levi shook his head. Magneto, the peak performer in the comics, can mobilize the magnetic field of the galaxy larger than the Milky Way. He even defeated the Phoenix head-on with his own strength.

Yes, in the comics, Apocalypse is not killed by Awakening's fiddler, but ripped alive by an angry Magneto.

"But this farce should be over, old man!".

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