I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 95 I, Tony With A Big Shit, Want To Play Batman!

In Levi's garage, Tony, Natasha Romanoff and others are like a group of good babies squatting in front of Levi, listening to his stories about Batman and Bruce Wayne.

That level of earnestness is probably comparable to when they were listening to fairy tales in kindergarten.

"Well, you say."

Natasha Romanoff raised her arms high, like a studious student, Levi nodded before she spoke.

"Well, as the world's richest man, Bruce's wealth is incomparable to that of a country, and half of the people in Gotham City work directly or indirectly for his family. Then, why doesn't he improve Gotham's environment through obvious means? A dark The power of a knight is limited after all, if he supports a group of congressmen, supports a promising police chief, and assists the police in maintaining law and order, the effect may be more useful than a mere Batman, isn't it?"

Levi nodded with a smile.

As a former official, Natasha Romanoff worked in secret, but after all, the organization is an organization on the bright side.

So it's not surprising that she would use this kind of thinking when thinking about problems.

"It's not that he didn't want to, but that he tried, but failed. This incident actually had a big impact on him, and it also involved a person who had a deep bond with him, his ultimate enemy. Joker! "

Hasn't Bruce tried the obvious means?

Don't you want to be the Dark Knight?

No, he thought, he did.

In order to support the young and promising prosecutor, Harvey Dent, who hates evil, he even gave up competing with him for Rachel, and gave up his beloved childhood sweetheart.

However, the appearance of Joker ruined everything.

Joker ruined Harvey, ruined the only chance for Gotham City to change, and Joker ruined even more, the last chance for the Dark Knight to become the Light Knight.

"If it were me, I would definitely kill that guy directly~~."

Tony shrugged.

For him, Joker is not a problem.

Because he will shoot without hesitation!

"That's why Joker won't care about you, and he won't be so scheming when dealing with you. You will probably be irritated by him, and then step into the trap he set up, and then, self-destruct

Even Superman is played by Joker. There is a reason for this character to occupy the throne of the villain all the year round. His wisdom is different from that of ordinary people, but it is undoubtedly useful.

The Justice League was defeated by him alone. Not only did the members fall apart before, but they even started their own civil war. This skill is even better than Zemo.

Zemo started the civil war in the Avengers alliance, relying on the unmanageable conflict between Bucky and Tony.

Bucky is the captain's weakness, and Tony's weakness is his guilt towards his parents.

But Joker doesn't even have to do that to drive the duo crazy!

"Call it what you want, I think I'm better than Bruce Wayne, you see, the same billionaire, but I earned my assets, he relied on inheritance. And

He needs support, he needs a butler, well, I also have a butler, he has Afu, I have J.A.R.V.I.S, we are even, but if I want equipment, it must be designed and invented by myself, and He relies on Lucius instead. "

Tony chattered on and on.

The role of Bruce Wayne has too many similarities with him. Definitely, there are also many differences. At least, if he is a superhero, he must be upright and open to the world, unlike Master Wayne, who will always hide in the world. behind the mask.

"Okay, how much are you going to invest?"

Levi interrupted Tony's bragging. Who is better, Iron Man or Batman? Levi doesn't want to discuss this issue.

The heads of the fans on both sides are almost smashed and they haven't discussed it yet. Didn't he say this topic to scold?


"Yes, invest, otherwise, why do you think I am looking for you? Tell you a story!"

'.~Um, are you short of money?"

"Well, I'm short of money. The box office share of Biochemical II hasn't arrived yet. Even if it does, I don't have any money. My company is on the rise. It takes money to buy servers and recruit people. Besides, my A team of chefs is not cheap, it costs more than 10 million a year."

Levi looked like it was definitely a matter of course.

He lacked money, but he didn't lack it either.

It can only be said that as far as the current stage is concerned, there are too many places where he needs to spend money, all the money he has on hand needs to be spent, and this movie, spending hundreds of millions is not too much, so for a while he really Can't get it out.

"I can invest, I want to play Bruce Wayne!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked.


(Good money, good) Pepper was the first to speak out, looking at his boss like he was looking at a fool.

"Tony, you spend millions of dollars a day, making movies? The loss of the group will be huge."

"I don't care, I'm going to shoot, and besides, isn't that my company? I have a lot of money, so if I lose money, I will lose money. Have I earned less these years?"

Tony said definitely.

"Why let someone else make the movie I invested in? Besides, I want to change the script. What's the name of the heroine? Rachel, um, you play Pepper, she is not allowed to talk to the prosecutor later, ha, Hart, right? She's not allowed to be with Hart, only me, uh, I mean, Bruce Wayne!"

Tony seemed to realize that his words were somewhat ambiguous, so he quickly added a sentence. .

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