I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 191 Loki: So There Is Such An Operation? ?


"Debut? What do you mean?"

Levi spent the whole night making out a detailed list of idol training plans, and handed it to Loki early in the morning, he glanced at the first page roughly, and then asked with a confused expression.

"Oh, this is a proper term, you don't have to worry about it, in simple terms, I just want to make you a star, a big star."

"Well, what do stars mean? Aren't stars a kind of celestial body?"

Forgive Loki for his ignorance, it's really not his fault, for the people of Asgard, there is only one star, and that is the warrior.

The warriors on the battlefield are the ones who take the lead, wear strong and sharp, kill the most, chop the most, drink the most, and have the thickest arms.

The people of Asgard admire brave people the most. They are a country where all the people are martial. From the 800-year-old old man to the three-year-old boy, they are all war madmen and passionate elements.

For them, the so-called entertainment, besides drinking and eating meat and having sex to make children, is only one kind, fighting.

"For example, a star means 613, a person who is sought after, admired and praised by everyone. The analogy is your most popular warrior in Asgard. However, a star is not just a warrior. Being a warrior is just a kind of Ways, we have more ways here. For example, acting in movies, singing, and dancing.”

"And handsome!"

Levi silently pressed the last sentence in his heart.

He didn't want Loki to turn into a beautiful little fresh meat.

If Loki returns to Asgard next time and turns into a handsome little freshman who is more charming than Sif, Levi estimates that Odin will come to chop himself with a big knife in all likelihood.

An adopted son is also a son, that is not a daughter.

Therefore, the little fresh meat style of Sister Mouhan absolutely cannot go, if you want to go, go to the powerful group, even if it is an idol group, there are works to speak for.

Definitely, there is no need to worry about the works, Levi lacks everything, but there is no shortage of good works. (beea)

"Okay, listen to you."

Now that he has boarded the thief ship, Loki is broken. Anyway, he has had enough of being ignored and even discriminated against in Asgard all day long.

Since Levi says it can make him popular, then listen to Levi.

"Then what should I do first? Debut?"

"Yes, the first step is to debut."

Loki is different from Natasha Romanoff and Athena. Natasha Romanoff and the others just film for fun, which is the way Levi finds them for entertainment.

And Athena's innate advantages are too obvious, her image is too prominent, and the background of the god of art is there, singing and dancing is simply easy to do, so that whether it is her or Levi, she is very casual about her acting career.

Sooner or later, it will be popular, don't rush for a while.

But Loki is different. Loki is going to make his debut. It is impossible for him to be like Levi and others, who only make one or two trips to promote the movie.

So far, the most time Levi has been to promote the movie was the time when he went to Tianchao, and he stayed for more than a month, but that time he was more interested in traveling than promoting.

In fact, for a normal artist, it is his duty to promote his own movie, which is agreed in the filming contract, otherwise why is the salary so high?

Basically, from the time a movie is finished until it is released, the main and supporting roles of the movie must travel all over the world, and they have to go to all major cities.

But Levi and the others are more casual.

So they cannot be called entertainers.

But now Loki wants to become a real artist, at least he has to work in the same way as an artist.

"Oh, by the way, before that, I have to ask you a few questions."

Levi took out a pen and paper, and looked at Loki seriously.

"Can you accept a kissing scene?"


Athena coughed, then wiped the corners of her mouth, and took the tissue Natasha Romanoff handed over to wipe off the water drops on her body.

"What is a kiss scene?"

Loki glanced strangely at Athena and the others behind him with weird faces.

"When filming, kiss a certain actress, don't worry, it won't be ugly, well, it's not certain, there may be such a plot arrangement.

The heroine changed from an ugly girl to a beautiful woman, and then succeeded in meeting the male protagonist who had accidentally contacted her and dismissed her.

This kind of plot is still possible in movies and TV shows.

And for women, it is very delicious.


Loki pondered for a while, and suddenly remembered that his first kiss still seemed to be still there. He had never liked anyone since he was a child. Definitely, the goddesses of Asgard didn't like him who seemed too gentlemanly and gentle.

They both liked big, rugged hunks like Thor and Vostagg.

"I can accept."

Thinking that he is thousands of years old, still a shameful beast, and that so many goddesses in Asgard look down on him, Loki's heart feels like a knife.

That being the case, in order to be sought after by the crowd and become a big star, it's just a mere kissing scene, what are you afraid of, come on, die or die.

"Well, very good, you are very enlightened, I think you can be popular."

Levi nodded, then, he asked again.

"Can you accept sex scenes?"


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