I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 225 When The Gods Really Come To The World!

The real god appeared to publicize this matter, Levi not only has to do it, but also do it big, Thor and Loki are not enough, because there are too many gods in this world, and too many beliefs

For example, the biggest faith, Yahweh, the old man, who believes in his old man, accounts for 50% of the world's population, and 50% of these people are believers or potential believers of God

In fact, it is all countries except the countries in East Asia and Southeast Asia, that is, the countries headed by China, Japan and India.

This is scary.

If the gods really return, there is no doubt that the power of the Garden of Eden will exceed the sum of all other gods.

However, for him, Wei has enough confidence to defeat him.

Not a physical defeat, but a belief system defeat.

Because the first point in the Bible is that he is the only true God, and that he created everything and is unique.

And once the gods appear on a large scale, they will undoubtedly tear up this propaganda slogan to pieces, and the collapse of people and beliefs caused by false propaganda will give other gods the opportunity to take advantage of it.

Or, he admits that he is not that God, not that Yahweh, not that Yahweh, but just one of the gods of the heavens, and the one he is talking about is someone else, and then recreates a god system.

Or, he will carry it to the end and be overthrown by his fanatical believers in the end.

But no matter what, the final result is definitely that ninety-nine percent of his followers will deviate from it.

Ma Dan, originally we thought you were the most powerful, in charge of everything, creating everything, the root of everything, the creator of everything, but you told me that you are bragging?

It's good for fans to turn to road, and it will give that guy a headache when fans turn to black.

Therefore, Levi doesn't need to worry about his problems. On the contrary, the one who really should have a headache is himself.

It is best for him never to show his face. In that case, he can still maintain his image, and believers will automatically imagine that the God they believe in is actually more powerful than the god who shows up. He is the real creator.

But if he showed up, it would be tantamount to a failure.

The banquet ended in a hurry, and even the official reporters who had been taking pictures nearby were invited out, and they were informed that no information should be disclosed.

After that, after No. 2 said goodbye, he immediately convened a meeting with all the bigwigs in the central government.

This is different from Levi's previous performance. He used to show his personal strength and was very strong, but Tianchao didn't think he had no room to fight back. At worst, he would grow mushrooms all over the world. Don't even think about it when I die.

So in the past, regarding Levi's attitude, regarding this international director with half Chinese descent, superhero, honorary advisor of Tianjian Bureau, and guest of the President of the United States

The attitude of the Celestial Dynasty has always been to woo, try their best to woo, as long as the principle is not violated, it is to please as much as possible.

At the beginning, the program was all arranged, and the rehearsals were not even known how many times, so the Spring Festival Gala is not a one-sentence thing, you can go there if you want.

In short, before, in the eyes of the Chinese bigwigs, Levi's status was very high, but it has not yet reached the point of deciding the fate of the country.

He will affect the strategic situation, but will not produce a national crisis.

It's just that when Levi took out this video and seriously told number two that Asgard is real, so is the god, and even himself is actually a god

Then everything changes.

God, after all, is different from man.

In particular, the gods are often not a single person. Behind the gods, there is an entire god system.

Even Lucifer, who is written as a traitor in the Bible, what is his label?

Falling into an Angel, falling into an Angel is not an Angel?

The dog that labor and management beat and scold every day is also a dog, you try to move one?

What's more, Lucifer is not a dog yet, and Lucifer's status in Yahweh's pantheon is second only to his father.

A god system must have pros and cons, the setting of the god of light and the god of darkness must exist, because this can explain why this world is not a paradise, and why there is suffering in the world.

Zeus could never kill Hades, Odin could never kill Hela, Yahweh could never kill Lucifer.

And they will not allow others to do this kind of thing.

A superhero has little impact on a country, unless he wants to die together, or he can find all the nuclear bombs hidden in the sea, in a certain corner, in some unknown place.

But a pantheon is different.

Because it is very likely that people will not take you to play.

People have their own people, you will die, and people will live their lives like playing with their own (Li's).

There are many myths about the creation of the gods, but there are also many myths about the destruction of the world by the gods.

".~Should we trust him`"?"

In the heavily guarded conference room, many bigwigs sat together and smoked. The tobacco specially provided by the central government was hard to find outside, but this was taken out one by one for use.

"I think we need to believe!"

Number two said with a wry smile.

As the leaders of the Celestial Dynasty, they are people who know a lot of secrets. Even though many people don't know it now, they don't know it anymore, but they definitely know it.

The fairy gods do exist, the best evidence is not Levi's video, but because they actually have another derivative of the fairy gods under their hands. .

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