I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 48 Stark Ten Percent Shares

Hearing Levi's request, Tony's first reaction was anger, but before the anger arose, he suddenly thought of it.

It seems that this is the only thing he can get his hands on. The value of shapeshifting King Kong cannot be measured by any money. If nothing else, just study them casually, and the car engine technology on the earth can be raised several levels. Enough about those car companies breaking heads.

Moreover, even in Tony's weapons factory, the demand for Cybertron technology is actually even greater.

The energy weapon alone is enough to more than double the market value of the Stark Group, even if the Stark Group is now at the top of the world, the weapons produced by Tony are synonymous with advanced.

But the problem is, other people's ninety level, your one hundred level, and others' ninety level, your one thousand level is not a concept at all.

The Stark Group now has the largest market share of high-end weapons, but if Tony succeeds in reverse engineering, he will no longer occupy the largest market share, and he will directly monopolize the entire high-end weapon market.

By that time, even the president of the United States will have to act according to his face.

Therefore, Levi's request was not excessive at all, and even, what he asked for was too little.

If he goes to other weapons manufacturers, such as Boeing, General Motors, Hammer Industries, or Osborn Group, he can even use technology to become the largest shareholder, and there will be no objection.

Because, once they form a monopoly, their profits will be dozens or even hundreds of times the current amount, and what they will lose is only a small share.

"How much do you want?"

After a long silence, Tony suddenly raised his head and said.

Tony is a scientist, a playboy, and a weapons developer, but he is also a businessman.

Since he took over the Stark Group, the market value of the Stark Group has more than quintupled. After the death of his father, Howard Stark, the Stark Group has finally become the industry leader again.

Therefore, as an excellent businessman, Tony knows very well that no matter what, he must agree to Levi's conditions and obtain Cybertron's technology, which is of great significance to him and the Stark Group.

He'll get a chance to surpass his father Howard's.

You know, in the Marvel world, the first atomic bomb was developed by Howard and Oppenheimer together. In fact, the first atomic bomb was entirely manufactured by the Stark Group.

It is conceivable that with this kind of technology and qualifications, how invincible the Stark Group was at the beginning, Gaea was all present.

However, Howard's accidental death left the Stark Group without a leader, and a villain like Opadry was behind the scenes. If Tony hadn't stood up to take over the banner of the Stark Group, it would not be long before this behemoth would be swallowed up by the pack of wolves. Exhausted.

And Tony is just barely restoring the situation to the previous level, but it is far from enough to surpass the Stark Group under Howard's control.

With some firm confidence, Tony asked.

"Ten percent. If you agree, I will send a shapeshifting King Kong warrior to follow you as a guard employee until you die."

For Levi, this is a good deal, he can closely monitor Tony's every move, that is, everything about the Avengers alliance in the future will be under his control.

The creatures he summoned can spend points to make them loyal to him forever, and it is not a loss for him to put the shapeshifting King Kong next to Tony.

As for asking for shares, he just wanted to dispel Tony's suspicion. If he gave it away for nothing, he would definitely have doubts, but even if he would be wary of something that he had spent a huge price on, it would reduce a lot.

"Ten percent!"

Talking about this data, Tony secretly estimated the current market value of the Stark Group, as well as the improvement brought about by the last time he released a new product and received an order from the military.

"make a deal!"

Tony smiled. According to his estimation, as long as he makes a breakthrough in energy weapons or power technology, then, within two years at most, the market value of the Stark Group will increase by more than 10%. Ben.

Definitely, it can't be counted that way, because this is a share, not real funds. At that time, Levi's 10% of the shares will also be more valuable.

But, generally speaking, from a business point of view, Tony still thinks it is very cost-effective.

"Well, which shapeshifting King Kong are you going to give me? Him?"

Tony pointed to the bumblebee over there.

Levi shook his head quickly.

"No, the Bumblebee is mine. Well, let's see, the characters that have appeared in the movie, except for Megatron, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Sound Wave and his spy troops, you can choose whatever you want."

Soundwave is Levi's intelligence captain, so naturally he can't sell it to Tony, and Bumblebee is a dream, who didn't expect to have a cute and cute Bumblebee when watching a movie?

As for Dazhuzi and Zhentian, these two are gods in the shapeshifting king kong. Their strength and knowledge are far beyond that of ordinary shapeshifting king kong. Therefore, they are too expensive, and everyone needs to As for one billion points, Levi said he couldn't afford it.

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