I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 208 Bifrost And Frost Titan World!


The more Levi looks at it, the more he likes it. Although the architectural style doesn't meet his liking, he prefers the kind of magnificent buildings, or buildings with sci-fi colors.

But what does that matter, the house can be rebuilt, but this continent is unique.

"If I can gather all the divine kingdoms in the heavens, I wonder if I can summon the dragon to fulfill my wish.

Since he wanted to exchange Asgard's floating continent, Levi would naturally want to get the kingdoms of other gods.

This is collectivism, collecting superheroes? What is that.

As cultural people and artists, if we want to collect, then we have to collect the Kingdom of God!

"May 47" was thinking like this, but Levi's figure turned into a golden light and fell straight towards Asgard.

Outside of Asgard, an invisible force field lay across the void. Although Levi could break through forcefully, it was tantamount to provocation.

Definitely, the moment he appeared, Heimdall had already seen him, and then, the gatekeeper directly removed the outer barrier, and Levi also landed on Bifrost.

"Dear Donghuang Taiyi Your Excellency, I don't know what you have!"

Although it's only been a week, but Levi broke into hell and taught Diablo and Lucifer a lesson one after another. Naturally, he won't be able to hide from the gods and Buddhas.

And the title he said to Diablo was spread throughout the heavens.

As for the nearest Asgard forces who followed Levi, their attitude towards Levi is naturally more respectful.

"It's like this, didn't I promise Thor to make a movie for him, so I'm going to go to Jotonheim, but I don't know the exact location, I want Heimdall to take me there."

Asgard's so-called Nine Realms actually refers to nine dimensional worlds like Midgard where the heavens and the earth are located.

If you really want to make an analogy, it is a soap bubble. The main world where the earth is located, the main universe is the largest soap bubble, while other worlds, such as Asgard and the world where the holy mountain of Olympus is located, are the largest. Small soap bubbles sticking to the outside of the soap bubble.

Among them, according to space theory, the heaven is at the top, the underworld is at the bottom, and the universe where the earth is located is in the middle, so it is also called Midgard.

As for the nine worlds that Asgard mentioned, except for these three, the other six are all small soap bubbles attached to the big soap bubbles one by one.

Asgard, on the other hand, uses a system called the world tree, which is probably a method they learned from the Space gem. With Asgard as the core, it connects the nine worlds, so that Asgard can absorb the energy of these nine worlds for its own use. , so that it never falls.

These nine worlds, except for the three that are shared, the other six are unique to Asgard and developed by themselves. Therefore, if Levi wants to go to Jotonheim, the kingdom of frost titan, he must first ask Heimdall to give him instructions. Only the road will do.

"Jotonheim? Okay, I see."

It's just such a small request, Heimdall will naturally not refuse a distinguished guest like Levi, the king of gods is enough to sit in a god's domain and protect the existence of an entire god system.

Therefore, most of the gods have chosen the method of inheritance. Before the old god king falls into a deep sleep, he will inherit his power to his successor. And disqualified.

Just like Odin will pass Odin's power to Thor in the future.

And Levi, a strong man who does not have his own god system but possesses the power of a god king, is a worthy partner for any god system, especially "The two princes of Asgard have a good relationship with Ji Wei ...

The Excalibur was inserted, and the Bifrost lit up immediately, pointing out the way for Levi. He nodded to Heimdall, and Levi descended directly to Jotonheim along the Bifrost.

Hongqiao faded away, and everything in Jotonheim was exposed in front of Levi.

This is a planet.

Huge amounts of the planet, its huge, even Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, is somewhat dwarfed by it.

At this moment, Xingwei is at the pinnacle of this planet.

Because the Frost titans live here.

Jotonheim, also known as the kingdom of the titans, is home to a large number of titans. In addition to the frost titans among the extreme glaciers, there are also mountain titans living in other areas.

Under the feet, there is an invisible edge of solid ice. Levi only took a rough look, and he can be sure that this thick layer of ice may be as deep as 10,000 meters.

And his arrival, especially the special effects of Bifrost piercing the sky, naturally attracted the attention of the aborigines here.


With a loud bang, the ice cracked, and a tall titan with a height of at least three or four meters and a height of 2.5 meters, with blue skin and scarlet eyes, came out.

"Is that you? The Smurfs!"

Levi exclaimed in surprise.

Frost Titan, who had just drilled out of the ice layer, was stunned for a moment, before he could ask who the Smurf was, he saw a white light shining on him, which made him disgusted and hated for an instant, but more of a fear The heat enveloped him.


"Oh, poor fellow, I can't even take the sun and the warmth."

Looking at the thick clouds in the sky, it is estimated that this place has never been exposed to sunlight. I heard that Frost Titan hates all heat, but Levi is the sun god. The sun is the source of all light and heat. .

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