I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 237 The Most Beautiful Boy In The Nest!

The largest group in the world is not a fan group of a certain individual or a certain combination.

It is a certain god, and a believer of a certain pantheon.

This is the largest classification category for human beings, believers and unbelievers.

This classification method is even greater than men and women, greater than yellow people~, white people, and black people.

Therefore, Levi's celestial apparition plan, etc. are frantically provoking these believers, accounting for more than 90% of the world's population.

Definitely, this is not talking about fanatics, but people who believe in theism.

And as long as they believe in the existence of gods, then when they face one, two, or even a group of beings who claim to be gods, and behave exactly like the gods in mythology, and their image is exactly the same, they will definitely pay attention.

"It's done!"

This is a more stimulating way of propaganda than making discriminating remarks against blacks at the UN General Assembly.

It is estimated that the only thing that can achieve an inferior effect is that Cybertron's spaceship fell from the sky when the shapeshifting King Kong was filmed.

And on the fifth day, Levi's return pushed this matter to its climax.

At the publicity site in the capital, the team that returned to the capital after transferring to the four major cities directly rented the Bird's Nest, the main venue of the Beijing Olympic Games that just ended not long ago.

This time, nearly 10,000 people entered the venue for free. They only need to pass the real-name authentication in the Marvel Entertainment fan club to participate in receiving tickets and enter the ceremony. The invited reporters even covered almost all the large media in the world. .

To describe it in one word, it was unprecedented.

Except for the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games not long ago, it is estimated that it would be difficult to find such a lively event on the entire planet.

And this is just a movie announcement event.

Definitely, this seems to be just a publicity event for this movie, but in fact, the influence is enough to spread to many subsequent movies.

Thor, and even the entire Odin line of gods are about to be forgotten by humans. The Nordic gods are originally a minority, and only a few people in small European countries know about them.

So this time the discussion on the topic of gods is said to be aimed at Thor and Loki, but in fact it is still discussing Yahweh and Buddha, but they can't see these for the time being, and they are all focused on Thor them.

But what if Levi brings out the other gods next time?

Like monkeys.

The popularity of monkeys is hard to say in the world, but at least it is well-deserved number one among the 1.4 billion people in the Celestial Dynasty.

That's why Levi wanted to film the return of the Great Sage for the monkey before. Thor's popularity still needs to be pushed by him, but if it is a monkey, the Celestial Dynasty basically just lays down and collects money.

The huge amounts of Bird's Nest is already crowded with people. Since the entrance is free with a voucher, there is no need to worry about the problem of not being full.

And the protagonist of this event, Levi, naturally wouldn't show up right away, that would be too sloppy.

Before he appeared, first the top bands invited with a lot of money started to perform hotly, and then there were girl groups from Bangziguo, voice actors from Dongying, and various artists under Marvel Entertainment.

When the time was almost halfway through and the audience began to get a little tired, the special lighting effects were turned on, and in the center of the venue, a movie clip and the footage of Levi's battles were filmed.

...asking for flowers......

The audience immediately understood that Levi was about to appear on the stage, so the emotions that had just fallen were mobilized again.

With the introduction of Levi's several films, the scenes about him have also been played, and the last one to appear is naturally the theme of this announcement, Thor.

So the video began to show a lot of tidbits shot by Levi, the content of his play in Asgard, the happy scene of the two sides returning home after the battle between the Golden Hall warrior and the Frost titan, and the scene of the emperor Asgard who appeared when Levi attended the banquet in Asgard residents.

These are not in the movie, and it is impossible to be edited into them, but they will also play a role in promoting Asgard, making people have a strong curiosity about the heaven where the legendary gods live.

From the perspective of the camera, it seems that it is indeed like a paradise. Everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, laughs and laughs, men and women are beautiful, and everyone holds a banquet together at night, eating meat and drinking heavily.

"Let's please, director, Levi!"

Finally, all the videos were played, and the host's voice sounded again. Afterwards, countless audiences witnessed a more mysterious way of appearance.

The superhero landed or something, Thor carried a small hammer and landed on the stage from the sky, they have seen it too many times in the past few days.

Levi also understands this, so his way of appearance must be special, unique, dazzling, and eye-catching.

He wants people all over the world to know that he is the most beautiful boy in this bird's nest!

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