I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 241 God And Man Are So Different!

God is different from man, the difference is almost as big as heaven and earth.

The relationship between God and man is equivalent to the relationship between man and dog.

While the metaphor hurts, it is true.

You can't expect an existence with a lifespan of thousands of years to discuss with you what will happen a hundred years later.

You can't expect an existence that is omnipotent and able to understand your helplessness towards reality, just like eating and drinking.

The simplest example, a person's life is nothing more than a few things, eating, drinking, and sleeping!

But unfortunately, the gods can not do these five things or four things.

Levi can not eat, he eats only to satisfy his tongue, he can survive without eating or drinking, he can survive without sleep, and he doesn't need to excrete.

The only function of his lower body is to have sex with the girls at home, to discharge some kind of golden liquid that is good for them and can improve their physical fitness.


Since he became the sun god, there has never been such a thing.

In other words, things that are necessary for human survival are not necessary for gods.

Then, the four must-do things in life, basic necessities of life!

Does God need it?

No need.

The two functions of clothes are keeping warm and looking good.

Well, first of all, there is no unbearable extreme climate on the planet yet.

Whether it is a high temperature of nearly 50 degrees near the equator, or a low temperature of minus 70 degrees in the polar regions, they can bear it.

And good-looking, under the illusion of divine power, what kind of clothes can't be changed?

Thor's battle armor, Levi's Xiaguang cloak, and Loki's antler helmet are all transformed by divine power.

As for food, I have already said it, so there is no need to mention it. The gods may also need food, but their food is definitely not carbohydrates or various proteins and fats.

For example, for Levi, his food is (bedh) sunshine, or just light, or soul.

It depends on what kind of god he is. Generally speaking, the common food for all gods is people's beliefs. Faith can be transformed into a special kind of spiritual energy, which is beneficial to the gods. Definitely, it is not a necessity.

The physiological structure of gods is completely different from that of human beings, so it goes without saying.

And beyond this physical need?

Humanistic scientist Maslow divided human needs into several levels.

Physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs to the highest self-actualization needs.

But what about gods?

Does God apply this theory?

After people eat and drink enough, sleep well and wear warm clothes, they need security, personal safety, property safety, etc., but what about gods?

First of all, gods do not have the same physiological needs as humans, and for gods, physiological needs are not all the main needs.

What about higher level security requirements?

In fact, the same is true. As far as security needs are concerned, gods, unless they encounter enemies or meet their own opponents, otherwise, most gods will not have security problems.

Human beings will choke to death when they drink water, choke to death when they eat, die suddenly when they don’t sleep well, get hit by a car, burn to death, or drown in water.

Human beings are too fragile, and human safety is a huge problem. Every year, countless people die due to accidents. On the contrary, there are very few people who can live to the end of their lives.

And these problems, gods do not exist.

Almost all accidents that can cause harm to humans cannot cause harm to gods, even a god's baby.

Hercules, the illegitimate son of Zeus, strangled two poisonous snakes that Hera sent to murder him with both hands when he was a baby. Nezha was born alive and kicking, and his father could not beat him

The most vulnerable infant period of human beings is so powerful for gods, so gods basically have no security needs.

Not to mention social needs and respect needs. Gods are born to represent something. After the birth of most gods, they have their own functions and responsibilities.

So they are born with their own social circle, and similarly, humans will respect them because they are gods.

So for the gods, the only thing to consider is the need for self-realization.

However, this need is obviously impossible to be the same as that of human beings.

How long will it take for human beings to realize their needs?

It takes at least nine years of compulsory education for a human being to come up with such an idea, maybe he has to go to high school, go to college, and then work, or something like that takes a year or two. Definitely, there are many people with extraordinary abilities who made up their minds when they were young. Ambition has been working hard for this.

Take a compromise, at the age of fifteen, starting at the age of fifteen, a person who has no worries about food and clothing begins to work hard for his own ambition and self-realization.

So how long can he work hard?

If he would not get sick, he would not get married and have children, and he would dedicate his life to this, then he would have been working hard for this every day since he was fifteen.

That is to say, as long as he can live, he can work hard for it.

If he doesn't get sick, then his lifespan can basically reach the limit of human beings. Definitely, the limit of human beings may not be reached by everyone. Take a hundred years as an example. Married without having children, not even falling in love, from the age of fifteen to the age of one hundred, eighty-five years of hard work for one thing.

Eighty-five years!.

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