I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 85 Honeycomb, The First Alien Created By The Cree!

"So, you are really a god?"

"Yes, I am. Also, you have asked this question for the seventh time. If you say it again, I promise, you will never be able to speak again."

Although Levi knows what kind of shock it is for a living god to appear in the eyes of normal people, especially, the United States is still a theistic society. When the president takes the oath of office, the hand is not the Declaration of Independence, but the Bible!

But, as for nagging all the way?

"Yes, you are indeed a god. If not a god, who would save me? Who would give me such power?"

Will has a frenzy on his face.

Levi has never been a person who likes to explain too much. After simply telling this guy his origin and purpose, he took the simplest way to make the astronaut believe in himself.

It gave him a little bit of divine power, made him physically fit and energetic, and gave him the feeling of returning to his eighteenth-year-old peak.

In addition, what he had encountered on this uninhabited planet Tatooine these years, this astronaut who still believed in science before became a loyal believer of his god.

As for God?

Well, he's been stuck here for so many years, and God hasn't come to save him, so, believe in a chicken god.

"My lord, that demon is just ahead. There is a large ruins there. My teammates died one after another while exploring this ruins. We thought we could find a way to go back here."

Due to Levi's charge, Will's footsteps were fast, and Levi's divine power blocked the wind and sand, and they soon came to a cliff, and in front of them was the place where the hive was.

The ruins of the HYDRA Empire on Tatooine!

Yes, there was once a kingdom here!

The hive is the first Inhuman created by the Cree in ancient times. There are also tools used by the Kree to control the entire Inhuman race. The Ability of the Hive can control almost all Inhumans. Well, according to the explanation in the TV series, the Hive can A hormone is secreted so that aliens cannot leave him after being infected by him.

Kind of like being addicted to drugs.

And to be near a hive is to be on drugs!

Definitely, this is not without a solution. The first way is to kill the hive, but it is very difficult. Its body is a group of tiny bugs. Unless all these bugs are eliminated, he can change his body to parasitize it at any time.

And the second kind of law is, flogging!

Every Inhuman is pre-set, which is also the difference between Inhumans and Mutants. The Ability of Mutants is random, and there is no limit to the strong. "The strongest Mutant Franklin can even make a universe out of it.

When he was five years old, he could pinch a universe and put it in his pocket, so he also came up with the concept of pocket universe.

But the strongest Inhuman race, that is, Black Bolt King, his full blow is nothing more than destroying the stars.

The flogging, however, is set, an alien who is destined to destroy other aliens, including the hive!

Lash can even easily eliminate the addictive symptoms caused by the hive to other Inhumans, which is the destiny nemesis of the hive.

However, the flogging was far from being born when the hive was expelled, so expelling them at that time "drove the hive and his followers here together.

And after they came here, they established such a hive kingdom.

However, after thousands of years passed, because the environment here was too harsh, only the hive survived, and his followers all died.

This hive kingdom has thus dissipated!

Looking ahead, Levi could also see a huge amounts of sign standing in the middle of the dusty city.

That is the logo of HYDRA, or rather, the logo of the hive.

The original shape of the honeycomb is a shape covered with snake hair, so this is actually his avatar, which was later inherited by HYDRA.

"Give me your hand.]!"


Will reached out obediently.


Levi pointed a finger, and a beam of light cut a hole in Will's palm, and blood flowed down immediately.

Will originally thought that he suddenly thought of something, so he secretly endured the pain and stopped talking.

It turned out that the hive needs parasitism to survive, so he is extremely sensitive to the smell of blood, and Levi is using Will's blood to hang him as a fish.


Sure enough, after a while, Levi sensed that there was life approaching in the wind and sand. He waved a wave of life force to heal Will's hand, then moved his body and got into the billowing sand. After a few seconds, he grabbed Will's hand. A mummy in a space suit returned to the cliff where they were.


Will exclaimed when he saw this spacesuit. This is one of the NASA astronauts who came with him back then (got it), but this is already a corpse parasitized by a hive.


The mummy suddenly turned its head. Under the erosion of the wind and sand, the spacesuit was torn, revealing the black and dry body tissue underneath. However, due to the supply of the hive, the body was still able to move, just like a corpse infected by the T virus. Moreover, the hive It can also absorb the memory of the body it invaded, which is why he can recognize Will.

Will was taken aback, but Levi didn't care. Zombies were much scarier than this. Many of the zombie makeups were made by him himself, and he was never afraid.

"But who are you?"

However, Levi didn't speak, but the hive asked, and a stream of fine, invisible dust scattered from his body and rushed towards Levi!

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