I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 179 The Crystal Palace Is Not So Easy To Expand

Magneto was handed over to the Heavenly Sword Bureau, so there is nothing to worry about, just give him an injection of the Ability Elimination Potion brought from the nearby research institute.

However, Levi told Phil Coulson that the effect of that thing is only temporary, so regular injections are needed for the elderly.

As for why it was handed over to the Heavenly Sword Bureau, it is definitely because the Heavenly Sword Bureau is its own.

Levi is an honorary detective of the Tianjian Bureau, and Phil Coulson will call him the officer when he sees him.

This was the deal he made with Nick Fury back then. Nick Fury listened to him and went to run for president, and Levi would become an honorary agent of the Tianjian Bureau, allowing him to listen to what he said!

But in fact, it also helped Levi step in to enter the Tianjian Bureau, and can more effectively carry out his task of maintaining world peace.

"As for the matter of Mutant, I will have a good talk with Nick Fury after he takes office, but for now, you'd better hold on, it's only three months away, and nothing else will happen."

The impact of this attack was relatively bad, but fortunately, Levi rescued the scene in time, and after fighting normally, there were no deaths, but there were some wounded.

As a result, Levi's reputation became so strong that it even led to the end of The Dark Knight's release. As a result, the box office increased in reverse, and finally helped the Dark Knight successfully break through the 1.7 billion box office, becoming the second masterpiece in film history.

However, for Mutant, their social status naturally received a lot of criticism.

In the past, it could be said that it was the terrorist act of Magneto alone, and at most the Mutant Brotherhood organization was added.

But now, there are quite a few Mutants on the Golden Gate Bridge who were encouraged by Magneto. Although they may not be good people before and spend their days underground, they are serious citizens anyway.

So this time, things are a little bit up to the whole group.

Fortunately, Magneto is in custody!

As the main responsible person, he assumed most of the responsibilities, and for the rest of the responsible persons, Levi also made arrangements for them.

"Lorna, you come with me, legally speaking, your guardian is now me, and Raven, I think you need to go home [to your old big brother to apologize.

There are not many members of the Mutant Brotherhood, especially after several wars, their members are even rarer.

Otherwise, it would not be the turn of Lorna, an underage girl, to go to the battlefield.

Lorna was naturally unwilling to go with Levi, but she had no choice, and Levi did get her guardianship through legal means.

After all, a simple kinship test is all it takes to determine her relationship to Quicksilver and Wanda. With no other relatives, she has only one choice, otherwise she may end up in an orphanage.

Also, she couldn't resist Levi's force zone.

As for Mystique Raven, Levi has nothing against her, so naturally he is not responsible for her whereabouts, but with the efforts of Beast Hank, Charles has come to his senses and regained his ability, so he asked Levi to hand over Raven to he.

Naturally, Levi would not refuse such a small request from a friend.

As for the last lady, the aptly named White Queen Emma, ​​Levi had a difficult time.

"If I bring it home, will there be a fight in the backyard?"

White Queen Emma is very strong, and she is known as the most powerful spiritual ability under Charles. The key point is that not only is she strong, but her management ability far exceeds that of an old house like Charles.

So, no matter whether he is let go or killed, Levi feels a little pity.

But, as he thought, take it back, the backyard is going to catch fire!

It's not that the three women in the family can't tolerate Emma.

It's just that, first of all, Levi doesn't think he's a beast controlled by his lower body. It's not his style to go to a woman when he sees it. Otherwise, he wouldn't have only three women by now.

Skye and Natasha Romanoff, he fell in love with after getting along for a while, and Wanda, the two started from a fight, and then they got along day and night and fell in love with each other for a long time.

Secondly, Emma Ability is too strong, which is not a good thing.

Even if he 097 used his demeanor as a domineering president to force this woman into the Crystal Palace.

However, Skye and Wanda are just two innocent girls.

Two little girls who are under 20 years old, no matter what the situation is, they must be ordered by others, but Natasha Romanoff is different.

Levi felt that at that time, he could appreciate the true Legend of Zhen Huan.

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigresses!

"Have you thought about it? If you haven't thought about it, I'll go first. This is my business card. If you think about how to deal with me, just go find me there. Well, I have been out for so long, I have to Take a hot shower and get someone to treat me to a spa!"

Emma took out a business card from the unfathomable gully in her chest, then waved to Levi, and after stuffing this small card with her body fragrance into Levi's hand, she swayed her waist, swaying and go.

Definitely, no one stopped her along the way, after all, no one else could stop her Mind Control except Levi. .

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