I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 204: Lord Of The Buddha Kingdom In Hell

"There they are.

Lucifer's figure instantly turned into the original human appearance, and then, a dark portal appeared beside him, and there were bursts of Sanskrit sounds from the door. .

Levi glanced at Lucifer, who was subdued. The whole big devil, who is famous for his arrogance, would bow his head unexpectedly.

He thought he was going to beat him up.

Without responding to Lucifer, without even giving him a good look, Levi led Johnny straight across the portal.

And the wry smile on Lucifer's face was even worse.

Will he, who is arrogant and rude all day long, have such a day?

"Here comes the man who brought you back."

Under a strange tree with golden leaves, the old monk sitting on the futon suddenly said with a smile.

Then, he pulled his cassock and stood up, looked into the distance, and then fell in front of him.

A golden light spanned a long distance of 14, across the entire Buddhist kingdom in an instant, and came to everyone.

"Honey, why are you here?"

Natasha Romanoff and others looked at Levi who appeared in front of them and said in surprise.

Levi scanned around and found that the three daughters were all safe and sound. As for Athena, she naturally couldn't have a problem.

"You will know when you go back."

Levi replied angrily, and then his eyes fell on the slightly bowing old monk.

"The almsgiver has come from afar, so why not drink a cup of tea, which I made from the flowers of the bodhi tree with mandala, and it has a special flavor."

The Lord of the Buddha Kingdom in hell is naturally only the famous Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

The allusion that the hell is not empty, and one cannot become a Buddha, as a former Chinese, Levi still knows it well.

Moreover, after gaining more knowledge, Levi knew more about the power of the Ksitigarbha King.

In Buddhism, the highest attainment is the Buddha, and below the Buddha is the Bodhisattva.

However, there are two bodhisattvas who are not inferior to the Buddha, and even surpass them.

The first one is Avalokitesvara, and the second one is the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

The Ksitigarbha treated him so courteously, so Levi would not be rude. He nodded with a smile, then took the tea offered by the Ksitigarbha, drank it, and looked at the tall and different tree beside him.

"Is this the bodhi wood used by the Buddha to prove his enlightenment? It's really amazing."

The tea entered the stomach, and a fragrance rushed straight into the mind. Afterwards, some special power gathered, which made people feel refreshed and refreshed. It seemed that the spirit was lifted a lot. Levi even had the illusion that his soul was stronger and his spirit was stronger.

Definitely, this is still an illusion after all, with his strength, no matter how miraculous the bodhi wood is, it cannot improve him.

“Good tea!”

Levi couldn't help but praised, it's also drinking tea, even if the generation of Bodhi tea in Dizang's hands can't increase his skill and spirit, it's already amazing just to make him have the slightest illusion up.

At least, the tea he drank at Ancient One was also the best in the world, even the emperors in ancient times could not enjoy it, but it never gave him this feeling.

"I have a heart."

Levi smiled at Jizo again, and the latter also smiled back. This was the only time he met someone who didn't take the initiative to die during his trip to hell.

However, the person was found, and it was time to go back and deal with the situation at home.

"Then what, we still have something to do, so let's go first. If you have time, you can also visit my house. Although I don't have any good tea, I can make something that you probably haven't tasted before."

Waving his hands at Jizo, Levi's divine power overflowed and covered Natasha Romanoff and the girls. Then, a golden portal opened in the void, and the Malibu coast appeared in front of them.


As soon as they showed up, the three daughters of Natasha Romanoff exclaimed, and even Athena was surprised, not knowing what happened.

"What about our home?"

Natasha Romanoff and others looked at Levi. Under the double scorching of hellfire and the Demon's Flame, the Malibu mansion had already been reduced to ashes, and the underground part was not damaged because it was buried deep enough, otherwise Levi would have to give red After collecting the body.

But even so, they are now homeless.

"You have the nerve to say, why don't I just go out for a while? What's the matter with you? You even summoned a demon. The point is, after summoning, you guys disappeared. As a result, he directly burned this place to D80 ashes."


The three of Natasha Romanoff blinked, and then, Skye and Wanda looked at Natasha Romanoff together, and the latter looked embarrassed.

"I, I thought that the summoning magic failed. I waited for more than half an hour, but nothing came out, so I started to study the teleportation magic. I didn't expect that it would directly teleport us to hell."

Natasha Romanoff said innocently.

Levi patted his head and didn't come out for more than half an hour, so did he fail?

That's because the summoned guy is too big.

Others summoned a Trask, but you are lucky. The first time you summoned a Dreadlord, it happened that Johnny sensed it nearby. Otherwise, Diablo would not have restrained him. I guess Los Angeles is already bleeding like a river tonight. .

In this way, it is acceptable to just lose a house.

At least, the consequences of having all of L.A. and Hollywood being slaughtered are obviously bigger, and harder for Levi, than rebuilding a house. .

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