
Wanda’s fierce shouts made Pietro anxious, but he knew that his sister’s ability was so peculiar that he couldn’t intervene in it.

The collision of two powerful spiritual forces caused the fog that shrouded the town and its surroundings to recede rapidly, and the sun was shining down again, while those S.H.I.E.L.D. agents captured by them were waking up one after another.

But this does not mean that they are out of danger, quite the contrary, this is when they are most dangerous.

The fierce spiritual power was like a disorderly wielding blade, shredding everything around, the road was torn apart, and the surrounding shops were like fragile pieces of paper being cut by a paper cutter.

The purple spiritual power and the crimson spiritual power collided continuously in the air like two ocean waves, and everyone was like rootless duckweed floating in the sea, and then they would dump away.

“Wanda, Wanda!”

The terrifying energy shattered a nearby house, and in the midst of the rubble, the immobile Quicksilver shouted loudly, hoping to wake up his sister, however, at this moment, Wanda was immersed in the spiritual world and could not extricate himself.

A domineering figure, like a beast, broke into her forbidden place, broke into her mind, her heart.

“Hmph, are you manipulating me? Is it that you want to kill me? ”

Levi roared and rushed up, the domineering, unreasonable nature of the T virus also seemed to infect him, at this moment he did not care that the other party looked like a little girl, and continued to attack her spiritual defense wildly.

And Wanda is trying his best to resist, the violent man, the domineering unreasonable guy, if he lets him in, if he touches himself, he will die!

“Give me out!”

“Don’t, get out!”

“If you don’t come out, then I’ll go in by myself.”

“Don’t, let me go, leave quickly!”

Levi feels like a criminal who breaks into a house and wants to commit some kind of atrocity, but in fact, he is clearly the victim, okay?

You intimidate people, why use my creativity?

So many demons and monsters you don’t change, turn into a zombie and come out!

Moreover, in the scene of the spirit world vs zombies just now, Levi was still impressed, the experience that seemed to be forever in despair, he promised, it was definitely not beautiful.

Of course, he didn’t know that except for the people of this town, the rest of Wanda did not kill them, but controlled them, and after a while, when they left, they would return to normal.

So if Levi is really bitten by those zombies, he will only be controlled to become a zombie for a while.

But no matter what, Levi’s unhappiness in his heart is certain.

After a long attack, Levi looked at Wanda, who firmly protected himself, and the anger in his heart had nowhere to vent, the whole process of the T virus is the Tyrant virus, which translates to the meaning of tyrant, you can imagine the terrible nature of this virus.

And Li Wei, who was oppressed by Wanda’s spiritual illusion and stimulated his potential, was also affected by the T virus at this time, and extreme irritability grew in his heart.

Suddenly, as if he had thought of something, his eyes were filled with a strange light when he looked at Wanda.

“I forgot that this is the spirit world, and in reality, your companion, the speedster, should not be able to move now, right?”

Levi licked his lips, as if he had thought of something interesting.

As she expected, when he said these words, Wanda’s complexion changed abruptly, and then, a powerful force burst out violently and rushed towards Levi.

However, Levi, who had been prepared for a long time, naturally had nothing to do, but Wanda who found that he could not stop Li Wei had an anxious look on his face.

“Now, let me in, otherwise, you know you can’t stop me now, right?”

Levi had an evil smile on his face, and he knew that he had already eaten this little girl who did not know the height of the sky and the thickness of the earth, and dared to make a move against him, then he would have to bear such consequences.

“Hurry up, I’ll count three, if you don’t remove the defense, then, watch your companion die in front of you!”

Levi, who would no longer be disturbed by the spirit, looked at Wanda fearlessly, and then, before he could make a sound, he found that the crimson power that had been hindering him and blocking his spiritual thinking suddenly disappeared, while Wanda looked at him with a sad and indignant face, but he raised his head proudly, and seemed to be still unwilling to give in.

“Hmph, if you are not convinced, then I will convince you orally.”

Seeing Wanda, who had removed his defense, Levi pounced directly as if he had seen some delicious food.

In reality, everyone found that the violent spiritual fluctuations finally disappeared, and the surrounding chaos also came to a standstill, but the surrounding area was dilapidated and messy, and the water was not in the mood to think about why, just busy licking wounds and rescuing the wounded.

Pietro, on the other hand, used his intact arm to support himself to Wanda’s side, but what made him strange was that Wanda’s face was no longer frightened, on the contrary, some of his face was red, as if he was suffering something embarrassing.


Collect Please, Collect, Collect! Collect Please, Collect, Collect! Collect Please, Collect, Collect! Collect Please, Collect, Collect! Collect Please, Collect, Collect!

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