I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 73 I Am The God Of Light!

"Haha, Nick, I knew that with your temperament, you would definitely choose this way, well, I leave this place to you, after all, this is your territory.

Pierce patted Nick Fury on the shoulder, then smiled and left.

Nick Fury turned his head to look at the agents and researchers in the room, his face remained calm, but the murderous intent in his heart was boiling like magma.

"Treat me as a chess piece? Let's see who is the chess player!"

At night, as an encrypted message came out, soon, Levi drove Natasha Romanoff from the mansion to the city of Los Angeles to participate in a relatively large variety show and further promote the Wonder Woman movie.

After all, this kind of "570" thing is going to be filmed for the second part, and pave the way for the follow-up Justice League universe. So the current propaganda cannot stop.

And after a busy night, enjoying a not-so-bad candlelight dinner in the city, the two of them drove back in their yellow Camaro sports car.

"The target has set off!"

In the city of Los Angeles, the person monitoring Levi's movements sent out a signal.

"The target is about to reach the designated location, all teams pay attention."

Rumlow held the night vision device, looked ahead, and reported the location again. There was no way, because the high-tech equipment was easy to be hacked, so they hardly had any electronic equipment on this trip, even for communication, they used old-fashioned ones. The mobile walkie-talkie has an effective distance of no more than five kilometers, but it also avoids the possibility of being eavesdropped.

"Target appears, attack!"

Rumlow roared, then raised the energy gun in his arms, pointed at a yellow sports car that appeared at the intersection in the distance, and fired a dazzling beam of light.

For a moment, beams of light filled the sky, and countless artillery fires were released on the sports cars passing by on the road like rain.

"Crack, click!"

With super fast shapeshifting and flexible speed, Bumblebee completed his arming in an instant, and then jumped into the distance with Natasha Romanoff in his arms, while at the same place, Levi stood there quietly, looking at the The direction from which countless light beams strike.

"Oh, what a pity, if it was a day ago, this kind of attack would still have some effect on me.

Levi shook himself, and then, a soft flame appeared around him.

"I am the God of Light!"

In an instant, Levi seemed to be ignited, and endless rays of light bloomed around him, like a sun, rising from here.

In an instant, this piece of heaven and earth was illuminated, returning to daylight, and the stars and bright moon in the sky were instantly obscured from light.

Because, before the sun, all the stars will be eclipsed.


Like a balloon bursting, Levi opened his arms, countless energy bullets fell on his body, and then, in the next second, all the energy, all the light, spread out from his body to the surroundings.


A howl of misery resounded all around, as if this was a screaming competition, whoever screamed more miserable would be the final champion.

However, it was only because of the pain, their screams, because they launched a wrong attack on the wrong person.


Rumlow covered his face, he reacted promptly, closed his eyes, and then quickly covered them with his hands, however, that hot light, like the sun appearing in front of your face, caught him All the exposed skin was roasted, and he could even smell the meaty smell from his own face.

"Damn, damn!"

Rumlow roared in his heart, but he was helpless, this powerful energy appeared so quickly and so strangely, they were fully prepared, dozens of energy guns were aimed at the car, but in the next second , they become targets....

"The sun is the source of all life on the earth. The sun brings energy to the earth and the growth of all things. However, the sun can also destroy people. When you are too close to the sun, it is like Moths to the flame, the final result, only to be turned into ashes."

Levi's voice appeared in the endless light, at this moment, he is the sun, he is the god of the sun, the embodiment of the scorching sun, the lord of light!

And now, he is punishing those villains who dare to offend him.

"Forty people, four fully staffed assault teams, each with an energy gun, Pierce's arm is big enough!"

Levi chuckled, and then, the light gradually faded and the roar of the engine sounded again.

"Notify Nick Fury, let him do it as soon as possible, otherwise, I can't guarantee that I won't accidentally hurt!"

Levi looked at Natasha Romanoff in the passenger seat, and said softly, his smile warmed people's hearts like sunshine, and in the endless night behind them, forty bodies that had been burned to ashes showed that those who did not know What is the end of the existence of life and death?

Nick Fury, who had been waiting for a long time, stood on the tricurved wing building. Behind him was a Winter Soldier Bucky with a silver mask and a brand new dress at 3.2.

"Drip, drip!"

"Nick, they've already taken care of it, the rest is up to you!"

Nick Fury turned, looked at Bucky, and nodded.

"Do it!"

This was destined to be a bloody night. Although they couldn't wipe out the entire HYDRA lurking inside S.H.I.E.L.D, they were enough to catch many important people when they were caught off guard.

thanks for your support!

Wash and sleep, first six chapters, continue tomorrow!.

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