I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 214 Faint Repentance

In the early morning, the rapid ringing of the bell woke Tony up from his dream. He frowned and looked towards the window, only the soft light came in through the special glass.


"Sir, the call is from Stark's secretarial department."

"Pepper, put her on the phone.

Tony sat up, looked at the Eastern European models beside him, got up and found his clothes and put them on.

After strengthening, his physical function has reached the peak state of human beings. Even though he fought all night until dawn last night, he is still full of energy and spirit.

"Sir, Miss Pepper has applied to you for leave last night, and you have agreed to her request."

Tony froze for a moment, then remembered what happened last night.

The bell was still ringing, Tony hesitated for a while, glanced at the girl with a beautiful body, and then walked to the bathroom.

"Come on! 14"

Standing in the bathroom, on the dressing table, Tony is taking care of his personal hygiene, and in the mirror, the one-way video call has been turned on, but [Tony found that his mood became more and more unhappy after listening to it for more than ten years.

"Mr. Stark, you need to deal with these matters. Miss Pepper said that you will come to the company by yourself today. When are you free? Will you attend the board meeting in the afternoon? In addition, the military hopes that you can come to the company in person Going to the Middle East to demonstrate new weapons."

The phone call from his own company took several minutes before he finished everything, but these were just his day's schedule today.

Tony suddenly realized that he was so busy as the president, so why didn't he feel it before?


Tony shook his head and gave a wry smile. He understood what Pepper meant, but so what, even though he already understood the problem, it didn't mean he had to admit his mistake now

Diu chased Pepper back.

Well, at least you have to work hard, how can you know how desperate the situation is if you don't work hard?

Thus, Tony began a day of fulfillment and despair.

"Um, where are my clothes?"

The clothes he was wearing were still from yesterday, and they were filled with traces of last night's madness. The key point was the underwear, he had to change it, it was summer now.

After searching for a long time, he couldn't find it. In desperation, Tony asked J.A.R.V.I.S to turn on the scanning mode, and only then found his wardrobe that he had never actively opened.

"What will she do?"

After taking a shower and changing his clothes, Tony, who finally cleaned himself up and was about to go out, looked at the woman who was tossed by him all night on the bed and was still sleeping soundly.

Previously, Pepper was responsible for cleaning them out.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, please inform Levi for me, and ask him to borrow two maids to come and take care of her."

After thinking for a long time, Ni can only think of this way.

This is thanks to the reconstruction of Levi's mansion a few days ago, and the maids and chef team have moved back in. Otherwise, he would not be able to find anyone, on Disney Island in the Pacific Ocean.

After solving this problem, Tony put on his goggles, and then drove his jazz towards the headquarters of the Stark Group in downtown Los Angeles.

"Sir, please sign this document! Sir, there is this one, this one, and this one. By the way, sir, when are you going to the Middle East, I need to help you arrange the flight."

As soon as he entered his building, before he could sit still, the secretarial team swarmed over and surrounded Tony. One document after another was placed in front of Tony, requiring him to review and sign, and one schedule after another required He confirmed it himself.

Just sitting here, Tony sat for more than three hours, and when he finally finished signing and confirming all the itinerary, it was already afternoon.

And he didn't drink a drop of water all day today.

Have someone bring me something to eat. "

Pulling off the tie of his suit, Tony approached the meeting room, where the major shareholders of the Stark Group had been waiting for a long time.

During the long two-hour meeting, Tony spent his lunch time and lunch break until it was close to five o'clock in the afternoon. Everything in the group company was over, and he had to go to the airport.

"What's wrong with you? Look at you, there were ten women in your bed last night? I guess you took down a girl rock band? They moved their drum kit to your bed. 913"

On the plane, Rhodes, who had been waiting for a long time, looked at Tony's somewhat embarrassed look and sneered mercilessly.

That's not the way Tony Stark should be.

He was always glamorous and full of energy, especially when he was facing women, but on this plane, Tony didn't even look at the five stewardesses surrounding them who were courteous.

"Ten women or a girl rock band don't bother me, but one woman wears me out."

Tony shook his head, thinking about his busy day today, he realized just how much pressure the woman who had always obeyed him was under.

Definitely, in fact, he misunderstood. Although he has a lot of work, it is not enough for a strengthening person like him to be tired. It's just that Pepper arranged some work before leaving. At the same time, he has to go on a business trip, so he completed some work ahead of time. .

Normally, what Pepper does for him every day is only about one-third of what he does today. Otherwise, how would she have time to accompany him and wait for orders.

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